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U.S. Senate backs massive increase in military spending

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6 hours ago, Morch said:


Nope, just not entering into one of your contrived arguments.

Mirror mirror on the wall.

4 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

BS. Another incorrect statement.  Your posts prove you are anti-US.  Like the one above.

No, he's not, your way of 'discussion' is asking for this and similar comments.


Boeing goes after other manufacturers about government "subsidies". AirBus and others do get development loans which are repaid from sales. It costs maybe 10 billion to launch a new airliner.


However, Boeing benefits from massive military contracts from congress


The UK sadly elected to buy F35 and Rivit at vast expense.


Boeing should lay off AirBus And Bombardier 

8 hours ago, pegman said:

It's a Math thing. When blaming the USA for conflicts it has been proven that answer is correct 97.35% of the time.

For the Americans on here ^^^^^^is called humour. 

9 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Iran is far from a minor player in this effort.  Especially via the various terrorist groups they support.   The US is a minor player compared to Iran and Saudi Arabia.  UAE is in there as are others.  Like Syria, a proxy war at it's worst.










Even the UK is involved, as per the above link.





OH, the USA is a minor player, is it?

WASHINGTON—The Trump administration has significantly increased military support for Sunni Arab states fighting al Qaeda and Iranian-backed militias in Yemen, said U.S. and Arab officials, drawing the U.S. deeper into the two-year civil war there.

American support now includes greater intelligence and logistical support for the militaries of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, these officials said.

The Trump administration also is moving to resume the sale of precision-guided weapons to Saudi Arabia, which were frozen during the final months of the Obama administration due to concerns about the rising numbers of civilian fatalities in Yemen.


Glad to see you don't just reflexively defend the USA without checking your facts.


And speaking of  being reflexive, what do terrorist groups have to do with the war in Yemen?  Pavlovian much? Who exactly are the terrorists the Iran is sponsoring in Yemen? 



"The irony, of course, is that one of Saudi Arabia’s stated objectives for intervening in Yemen in March 2015 was to roll back a mostly fictitious Iranian influence. The intervention, however, is having the opposite effect: The Houthis are a small non-state actor attacked by a regional power with deep pockets and advanced weaponry. It is then only rational for the Houthis to seek assistance, albeit only small amounts, from the only external power willing and able to support them — Iran."



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