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Foreign dad visits former Miss Teen Thailand daughter on drugs charge


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1 hour ago, sirineou said:

I am 60 years old now  but I did not wake up until I was 28 ,

Thinking back on the things I did back then , I wonder how I survived my twenties. The things I put my Dad through, How I wish he was around so I can thank him and apologize. 

Hopefully this would be a wake up call for her and she will come out of it without any lasting damage. 

I never woke up til I was 35 and luckily got rehabilitated and managed to make amends to my parents. 

How many here didn't do drugs when they were young?

I wouldn't trust anyone who didn't.

I have kids and can only pray they don't get mixed up in hard drugs like I did.



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4 hours ago, sirineou said:

As a father of a rebellious twenty year old myself, that I love dearly, I can sympathise.

A dad's worst nightmare,

I wish him the best of luck in getting his daughter out of this mess. I would certainly bring a bulky envelope or anything else needed.

Don't aid and abet this crime, so she should do the time. Nasty piece of work carrying "A" class drugs

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I'm absolutely aghast that some young person throws away their life like this but I also feel jail is not the answer! I'm also taken aback by the way this report seems to mock that she doesn't want to use the, no doubt, filthy loos and asks for a fan. Goodness gracious I'd be felling that and more!  compassion is in short thrift on this forum.

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Addicts deserve help. Dealers locked up and hard labor. Seen dozens of families destroyed by a member of the family being hooked on heroin, ice etc.

Unfortunately the subject is not as easy to resolve as some make it look, there are plenty of smart people who have been trying and will continue to. 

My mind about drugs was made up early doing drug enforcement in my younger years and having a beautiful, smart young girl dying of a heroin overdose in a public toilet with me and my partner being helpless & unable  to save her. Got hooked by a nasty piece of shit dealer/ North-African, that back then controlled the local market.

Still on my mind often, 40 years later. Still remember her name and the pain of her parents. MS>


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I wonder how much of a shock it was for this dopey pair to realise that what they were doing was criminal?

I hope the father came to say, Don't want to do the time, pet? Don't do the crime.

I really have no sympathy for drug dealers as they make their money with absolutely no thought for what is going on in the lives of the people they call clients.

Theft, abuse of spouse and children, neglect of themselves and their families ... the rising trend of death by overdose is another one they won't care about.


There are clearly people in this thread whose views are diametrically opposed to mine: fine, let it be!

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Newsflash.. Drugs are illegal in Thailand, the consequences are published all over the place and more often than not the smugglers, dealers, murderers and thieves associated with the profession (rather than the customers) are fully aware of the risks and potential punishment.  If the picture of the accused featured a snivelling little Thai male maggot would there be any support for him at all rather than the majority here feeling sorry for little miss perfect Luk Krung who just made one silly little mistake?


Talk about dual-standards on this debate - how many supporting bribery for releasing missy condemn bossy ?  What's the difference pray tell - bribery and corruption are part of Thai life. 


Make drugs legal, control and tax them, educate people from kindergarden age (I have with my kids) on the use and dangers of drugs and use jails and police resource for real crime.  No different to fags and booze, but somehow they are OK.  I'm sure that argument has been kicked to death but it is still totally relevant.  Same with driving, it would (coz it aint gonna happen) take 20+ years but you gotta start somewhere.

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4 hours ago, sirineou said:

As a father of a rebellious twenty year old myself, that I love dearly, I can sympathise.

A dad's worst nightmare,

I wish him the best of luck in getting his daughter out of this mess. I would certainly bring a bulky envelope or anything else needed.

until the next time, bulky envelopes don't sort out the root cause, she is 28 she can so the time

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5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

He should have used his initiative, and brought an exceedingly bulky envelope instead !

Perhaps he did and we will find out later when the explanation is accepted.

I dont think he is telling anybody ???


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1 hour ago, sirineou said:

When something like this happens the last thing in the mind of a Dad is if it is going to be cheaper.

