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Should the British Government be responsible for housing and feeding ex-pats returning from Thailand?


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15 hours ago, mommysboy said:


A very good posting, and much needed, because quite a few on the forum are under the impression that good behaviour, paying extra tax, and not claiming benefits before offer them some sort of protection.


Bild is right- I remember now that it was indeed 44 years for guys born before 1945.


But anyone resident in UK can easily reach 30, 35, and even 44 years can easily reach the requirement, because if you are not working then your stamps get paid, and if in prison too. So, in a way the qualifying years aren't a big factor.


I was a bit surprised to find out as well that years of study were taken into consideration, and added, but can't remember the exact circumstances in that I think I got 3 years for going back to study when I was 29ish.

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2 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

So another Brit nicked your latest ' girlfriend ' , we understand , really we do.

HA.  No, neither of us could afford her. :)

Hey, the Brits are good people and London my favorite city.

Maybe it is the places I hang out here.

Anyway, take care.

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1 hour ago, tominbkk said:

It would be quite a stretch for me to have sympathy for this guy.  The govt. tried what they could to give him a great chance at a second life and he didn't toe his half.  

The UK NHS spends huge amounts of dosh on UK born and other junkies, alkies and nutters. All part of us not being perfect....Just look ourselves and perfection......:whistling:

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18 hours ago, mommysboy said:


Good grief! 


Are you sure?


Well I started paying icome tax and nation al insurance at age 15 in 1959 when I got my first job after school and the rule then was 44 years NI contributions for a full pension at age 65, so that is what I did.


I suspect that there are many more posters on TVF who are in the same position.


OTOH there is no time limit of 44 years applicab le to paying income tax, so now, 58 years later I am still paying income tax.


What were the Americans on about at Boston with their "no taxation without representation"? It is still happening more than 200 years later for many Brits.

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raising a question, what about the 40.000 british servicemen being homeless in the uk. they gave an arm and a leg to fight in iraque and afghanistan giving their life for the country but being rewarded only with a paltry pension which is not enough to make ends meet. they deserve utmost government attention.


so mote it be




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21 hours ago, The manic said:

He is British citizen. He paid taxes when he was in the UK. Whilst living outside the UK he has used no UK resources. His family have paid taxes. His parents and grandparents cough in two world wars. The current anti expat laws are a disgrace.

His predicament nothing to do whatsoever with entitlements as an expat or otherwise. Try another horse to ride.

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24 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:



raising a question, what about the 40.000 british servicemen being homeless in the uk. they gave an arm and a leg to fight in iraque and afghanistan giving their life for the country but being rewarded only with a paltry pension which is not enough to make ends meet. they deserve utmost government attention.


so mote it be




Mark is not a serviceman, has never been a serviceman and is highly unlikely ever to be a serviceman. Nor is there any similar issue about resources or available employment. Mark had that and threw it away. Maybe messing up in Thailand and the UK and continuing to mess up is some sort of equivalent?

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14 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Mark is not a serviceman, has never been a serviceman and is highly unlikely ever to be a serviceman. Nor is there any similar issue about resources or available employment. Mark had that and threw it away. Maybe messing up in Thailand and the UK and continuing to mess up is some sort of equivalent?

I really don't think that's what raaboo meant.

The guy they are talking about is a total loser, waster whatever and doesn't actually deserve light in a dark corner.

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10 hours ago, transam said:

You maybe lucky then to meet ol' Trans...


I have been in LOS many years (not Pats), I am English, heading for 70 years old, l have all my own "clean"  teeth, smoke, and l go to the gym to fool with weights near every other day..Oh, here's me and Mrs.Trans, me holding a fag behind my back....:stoner:





Your looking good T, looking younger than most farangs that I see posing on Sukhumvit, Bkk.many of whom are half your age.

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2 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Your looking good T, looking younger than most farangs that I see posing on Sukhumvit, Bkk.many of whom are half your age.


You look like a complete <deleted>! But I will await other comments.

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54 minutes ago, inThailand said:

What idiot or self indulged person posts a picture of himself and his bg!


Answer...a TV poster!


It was proof counteracting.......oh, never mind!


If he is an idiot, then he's one in ruddy good shape for his age.  And he still looks quite capable of delivering a hefty clout.


Well done to him, I say.  I'm 56 and exercise regularly, and I hope I get to mid 60's and look much the same.  I already have the hairstyle.:smile:

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5 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

HA.  No, neither of us could afford her. :)

Hey, the Brits are good people and London my favorite city.

Maybe it is the places I hang out here.

Anyway, take care.



Glad to see you have enough sense to get yourself out of a hole.  It's a pity 'Mark' does not possess the same ability.


PS: Will you be flossing your unfeasibly straight, white teeth tonight?:smile:


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1 hour ago, mommysboy said:

It was proof counteracting.......oh, never mind!


If he is an idiot, then he's one in ruddy good shape for his age.  And he still looks quite capable of delivering a hefty clout.


Well done to him, I say.  I'm 56 and exercise regularly, and I hope I get to mid 60's and look much the same.  I already have the hairstyle.:smile:


Yeah got to love his thick and luscious hair. Handsome man!

