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Foreign dad visits former Miss Teen Thailand daughter on drugs charge


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13 hours ago, Songlaw said:

Bingo, sirineou. In my original response, I intimated that it will be the father's responsibility, once he has gotten her out of harm's way (dispensing with the SO would be key in any sort of long-term success), to make sure this nonsensical chapter ends, and by whatever means he deems necessary to do so. It ain't ever easy, and it differs from kid to kid, but you have to either find a way or pretty much die trying. Maybe you don't go nearly so far for a son, but certainly with a daughter, and especially so with one who is facing a Bang Kwang-based, foreseeable future. For someone who has never had a daughter, or is perhaps incapable of relating to a daughter, I guess our contributions to this thread will appear as gibberish. A pity, that, but you *can't put sense where none lies. 

Completely agree my friend, explaining a parent's love for their child to a non parent is like trying to explain the color blue to a blind for life person, Imposible.

It is something that needs to be experienced.

This is not meant as a demeaning comment toward those who  do not have children , simply a fact of life.


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17 hours ago, HooHaa said:

me too. id probably be willing to kill for my daughter.

even you know she's a criminal? One criminal in family is not enough? Eye for an eye......? How stupid is that?  You should rather think what you did wrong in your education? Or what bad example you might have been?

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19 hours ago, sirineou said:

By no means am I an elite, but when it comes to me and mine I am a bear. There are laws and then there are laws and corruption flows both ways even in the  creation of laws. IMO The drug laws in many countries are more politically motivated than ethically. It is the responsibility of any parent to protect his/hers child from unethical laws by any means available.

. Those who say otherwise either don't have a children or love the law more than their children.

My friend IMO you would give up on your child way to easily.

but from the tone of your reply I am willing to bet that you dont have ny children, but if I was to lose that bet I would feel worst for your children than for me losing that bet.

I guess it all depend on the relationship you have with your daughter

My daughter never dealt drugs, but even if she did I would not give up on her that easily.

I don't know the particulars of the OP story, at this point all the charges are alleged, otherwise why waste all these time and money on a judicial system.I admire her Dad for doing the right thing and coming to Thailand to support his Daughter, I would do the same.


I had and still have a GREAT relationship with my Daughters and they were brought up PROPERLY.

That is why they NEVER done drugs.

And i REPEAT if they ever did i would not help them.

This is my opinion, we all have the right to one.

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14 hours ago, William T said:

I knew this gogo girl. She was found with 1 gram of Ya Ice. Evidently if you are found with 1gram or more you are regarded as being a dealer. Her bail was set at 500,000 baht for a 24 year old gogo girl. By pleading guilty her normal 4 year sentence was reduced to 2 years. She has now been in Pattaya Remand Prison in Nong Palai for over 1 year. it was thought she would get out after I year but no.


It will be interesting to see what sentence the girl will get.

Why would she get out after ONE year, she got TWO?

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On 2017-09-21 at 3:56 AM, LannaGuy said:


You missed the 'Educate people' bit?  you think filling the jails with 100,000s of users works?  and education doesn't?  this is your answer to the world's drug problem?  



images (1).jpg

No, not at all. The answer is more Duterte´s in the world. :laugh:

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9 minutes ago, Get Real said:

No, not at all. The answer is more Duterte´s in the world. :laugh:

thing is, duterte has essentially left the upper class and the pretty people alone. 


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6 hours ago, bridge2bridge said:

Why would she get out after ONE year, she got TWO?

It seems common practice to let them (I was told 20%) out on parole after serving  half their sentence if only for the reason of making room for the next batch of offenders mostly for minor drug offenses.


The prison was designed for 700 prisoners and normally has several thousands. I believe over 4000 at one time.

An American friend said you slept on a concrete floor packed like sardines and your pillow was someones feet.

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This is the human, worldwide stance of over 99% of the population of planet earth, i.e.  to NOT EVER see things from 2 sides of the story.


I defy anyone on this thread, who has said they would leave their daughter to rot in a Thai prison, to not take the opportunity (probably secretively) of giving the brown envelope  ($1-5,000, or whatever), to see their 'princess' walk out of there with no repercussions.