We just went through a similar situation where my daughter was pulled over for speeding in Florida and the cops found a small amount of marijuana in her car. . If this had happened in new york, al that would have happened would have being a citation no different than a traffic violation and a small fine. But in Florida it would have being a drug possession with a suspended sentence. My daughter is in school with ambitions to be a school  teacher. A drug conviction would have made her unemployable. 

It cost a pretty penny on lawyers, and I run there  with a quiver full of contacts from my days as head of a large fraternal organisation there., and was able to pressure the prosecutor to dismiss it.

 How many kids  lives with out our resources end up having their lives compromised do to stupid youthful indiscretions? 

I hope the dad not only has the money to pay of people but also has the right contacts to make this go away

I feel bad for all the kids who do not have similar resources.

1 hour ago, wgdanson said:

Isn't that called bribery?

You couldn't google that? What's your point? It's his freaking daughter, for chrissakes.

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40 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

I never woke up til I was 35 and luckily got rehabilitated and managed to make amends to my parents. 

How many here didn't do drugs when they were young?

I wouldn't trust anyone who didn't.

I have kids and can only pray they don't get mixed up in hard drugs like I did.



It might have been good to be woken up a lot earlier by being arrested and put in jail for a while. Not years of course as that would do more harm than good, but maybe 2 weeks to get you scared and realize what you are doing.

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1 hour ago, FreddieRoyle said:

legalize all drugs and let this poor girl go home. Thailand has much bigger problems the police should be concentrating on - reforming themselves being the 1st priority and then having a look at the totally ingrained mafia and patronage system and endemic corruption, unfair application of laws leaving the rich and hi-so immune from prosecution, restoring democratic procedure etc etc etc instead of chasing some kids having a cheeky smoke. Progressive narcotic policy has worked well in Portugal and other places - much to the dismay of the naysayers.

According to numerous media reports, including TV, many violent crimes involving guns, machetes (even a grenade if I remember correctly), are perpetrated by youth who say in their defence, "Sorry, I was high on ice, meth, booze..."  Imagine the mayhem if all drugs were legalised and available even easier than today! I shudder at the thought...

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If you do the crime be ready to do the time. Hope she is put away for good. A role model for younger people and she is dealing drugs, she on you big time. Hope you get 10 yrs at least on government food rations JAIL for you Miss Thailand 

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5 hours ago, sirineou said:

As a father of a rebellious twenty year old myself, that I love dearly, I can sympathise.

A dad's worst nightmare,

I wish him the best of luck in getting his daughter out of this mess. I would certainly bring a bulky envelope or anything else needed.

Then you are a criminal

yourself and should be in jail with them. Rebellious is: loud music, crazy clothing, smoking and trying ganja, drinking and staying up late.

Now dealing heavy drugs to people, drugs that exacerbate crime and endanger general population is a crime and she with her man should do the time big time 10 hrs at least, lock them up and throw away the key. Leanient punishment is not a deterrent.

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Legalise drugs or not, the "war on Drugs" is lost so other solutions need to be found.  Even of all drugs were legalised, there would still be illegal copies all over the place but at least 'safe' versions could be made available - not ones mixed up in a garage with toxic ingredients.  Offer perfectly safe cheap hash and weed and the need for crappy pills and heroin might diminish for a start, locking up users is a waste of time.  Smuggling and illegal dealing would still keep the authorities busy enough to fill the coffers.

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23 minutes ago, Songlaw said:


You couldn't google that? What's your point? It's his freaking daughter, for chrissakes.

Hey, if you know your are doing a crime be ready to do the time in big house, sooner or later. Small or large quantity no matter, if it's illegal then it is a crime, full stop. Move to New York or to some other lawless state and live in a crime infested state, or come to Thailand 

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5 minutes ago, smew said:

Then you are a criminal

yourself and should be in jail with them. Rebellious is: loud music, crazy clothing, smoking and trying ganja, drinking and staying up late.

Now dealing heavy drugs to people, drugs that exacerbate crime and endanger general population is a crime and she with her man should do the time big time 10 hrs at least, lock them up and throw away the key. Leanient punishment is not a deterrent.

What "dealing in heavy drugs"?  where does it say that?  or is your horrible bias driving you to make things up?

