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‘Danny Glass case file to be transferred by next week,’ say Phuket police


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‘Danny Glass case file to be transferred by next week,’ say Phuket police

The Phuket News



Danny Glass (pictured) attempts to avoid being photographed while being charged at Thalang Police Station in May. Photo: Tanyaluk Sakoot


PHUKET: -- The case file of British national Danny Glass from Margate in Kent, England, who on May 17 this year was charged with reckless driving causing the death of his long-term partner, Sophie Emma Rose Anderson, has not yet been completed by Lt Col Sanit Nookong who transferred out of Thalang Police Station last month, confirmed the new officer leading the case, Lt Col Anukul Nuket.


“The case has not yet been transferred to me. Lt Col Sanit said that he will complete the case file before transferring it,” said Lt Col Anukul Nuket of the Thalang Police told The Phuket News today (Sept 18).


“He said he would transfer it to me by next week,” he added.


Full story: https://www.thephuketnews.com/danny-glass-case-file-to-be-transferred-by-next-week-say-phuket-police-63934.php

-- © Copyright Phuket News 2017-09-18
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Very bad police work.  And possibly unjust and unnecessary.

Did he really do something wrong? Isn't he punished enough by the death of his girlfriend and unborn child? 

So now he is hindered from leaving the kingdom for 4 months already. And the red bull killer still enjoys freedom wherever he wants. 


This is a very wrong justice system. 

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12 hours ago, sweatalot said:

Very bad police work.  And possibly unjust and unnecessary.

Did he really do something wrong? Isn't he punished enough by the death of his girlfriend and unborn child? 

So now he is hindered from leaving the kingdom for 4 months already. And the red bull killer still enjoys freedom wherever he wants. 


This is a very wrong justice system. 

This case has been discussed all over the internet and there are suggestions that this may not have been an accident? His girlfriend who it seems he was no longer living with posted on Facebook before she died that she feared for her life with Sun Fruit Dan as he is known on You Tube. He didnt go to the funeral and deleted videos of him racing his motor bike. He also deleted hundreds of negative and daming comments on his You Tube page. He showed little remorse for what happened and apparently never commented on the death of his unborn baby. .... Utterly dislikable worm. Look at his You Tube page and decide for yourself.

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28 minutes ago, Nip said:

This case has been discussed all over the internet and there are suggestions that this may not have been an accident? His girlfriend who it seems he was no longer living with posted on Facebook before she died that she feared for her life with Sun Fruit Dan as he is known on You Tube. He didnt go to the funeral and deleted videos of him racing his motor bike. He also deleted hundreds of negative and daming comments on his You Tube page. He showed little remorse for what happened and apparently never commented on the death of his unborn baby. .... Utterly dislikable worm. Look at his You Tube page and decide for yourself.

Look at his you tube page and give him more advertising kick backs absolutely not saw one video of him babbling previously and took an instant dislike to him

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1 hour ago, Nip said:

This case has been discussed all over the internet and there are suggestions that this may not have been an accident? His girlfriend who it seems he was no longer living with posted on Facebook before she died that she feared for her life with Sun Fruit Dan as he is known on You Tube. He didnt go to the funeral and deleted videos of him racing his motor bike. He also deleted hundreds of negative and daming comments on his You Tube page. He showed little remorse for what happened and apparently never commented on the death of his unborn baby. .... Utterly dislikable worm. Look at his You Tube page and decide for yourself.

if that's true it changes things (I just remembered the case of the Australian couple where the woman died by accident on a jetski - and the following disgusting police procedure). The cases might be different but not the police procedure

Edited by sweatalot
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16 hours ago, sweatalot said:

Very bad police work.  And possibly unjust and unnecessary.

Did he really do something wrong? Isn't he punished enough by the death of his girlfriend and unborn child? 

So now he is hindered from leaving the kingdom for 4 months already. And the red bull killer still enjoys freedom wherever he wants. 


This is a very wrong justice system. 


And the British Government do sweet fanny adams. 


To busy wining and dining the DPM hoping to flog some weapons.


Gotta see the big picture - the British Government's favorite saying.

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3 hours ago, Nip said:

This case has been discussed all over the internet and there are suggestions that this may not have been an accident? His girlfriend who it seems he was no longer living with posted on Facebook before she died that she feared for her life with Sun Fruit Dan as he is known on You Tube. He didnt go to the funeral and deleted videos of him racing his motor bike. He also deleted hundreds of negative and daming comments on his You Tube page. He showed little remorse for what happened and apparently never commented on the death of his unborn baby. .... Utterly dislikable worm. Look at his You Tube page and decide for yourself.


You appear to know much more than most - so thank you for posting this.


Always two sides of the coin, three if you count the edge!

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3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


You appear to know much more than most - so thank you for posting this.


Always two sides of the coin, three if you count the edge!

Well, you may sneeringly say that about Nip's posted comments, but I also have the same information as he does. I also checked the guy's web-site around that time. Nip is quite correct in what he says.


Just because you didn't bother to read and explore for yourself - no need to decry other's postings.


And,....You appear to know much more than most about the sides of coins - so thank you for posting that!


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29 minutes ago, Bundooman said:

Well, you may sneeringly say that about Nip's posted comments, but I also have the same information as he does. I also checked the guy's web-site around that time. Nip is quite correct in what he says.


Just because you didn't bother to read and explore for yourself - no need to decry other's postings.


And,....You appear to know much more than most about the sides of coins - so thank you for posting that!


He is thanking Nip and you come with a sneer because of that. Does not make any sense at all.


I disagree with Nips post BTW, too many suggestions about the guy, all based on nothing but some posts and likes/dislikes.

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5 minutes ago, stevenl said:

He is thanking Nip and you come with a sneer because of that. Does not make any sense at all.


I disagree with Nips post BTW, too many suggestions about the guy, all based on nothing but some posts and likes/dislikes.

The comments I refer to in particular were made by the dead woman herself in a You Tube post and the others were made by Danny Glass himself in his You Tube videos so no speculation FACT. 

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36 minutes ago, balo said:

Yes the dead woman feared for her life , I have seen that video too.  But it doesn't mean this was anything else but an accident.   


The CCTV footage shows that he was clearly at fault. Of course it does not mean it was intentional but he was uninjured not even a scrape and and for an experienced rider he took the incorrect evasive action.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 19/09/2017 at 2:56 PM, Nip said:

The CCTV footage shows that he was clearly at fault. Of course it does not mean it was intentional but he was uninjured not even a scrape and and for an experienced rider he took the incorrect evasive action.

Pregnant mrs behind him. Seems he was very lucky to escape but she and the child paid the ultimate price. Seems to me he jumped off without thought where they would end up. I don't think that's much different than using someone as a shield to dodge a bullet.

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