I also defy anyone who has had a daughter, who has died by those drugs this pair seemed to be 'promoting', to shout anything except " Death sentence" from the rooftops, and deny any possible reprieve if they can.


We see a story, fit it to our personal experience, then shout about it.

If we ARE that story, we take the stance of whatever the hell gives us a good chance of getting out of that story alive, no exceptions..

To Hell  with your 'morals', its just showboating when it doesn't involve you !


And.. Now for

the weather,

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19 minutes ago, Sammy80 said:

This is the human, worldwide stance of over 99% of the population of planet earth, i.e.  to NOT EVER see things from 2 sides of the story.


I defy anyone on this thread, who has said they would leave their daughter to rot in a Thai prison, to not take the opportunity (probably secretively) of giving the brown envelope  ($1-5,000, or whatever), to see their 'princess' walk out of there with no repercussions.


I also defy anyone who has had a daughter, who has died by those drugs this pair seemed to be 'promoting', to shout anything except " Death sentence" from the rooftops, and deny any possible reprieve if they can.


We see a story, fit it to our personal experience, then shout about it.

If we ARE that story, we take the stance of whatever the hell gives us a good chance of getting out of that story alive, no exceptions..

To Hell  with your 'morals', its just showboating when it doesn't involve you !


And.. Now for

the weather,

The Weather is stormy!!

It is exactly this type of grandstanding that does not allow for pragmatic solutions to real life problems.

In issues such as Drugs, Abortion, Immigration. ets there seems to be a polarization that only allows people to shout  at each other over an ever widening  gulf.

where the solution always lays somewhere in the middle.


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18 minutes ago, sirineou said:

The Weather is stormy!!

It is exactly this type of grandstanding that does not allow for pragmatic solutions to real life problems.

In issues such as Drugs, Abortion, Immigration. ets there seems to be a polarization that only allows people to shout  at each other over an ever widening  gulf.

where the solution always lays somewhere in the middle.


That was just my opinion of how most people think.

My personal opinion is that this couple should go through the same process as any other people caught in the same circumstances..

But, if she was my daughter, (and I do have a teenager), as others have said here, I would do whatever I could to get her out of that situation, whether it's  a brown envelope or a tractor pulling the bars off her jail cell, I wouldn't care about what's written here, I'd simply try. 

I'm one of the 99% I mentioned, hypocritical and unable to change that if my child was involved.

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1 minute ago, Sammy80 said:

That was just my opinion of how most people think.

My personal opinion is that this couple should go through the same process as any other people caught in the same circumstances..

But, if she was my daughter, (and I do have a teenager), as others have said here, I would do whatever I could to get her out of that situation, whether it's brown envelope or a tractor pulling the bars off her jail cell. 

I'm one of the 99% I mentioned, hypocritical and unable to change that if my child was involved.

I agree the process should be the same for all,

  And I would , and have done the same as you, to protect my daughter, but not to the point of becoming an enabler.

Lucky for me that so far, I have not come to that point, because  aside all the talk, one only knows how one will react, when one gets to that point.

Not easy being a parent, but I would not trade it for the world!!


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On 21/9/2017 at 9:29 AM, The manic said:

They use a wheel to break a butterfly. Poor kid. Hope she's OK. Dreadful action by the authorities.



At 28 she is hardly a kid, she is a fully grown adult and definately should've known better. No sympathy for drug dealers and addicts.  Hope she enjoys her next 20 years in gaol. 

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She is not going anywhere but the slam, they will set example.

That's why i stopped smoking as one day even a cigarette will land you in jail.

The avatar is misleading, she should have known.

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On 9/22/2017 at 12:21 PM, bridge2bridge said:

That is why they NEVER done drugs.

You're too optimistic about yourself there I'm afraid. Good upbringing of course was helpful but in the end you also need to be lucky that your kids end up in a good circle of friends. Not this former miss teen Thailand, she's 28 and should be considered as adult, but kids during puberty and early adulthood will probably stay on the right path or leave it more due to choice of friends as due to upbringing.

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On 9/21/2017 at 9:16 AM, MrPatrickThai said:

I never woke up til I was 35 and luckily got rehabilitated and managed to make amends to my parents. 

How many here didn't do drugs when they were young?

I wouldn't trust anyone who didn't.