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3 hours ago, The manic said:

They use a wheel to break a butterfly. Poor kid. Hope she's OK. Dreadful action by the authorities.



Well the poor kid(thai tv star, educated at a decent school, 28 year old kid, iphone 8 on order) knew exactly the penalties for dealing drugs in Thailand but still went ahead and did it. If you are a drug dealer even a pretty one butterfly is not the right word. Maybe, They use a wheel to crush a beetle? They use a wheel to crush a coackroach? 

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1 minute ago, LannaGuy said:

What "dealing in heavy drugs"?  where does it say that?  or is your horrible bias driving you to make things up?


Which part of - Amelia "Amy" Jacobs, 28, was arrested Tuesday with her 40 year old boyfriend Punyawat with a stash of "ice" or crystal meth and ecstasy tablets - is confusing to you ?


Need finger-pointy pictures?

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Just now, Cranky said:


Which part of - Amelia "Amy" Jacobs, 28, was arrested Tuesday with her 40 year old boyfriend Punyawat with a stash of "ice" or crystal meth and ecstasy tablets - is confusing to you ?


Need finger-pointy pictures?

Which part of  : Amelia "Amy" Jacobs, 28, was arrested Tuesday with her 40 year old boyfriend Punyawat with a stash of "ice" or crystal meth and ecstasy tablets


is confusing YOU?   and where does "dealing in heavy drugs"  come in?   beside your imagination?  and what is a 'stash'?  1g?  10g?  1 kilo?    do you know Sherlock

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5 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

What "dealing in heavy drugs"?  where does it say that?  or is your horrible bias driving you to make things up?

Ice and ecstasy is heavy drugs that drive drugged up crazy kid to beat up on gas station attendants because of spilled gas on the fuel tank

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45 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

I never woke up til I was 35 and luckily got rehabilitated and managed to make amends to my parents. 

How many here didn't do drugs when they were young?

I wouldn't trust anyone who didn't.

I have kids and can only pray they don't get mixed up in hard drugs like I did.



3 minutes ago, Bob12345 said:

It might have been good to be woken up a lot earlier by being arrested and put in jail for a while. Not years of course as that would do more harm than good, but maybe 2 weeks to get you scared and realize what you are doing.



I agree with you. I can remember a time in the distant past when pre-emptive type interventions could and did fairly reliably happen, at least in my experience due to a generally benign attitude that surrounded small-town policing. Though city experiences were often less forgiving. The problem here is that this is not then, nor are we in anything close to any of those places. Everyone sees to forget that things have a tendency to get out of hand at an alarming

rate here and usually do.


As for the holier-than-though crowd? I'd be dead before they (or any of you nitwits) would have any chance in hell to subjecting my daughter to this draconian clusterf*ck of a justice system, unimpeded. There's always a way out when it comes to your kids. Some of you know what I mean. You must operate under this principle if you are to father a child in this part of the world. If you are not genetically driven and pre-programmed to do this, return to whatever swill-fest you called home, raise your already deprived litter, and leave the men to do what we must for our progeny here.


The sensible among us should hope against hope that daddy-dearest has sufficient emotional investment and financial wherewithal to go the distance for his daughter. He will need to be a powerful enough force to 'will' her into an improved situation and way of looking at things once this is dispensed with, but for the moment he needs to focus on preventing what we all know is nearly-inevitable. With the a**swipes on this site already taking shots at her as a 'privileged luk krung' what chance would she possibly stand among the Thai, "in-house?" Sometimes this site turns even my lead-lined stomach. A**holes.


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21 minutes ago, smew said:

Hey, if you know your are doing a crime be ready to do the time in big house, sooner or later. Small or large quantity no matter, if it's illegal then it is a crime, full stop. Move to New York or to some other lawless state and live in a crime infested state, or come to Thailand 

I can see you grew up before lead abatement was a thing. My sincerest sympathies. Mainly to your children, of course.

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The kid did a stupid thing.


Hands up who didn't do stupid things when they had less experience of life.


In fact, I see dumb western men, who should know better, every day doing stupid things in Thailand - marrying Issan bar girls, riding motorbikes while drunk, wearing socks in sandals...

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