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11 hours ago, mommysboy said:



Glad to see you have enough sense to get yourself out of a hole.  It's a pity 'Mark' does not possess the same ability.


PS: Will you be flossing your unfeasibly straight, white teeth tonight?:smile:


If he posts his teeth to me I'll floss them and post them back.

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On 03/10/2017 at 11:13 PM, 7by7 said:

As has already been shown; your comments about refugees being treated better than returning ex pats are completely false.


As is the claim made in the OP that returning ex pats have to wait for three months before they can claim benefits in the UK.


See my post on page 14.

And he and his family got housing and the "refugees" are in tents or living on the street?





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Selfish irresponsible fool also if you are going to live back in the uk you really need to make plan.  because there are no handout these days also says he says there is no work seems like he didn't look hard  enough plus the guy really has problems and will not take any responsibility for his alcohol  abuse reason why he is blaming everybody.. 

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On 03/10/2017 at 9:51 AM, Kadilo said:

There are so many examples of this guy around places like Pattaya who "run bars" which are hanging together on the basis of a fragile relationship with a Thai female. 

So many get sucked into the dream and see it as an easy way of staying in Thailand. Before you know it the bars struggling so they end up getting involved in other scams to make ends meet. 

I know a couple of Brits who could well end up like this guy anytime soon. 


Very true indeed thats why i keep myself to myself .. 

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Another friend, Barry, told us “I think Mark has been badly treated, it’s not fair that asylum seekers get all the help but the British are forgotten. As a British man I think Mark should have been offered a council house and benefits, he has paid into the system, he had a job 20 years ago in the UK and he paid tax then. So he likes a drink and a cigarette, it’s not right he should stop the things he enjoys because he is forced to choose between alcohol and food trying to live on seventy quid a week, this country needs to wake up and take care of its own”


he had a job 20 years ago in the UK and he paid tax then hello this is 2017 and not 20 years ago 

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On 03/10/2017 at 6:46 PM, 7by7 said:


Non EEA national immigrants coming to live in the UK are not entitled to any benefits, except those they have paid the appropriate NICs for, until they have Indefinite Leave to Remain; which takes at least 5 years to obtain. If the spouse or partner of a British citizen, their British sponsor is able to claim any and all benefits they may be entitled to as an individual, but cannot claim any extra due to their immigrant spouse or partner living with them which they would otherwise be entitled to were their partner or spouse a British citizen. This includes eligibility to social housing.


It is different for returning British ex pats; all they have to do to be able to claim any and all benefits they would be entitled to had they never left the UK, including social housing, is pass the habitual residence test. See this from Citizens Advice. Note that, if they pass, they can receive these benefits immediately, they don't have to be a UK resident for at least three months as it claims in the OP.


They receive far more than refugees do!


An unemployed returning ex pat, aged 25 or over, would receive at least the minimum income support amount of £73.10 p.w.; asylum seekers receive a maximum allowance of £36.95 p.w..



Reading further through the topic, I see that others have made similar ill informed points to darksidedog and DoctorG about eligibility to public funds in the UK. I hope those people see this so they can learn the facts rather than make assumptions.


Very funny, not true.

CAB or Citizens Advice Bureau are not lawyers and only give advice as the name says. In practicality it isn't like that:


I went back after living/working in Thailand for 5 years and was made to reestablish my British citizenship despite having a valid passport and born to English parents with a traceable history going back to the 1700s. I had worked and paid tax for 25 years before leaving. I got nothing for over 6 months until the tribunal decided in my favour.

I had returned to help look after my father who had been given a terminal diagnosis.

Good job I had family support (a sunbed to sleep on in my parents conservatory) and a few bob left in my UK bank to live on.

"Mark" I have little sympathy for, but others are more worthy of help from your own country than these economic migrants from eastern Europe and Africa etc.

Britain has no "camps" for refugees, but many parts of Europe have.  So called "refugees" are treated far better than that in the UK, but deadbeats like Mark are left on the street.

The "refugees" are desperate to get to the UK for that very reason: It is a soft touch...

PS. EEA countries are not all in the Schengen agreement







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1 hour ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

The "refugees" are desperate to get to the UK for that very reason: It is a soft touch...

The Roma used to call it the land of milk and honey. OK, many have a hard life at home, and maybe the streets of the UK aren't so paved with gold as they think, but no point in denying the basic motivation.


From my own point of view 3 months doesn't seem so bad; at least it gives you a basis on which to plan, should push come to shove.


I have some sympathy for elderly, maybe sick, guys, perhaps without home contacts, who through some unfortunate cocatenation of circumstances find themselves forced to leave all they love behind and return to the UK, a land which may now be strange and unfamiliar to them, and throw themselves on the mercies of the system.


As for the subject of the thread, it's hard to empathise with an able-bodied male. Having said that, I have to admit that I, personally, would've been even more ruined than I am already had I come here as a young man, and I suspect that this is what has happened to this guy, Mark. As the novelist Conrad so aptly put it over a century ago, talking about the expats of his own time, the soft spot of decay develops and ambition becomes nothing more than a desire to loaf through life.




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