I have kids and can only pray they don't get mixed up in hard drugs like I did.



So I am untrustworthy because I have never taken drugs?

What a moronic comment.

If you care to open your eyes and ears you wil find many people who have been taken advantage of by drug users

I know who I would trust.

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On 20/09/2017 at 10:50 PM, sirineou said:

As a father of a rebellious twenty year old myself, that I love dearly, I can sympathise.

A dad's worst nightmare,

I wish him the best of luck in getting his daughter out of this mess. I would certainly bring a bulky envelope or anything else needed.


so much criticism here when locals commit crime and get off with a backhander to the authorities. but when it's one of our own it's ok to adopt the thai cultural solution to the problem.


only a fool would become involved with illegal drugs in any country, especially one like thailand which ha severe penalties for drug crimes. if you are not prepared to face the consequences then dont do the crime.

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30 minutes ago, StevieAus said:

So I am untrustworthy because I have never taken drugs?

What a moronic comment.

If you care to open your eyes and ears you wil find many people who have been taken advantage of by drug users

I know who I would trust.

Never did drugs either, not so much as a whiff of marijuana.


Guilty to caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. But no tobacco for more than 30 years and alcohol for 10 years.

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1 minute ago, samsensam said:


so much criticism here when locals commit crime and get off with a backhander to the authorities. but when it's one of our own it's ok to adopt the thai cultural solution to the problem.


only a fool would become involved with illegal drugs in any country, especially one like thailand which ha severe penalties for drug crimes. if you are not prepared to face the consequences then dont do the crime.

What a tired old meaningless cliche. Nobody should have to do the time for such  a trivial non offense. The architects of this poor girls torture should be the ones in prison. It's vile. If they had any genuine concern for her mental or physical well being they would try to help her not punish her. Community service and a bit of counselling. Then leave her alone. It is no business of the police in any country to interfere with freedom of thought or consciousness or the pursuit of oblivion. The war on drugs is always a war on the people and usualky the most vulnerable people in society and a means to exploit them. Same in the USA , UK  etc. Its senseless barbaric cruelty only supported by the ignorant, the cynical and the vindictive.

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42 minutes ago, StevieAus said:

So I am untrustworthy because I have never taken drugs?

What a moronic comment.

If you care to open your eyes and ears you wil find many people who have been taken advantage of by drug users

I know who I would trust.

It is several years ago now but Taksin ordered the police to have a purge on dealers I live in a small village Ban Khok Petchabun  but in an area of around a square mile over 30 persons were shot dead.

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On 9/21/2017 at 10:31 AM, smew said:

Ice and ecstasy is heavy drugs that drive drugged up crazy kid to beat up on gas station attendants because of spilled gas on the fuel tank

Ice, perhaps. Though alcohol just as likely.

Ecstasy? No chance. They might hug someone to death, or bore them to death, but it does not induce physical violence.

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On 9/24/2017 at 8:27 PM, StevieAus said:

So I am untrustworthy because I have never taken drugs?

What a moronic comment.

If you care to open your eyes and ears you wil find many people who have been taken advantage of by drug users

I know who I would trust.

No need for the flaming!


If you've never taken any ganja, sleeping pills, LSD, heroin, opium, magic mushrooms, cocaine, one must ask why? Maybe not untrustworthy but certainly very boring. I think anyone who  has never had an acid trip is missing so much.


I was brought up with three golden rules:-

1. never grass on your friends

2. never hit a woman

3. never trust a teetotaller

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So which one of your golden rules involves taking drugs?

I get the message about keeping an open mind where drugs are concerned but to call someone boring because they choose not to experiment is ridiculous, as is your rule about never trusting a teetoaller. 

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12 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

So which one of your golden rules involves taking drugs?

I get the message about keeping an open mind where drugs are concerned but to call someone boring because they choose not to experiment is ridiculous, as is your rule about never trusting a teetoaller. 

