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Shocking violence as student locked in school storeroom, doused in mozzie spray and set alight


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Shocking violence as student locked in school storeroom, doused in mozzie spray and set alight



Picture: Sanook


CHAINAT: -- A mother has appealed for help to the Paweena Hongsakul foundation after her M3 son was locked in a room at his school and set alight by older pupils.


Earth, 14, is still in hospital and cannot walk so severe were his burns after the incident on September 20th.


The school in Chainat tried to keep the matter quiet and two sets of parents have refused to honor a financial settlement to help the stricken teen.


Earth said that the incident happened near a dormitory when he was putting books away into a small storeroom at 4pm. Another pupil hit him over the head with his own book then locked him in the storeroom.


He then called to his friends to get mosquito spray that was sprayed into the tiny room. Earth pleaded with them as he was suffocating.


They ignored his pleas to release him. Instead they got a lighter and set fire to the vapor in the room. It exploded with a bang seriously burning Earth on both arms, his right leg and body.


Scared at what they had done the boys opened the door and extinguished the flames before getting teachers.


Earth was rushed to Chainat Hospital. His mother and relatives who went to the hospital were shocked by what Earth told them had happened.


The school had merely told them there had been an accident with fire.


The next day his mother Kotchaphan went to the school where a meeting was organised with the three sets of parents of the other students involved.


She was encouraged not to make a report with police and a settlement of 10,000 baht was reached for Earth's hospital care.


But only one parent has paid 3,000 - the others said they had no money.


So Kotchaphan has gone to the Paweena Hongskul foundation that takes up cases involving children. She wants justice for her son.


Paweena has promised a full investigation by other relevant authorities and her organization and will visit Earth in hospital at 1 pm today.


Source: Sanook

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-10-05
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poor boy ....  this would be horrifying for him.

The school was trying to cover up what actually happened.

The perpetrators must be punished fully and possibly expelled from the school and the director should be punished also.

The poor boy will have burn scares for life.

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The worst thing about this story is the school trying to cover it up, in UK they would of been suspended immediately and maybe expelled if it was proven to be malicious.


Over here they couldn't give a rat's ass and are probably more worried what the other parent will say about blaming there idiot kids.


Yellow belly.... 

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Something similar happened to a woman my wife knows.  Some other boys pushed her son down the stairs and the school kept on putting her off, saying that they were still investigating and that they would take care of it.


Needless to say, years later, her son is still paralyzed and the school and the parents of the other boys have done nothing to help.

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The poor mother thinks that 10,000 is going to cover his medical expenses .

In fact the boy will need medical assistance for many years to come. 

He sounds like a good boy. 

I often see the lower level kids beating up on the good kids, while the world goes on about taking special care of the sods. 

When are the teachers going to promote and give time and attention to the good kids. 

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Seems like they need a special school for kids who do this sort of thing, (Borstal in the UK, Juvie elsewhere?)and a place for principals who try to hide - it's called prison.

What total sleazebags those kids are.

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This sh*te keeps happening because the Thai government is not willing to impose the sanctions necessary to deter this from happening.  The judicial arm of the government has a duty to impose criminal charges for such actions regardless of the civil agreement the victim's parents may reach. The kids responsible need to be jailed and then school, who the government says need to teach children morals, should slam home that behavior leading to injury or death will be met with criminal charges and jail time.  But TIT - wais all around, a few thousand baht to the victims parents and the fact that the kid is scarred for life is quickly forgotten.  Morality?  Where?

Edited by connda
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"The school in Chainat tried to keep the matter quiet and two sets of parents have refused to honor a financial settlement to help the stricken teen."The school had merely told them there had been an accident with fire."She was encouraged not to make a report with police and a settlement of 10,000 baht was reached for Earth's hospital care."


The School tries to cover it up,parents of the kids who set him a fire dont want to pay,

No One wants to take any responsibility,they think money solves everything,pay up,

dont bother with the police.


regards worgeordie

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Nothing can be done in such situation because noting is being studied or done to revamp the educational system in this country therefore, the resulting product is generation after generation of stupids!

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

So Kotchaphan has gone to the Paweena Hongskul foundation that takes up cases involving children. She wants justice for her son.

I hope that Sanook have distorted the facts here, because a parent who is involved in a financial settlement and then aggrieved because they didn't get it is, IMO, not seeking justice for anyone.


And of course on top of this is the apparent immunity of the schools here. Where a criminal act has been committed, especially one as serious as this how is it possible to keep something like this in-house? Surely, as a measure to prevent this from happening it would also be the responsibility of the hospital to report this type of incident to the police?


And just for clarity before anyone starts, no, I haven't just arrived here, just sick about reading too often of these types of thing being allowed to happen to preserve a school's reputation instead of taking the necessary steps to ensure it will never happen again. 

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29 minutes ago, connda said:

because the Thai government is not willing to impose the sanctions necessary to deter this from happening

It's got nothing to do with the Thai government.

The Director of the school is responsible for an investigation and disciplinary action to be taken.

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10 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

I hope that Sanook have distorted the facts here, because a parent who is involved in a financial settlement and then aggrieved because they didn't get it is, IMO, not seeking justice for anyone.

My thoughts exactly.


covering up this type of thing breeds criminality and promotes a culture of no accountability.... which we see reflected in adults in so many ways on a daily basis


"why?"... we ask, when we read so often of appalling behavior.... it's because of what and how they have been taught.


what an absolutely appalling look inside the Thai education system.



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55 minutes ago, 2008bangkok said:

The worst thing about this story is the school trying to cover it up


That's the Thai way. It happens thousands if not millions of times every day in every walk of life. There are no exceptions that I'm aware of.

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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

poor boy ....  this would be horrifying for him.

The school was trying to cover up what actually happened.

The perpetrators must be punished fully and possibly expelled from the school and the director should be punished also.

The poor boy will have burn scares for life.

Yeah, just not right the way the first reaction is the school to try and cover things up, save face, save face of the parents of the kids that did it.

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35 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

I hope that Sanook have distorted the facts here, because a parent who is involved in a financial settlement and then aggrieved because they didn't get it is, IMO, not seeking justice for anyone.



The financial settlement would be priority if you are poor and live in a country where all medical expenses have to be paid for, or your child suffers the worst possible medical outcome. I suspect the mother of this kid does not have the luxury of making "seeking justice" for her kid her top priority ... the practical matter of getting him well would take precedence. 

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2 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

The financial settlement would be priority if you are poor and live in a country where all medical expenses have to be paid for, or your child suffers the worst possible medical outcome. I suspect the mother of this kid does not have the luxury of making "seeking justice" for her kid her top priority ... the practical matter of getting him well would take precedence. 

As this incident happened on the school grounds, why would this not be covered by the school's insurance? And if a school's insurance doesn't cover this sort of thing, why not? The child is in their care during these periods after all.


Or would doing this put the school's reputation on the line if insurance was used, awkward questions asked? In my view, the reason for these financial settlements are to prevent further actions being taken through the legal system and not with the victim's medical costs as No. 1 priority.


Could be wrong of course...........

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