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New traffic tickets in use by December


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New traffic tickets in use by December

By Chalarntorn Yothasmutra




Newly-designed tickets for traffic violaters to pay fines will start to be used throughout the country by December, assistant police chief Pol Lt Gen Withaya Prayongphan said.


He said those who are issued the tickets but fail to pay the fines will have their scores deducted and may get the driver’s licences suspended.  Each ticket will show the date and time of each violation and a block for the deduction of traffic scores.


Pol Lt Gen Withaya said an average of three Thais die from road accidents every hour, but the number of accidents has not decreased.  At the same time, traffic law violations have increased, particularly driving beyond the speed limit.


Full story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/new-traffic-tickets-use-december/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2017-09-28
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It doesn't really matter what sort of ticket they dish out, the current approach simply isn't improving the way people drive. It is well beyond time that the cops stopped the tea money traffic stops and went out looking for and punishing bad and dangerous driving. I can guarantee they wont have to look too far or too hard, as we all see examples of it everywhere on a daily basis.

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1 hour ago, webfact said:

He said those who are issued the tickets but fail to pay the fines will have their scores deducted

Is it just me or does this report imply that if we do pay our fines the points won't be deducted?


Another article that leaves me asking more questions than it answers...

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Tough to address the real problem when one has no idea what it is?  Look in the mirror!

First, form or no form there is like 1% chance of getting stop, which is at a check point only.  Second, point reduction got to be kidding right?  This country doesn't even have a 21st century computer system to check drivers throughout Thailand. Many provinces including Banglamung are still writing offenses in log books, how does one check someone from Pattaya even in Bangkok.

Enforcement is a 24/7 every inch of Thailand, I guess have one form for the entire country is a small start. :sorry:

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They can change the ticket format all the want. But, as long as they write tickets for fake violations particularly to motorcyclists for purposes of extorting money, nothing will change. Maybe time to fight back with law suits, charges of extortion and defamation of character. I'm not a criminal, what do my friends think when I get these tickets? 

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4 hours ago, LazySlipper said:

Is it just me or does this report imply that if we do pay our fines the points won't be deducted?


Another article that leaves me asking more questions than it answers...

What exactly is the 'scores system' please? I have had maybe 7 or 8 speeding tickets in 5 years, driving MY car but regstered in GFs name. Will they ban HER from driving?

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1 hour ago, gr8fldanielle said:

They can change the ticket format all the want. But, as long as they write tickets for fake violations particularly to motorcyclists for purposes of extorting money, nothing will change. Maybe time to fight back with law suits, charges of extortion and defamation of character. I'm not a criminal, what do my friends think when I get these tickets? 

ive been fined a few times but i wouldnt say they were fake violations, you just gotta hold your hand up sometimes

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The BiBs issue 'tickets', uh, no, seriously, come on, LOL... 

Ah, yeah, for the ones who want to 'go by the book' and spend half a day at a police station, maybe, I don't know.

Of course the copper always(?) first asks: 'You want paper?', but when you answer 'No'...

What about the deal proposed by the copper, negotiated down when you're not stupid, isn't that to be the common rule anymore?


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Suspend my licence? Yeah, I lost it. I'll apply for my new one once the suspension is over.


Next day:


Oh, I found it again! That'll get me through the checkpoints.


Or, more often....


Suspend my licence? Oh, I don't have one. Suckers!


They've made all these changes to the driving licence application procedure, brought out extended videos for people to fall asleep to, added question and raised the pass mark yet there has been no change in deaths on the road. Don't they realise they're clueless?


Here's an idea:


Stick adverts on TV about road safety. Include heartbreaking stories about family members killed by drink drivers, family members killed whilst speeding, children killed because they weren't wearing a helmet. Make it socially unacceptable to drink drive, speed or ride without a helmet. Create TV adverts that show the country how to use a roundabout. Create a driving test that actually tests skills on the road, not skills on weird bits of equipment in government offices. Do things which last more than a week. Maybe then you'll see an improvement in driving ability.


More 200B tickets isn't going to cut it. Raising the fines won't work, the police will continue to accept the same discounted rates cash in hand. Being able to gues the correct number of answers on the 8th attempt at a multiple choice quiz isn't going to magically turn you into a good driver. The inmates are running the asylum.

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I do not want road blocks. Roadblocks are only for stopping criminal activity.
The police should use their police cars to patrol the traffic and everything else. The police should then have a small computer inside their wagons so they could identify all offenders

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10 hours ago, watso63 said:

Who on earth that's living in Thailand and welcomes western style traffic policing and enforcement should pack their bags and get the hell as far away as possible and as soon as possible!!!

So you think its ok to driving without no lights on wrong way down the street,  speeding, drink driving Well Its bloody dangerous and people are dying because the police are not doing there job I would put up with western policing if it stops these idiots from scaring me every time i drive a car

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10 hours ago, wgdanson said:

What exactly is the 'scores system' please? I have had maybe 7 or 8 speeding tickets in 5 years, driving MY car but regstered in GFs name. Will they ban HER from driving?

Same as back home. It is a kind of brownie system where you have lest's say 20 points and each traffic violation has points deducted. Red light is usually a lot. Speeding depends on how fast.


wgdanson... don't you have that back in your homeland?

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I got fined Bt 500 twice for not carrying my licence on me in Heu Hin, only copy, no good.  It didn't seem to matter that I had no licence endorsement to ride a bike , only international car licence.  You sign here on this (blank) form and you give me Bt500.  No receipt???   :sorry: 

Edited by David Walden
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2 minutes ago, gr8fldanielle said:

what was the charge?

Not carrying my licence on me ..."you have only only photo copy, no good",  you have to carry real licence on you  "you have to pay Bt500".  I have just obtained a new International licence in Australia for my soon arrival in Thailand.  Now that I have a real "Thai Retirement Visa" and not just a tourist visa. I will get a Thai Motorbike Licence soon after arriving as I can...that should fix everything...OK.

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12 hours ago, thailand49 said:

 This country doesn't even have a 21st century computer system to check drivers throughout Thailand. Many provinces including Banglamung are still writing offenses in log books, how does one check someone from Pattaya even in Bangkok.

Log book work good engough for most of the people as the offender are usualy local people who do the same offence at the same place most of the time.

for exemple one of my Thai brother in law got catch 3 time in the last 2 years for drink driving  (he could harldy walk but drive is ok), always in the same sector around the same time. They did not cancel his driving licence because he never got one in his life, but their warned him than next time they catch him he wont just get out with just a fine (dont say tea money that impolite) but he will go directly to monkey house (understand he will have to paid big tea money next time).

Here the issue isnt really about how up to date is the ticket system.

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12 hours ago, watso63 said:

Who on earth that's living in Thailand and welcomes western style traffic policing and enforcement should pack their bags and get the hell as far away as possible and as soon as possible!!!

Go where?

Is there a place where everything is perfect? Wouldnt it be busy there making is less than perfect?


Your strategy is accepting stupidity andnot pressing for change. In a way you are worse than the average thai who doesnt know any better as you do know it can be improved but you are against it.


Imagine your spouse or kid being killed by a drunk driver and getting away with it. Will you still think its all fine? Will you just shrug and accept it as the priceof living in Thailand.


I pity your worldview and lack of willingness to help improve this country for its people.


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