It is rumored that the classic American actor Humphrey Bogart said he never trusted anybody that didn't drink. Oh well.  Drinking is one thing, but drugs, many of which can physically and permanently alter a body and brain, never mind the psychological addiction are just plain dangerous.  Without a lot of guidance and peer and parental pressure to not experiment, too many kids or young adults do, and many end up seriously limiting if not harming themselves.  A personal choice for an informed person of age, but way too risky for a young one.  Growing up I saw enough drunks, and druggies, and burn outs to determine it was not worth the risk to try the stuff.  I was very fit and did a lot of high level athletics, basically at the all American Level.   I got a natural high out of being fit and being able to run cross country around the area where I grew up in rural New England on those brisk Autumn days, breathe in the fresh air, marvel at the Fall colors as the trees turned.  That other guy wants to take acid and get fake sensations? So be it.  I get it.  Best wishes.  I now enjoy mediation thanks to my unexpected exposure to Buddhism from my Thailand trips.  Still get a high off those Nature walks though, be it at a sea shore, a tropical garden like Nong Nooch, a New England Fall foliage excursion, Yosemite National Park, etc. OK.  I will admit those Soapy massages with those Issan cuties is in the top 10 also

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7 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

It is rumored that the classic American actor Humphrey Bogart said he never trusted anybody that didn't drink. Oh well.  Drinking is one thing, but drugs, many of which can physically and permanently alter a body and brain, never mind the psychological addiction are just plain dangerous.  Without a lot of guidance and peer and parental pressure to not experiment, too many kids or young adults do, and many end up seriously limiting if not harming themselves.  A personal choice for an informed person of age, but way too risky for a young one.  Growing up I saw enough drunks, and druggies, and burn outs to determine it was not worth the risk to try the stuff.  I was very fit and did a lot of high level athletics, basically at the all American Level.   I got a natural high out of being fit and being able to run cross country around the area where I grew up in rural New England on those brisk Autumn days, breathe in the fresh air, marvel at the Fall colors as the trees turned.  That other guy wants to take acid and get fake sensations? So be it.  I get it.  Best wishes.  I now enjoy mediation thanks to my unexpected exposure to Buddhism from my Thailand trips.  Still get a high off those Nature walks though, be it at a sea shore, a tropical garden like Nong Nooch, a New England Fall foliage excursion, Yosemite National Park, etc. OK.  I will admit those Soapy massages with those Issan cuties is in the top 10 also

Nice post. I get where you are coming from. I have never been an angel where drugs or alcohol are concerned but like most things as you mature you see things for what they are. The natural highs as you say from my personal experience in the past running marathons, and now travelling around the world and experiencing life here in Thailand is enough for me nowadays but each to their own. 

The soapy massages will always rank up there ..........

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1 minute ago, Kadilo said:

Nice post. I get where you are coming from. I have never been an angel where drugs or alcohol are concerned but like most things as you mature you see things for what they are. The natural highs as you say from my personal experience in the past running marathons, and now travelling around the world and experiencing life here in Thailand is enough for me nowadays but each to their own. 

The soapy massages will always rank up there ..........

I was born in 57 so when I was going to rock concerts like Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, but actually having a seat and enjoying the show, there was so much smoke you literally would get high. College freshman in 1975 and there was MJ all over the place. Me and my friends just didn't do it.  We had cars and could go and hang out and our parents never knew where we were or what we did, but we just clowned around.  It just never occurred to us to sit around stoned.  We all played instruments, jammed, even did a few gigs.  Neighbors had a summer house in New Hampshire and another had a cottage on Cape Cod.  In the winter we had a huge HO model railroad we fiddled with while listening to music.  We would get together and play cards or even some board games but nothing for money.  Peg in cribbage, canasta, etc.    I was an engineering student so I loved a good library.   A fun party with some booze now and then sure.  Loved the movie Animal House and our Frat was a bit borderline in some areas.  But one or two throwing up after Tequila and I lost my likeness of that kind of thing pretty quickly.  I was probably bored fairly often, but luckily had enough to do to keep me out of trouble.  I wish kids and young adults today could find better outlets for their time and energy.  So many today have no patience. Constant stimulation and thumb twiddling on their smart phones.  yech. 

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1 hour ago, gk10002000 said:

Constant stimulation and thumb twiddling on their smart phones.  yech. 

And therein lies part of the problem. Speaking with their "friends" many not actually going out and enjoying the real world and experiencing the natural highs as we know them, looking for a quick artificial fix. 

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