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Yingluck considers asylum applications for UK, Germany and France


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12 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

Why is she insisting on getting asylum in the UK, Germany or France anyway? With all that money she and her brother have spirited away, I am sure that illustrious states like Burkina Faso, St. Kitts & Nevis, Turkmenistan, Albania or Vanuatu will grant her the coveted asylum in the blink of an eye.


Fugitives cannot be choosers. Take a cue from big bro, sis: Neither the UK nor Germany wanted him, so he settled for a crap passport from Montenegro and bought another crappy one from Nicaragua. Better little than nothing at all.  

How is a Montenegro passport crap???


As a UK citizen that has served her majesty forces, and have dual nationality for both countries including passports... I find your comments quite offensive... have you ever been there???  Do you know how many countries around the world you are exempt from getting a visa with a Montenegrin passport instead of a UK one?  Obviously not educated enough or done your research properly... so what if we gave the Thaksins a passport.... we are no more corrupt than the UK when it comes to accepting people’s dirty money, taking other fugitives on asylum or even robbing items from other states in the past for our so called empire...


As for taking a cue from big bro sis you ain’t big bro... just a bigoted fantasist with your cheap 2bahts worth comment that thinks your nation runs the world and you have a right to slag any nation off... in the state of a play these days I’ve never had issues using both of mine wherever I go in this world, or I am faced with stupid questions about how either country is run politically...


MisterWhisper? Lol lol 

Jog on, seriously

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Political cases, such as this one, are rarely turned down especially if the victim was elected democratically. If the case had been under normal circumstances, which is impossible of course, there might have been a different conclusion but cases of ex-PM's in countries taken over by Military Regimes do not garner much sympathy (rightly in most people's view).

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Yingluck may be guilty of Mismanagement but in any democratic Nation that is not a crime. Or we would all imprison ex politician. Mistakes and oversights happen. I personally believe She was naive. The sentence she got was aimed at her Brother.  But you cannot convict and punish a family for One members errant actions? Corruption and Stupidity are rife World wide. Did Yingluck profit from her term in office No. So the Charges the verdict and the sentence are a trumped up crock of <deleted>. Most Democracies would give her asylum. I would be disgusted if New Zealand would not and as a dual NZ/Uk citizen would be suprised if the UK did not.

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20 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

thought you couldn't make multiple EU applications

which country did she enter first?


You are referring to a rule put on the countries not the applicants, the country an asylum seeker enters first must hear their request if they put one in, they cannot push them through to another country, but the applicant is under no obligation to put in a request in the first country they enter, that is entirely up to them, despite what you may read in a rag.  And there is no talk of multiple applications but a choice between three countries to make the application.

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20 hours ago, PREM-R said:

"......we dont like corrupt criminals here......."

What sort of criminals do you like ?  However, as I understand it, it is no longer a requirement to be a criminal, corrupt or otherwise, in order to reside in Australia.

Touche'     :cheesy::cheesy:

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16 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

Great! Just start out with a lie and see how the immigration authorities in those countries will take to it.


Yingluck did NOT have to flee the country because her government was toppled in a coup and she was NOT prosecuted because she was the head of that toppled government.


She was prosecuted because it had been alleged that she allowed a corrupt rice subsidy scheme to be exploited by some of her ministers and because she did nothing to stop it although she was informed about it and even acknowledged that the scheme was riddled with irregularities.


Fire those legal advisers, Yingluck, and pronto! 

She can't fire them, they work for her Brother and the...............family.

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4 hours ago, Pattaya28 said:

She is the property of Thailand.

A fugitive.

She must be handed back.

Her life is certainly not in danger.

She's running away from jail. 

No other country can make a judgement on the Thai legal systems' fairness.

That's all.

Judge, Jury, Executioner all in one............that's all

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1 hour ago, Tony125 said:


You are certainly not well versed in international laws, any country can judge Thai fairness and give her asylum. Idi Amin a notorious leader of Uganda who is estimated to have killed  between 100 to 500 thousand of his own people who were in opposition to his rule was first granted asylum in Lybia and then finally settled in Saudi Arabia. Famous film director Roman Polanski was convicted in the USA of raping a 13-year-old girl and admitted to statutory rape. he fled the US and has been given sanctuary in many EU countries. The US has asked for his return on many occasions for over 40 years and has been refused on all of them.

His accuser told him she was 16yo, which at the time was legal in the State of California but was in fact 13yo.  A French judge commented the girl looked 18 yo and he could understand Polanski's attraction.  I think Ms Yingluck will love the French, so refreshing is their socialist attitude  -  Marseille is much nicer than London, and she studied French in Uni.........win win. 

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21 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Yeah, pretty simple, demonstrate that the charges were made by a politically biased court and any democratic country will offer asylum.



Yup and he's TROLLING again as he posted this garbage earlier in this same thread for 'effect' when any intelligent, basically aware person will know what BS it is 

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21 hours ago, PREM-R said:

"......we dont like corrupt criminals here......."

What sort of criminals do you like ?  However, as I understand it, it is no longer a requirement to be a criminal, corrupt or otherwise, in order to reside in Australia.

Gee....hilarious ...never heard that one before...maybe you should take up comedy full time.

Edited by tryasimight
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25 minutes ago, ujayujay said:

Forget it Yingluck. The Germany and France don't will wear this Shoes. Maybe GB, they are open for Criminals, if they're rich enought.


I expect either of them welcome her as her case is within the definitions of the Refugee Convention.

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20 hours ago, 300sd said:

Any verdict by the Justice system which is directed by the non elected government should be thrown out. "Policy cases" come to mind!

You have no proof of what you spout. The justice system can not be directed by anyone. The fact that they only convicted her for the fake rice deals says a lot for the impartiality of the courts here. Do you belive then that fake rice deals are not an offence?

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7 minutes ago, gamini said:

You have no proof of what you spout. The justice system can not be directed by anyone.

Huh? That's a claim totally disconnected from reality. Are you saying that judges cannot be bribed or coerced? If that is the case then please let us know how you came to this mind blowing conclusion.

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11 minutes ago, gamini said:

You have no proof of what you spout. The justice system can not be directed by anyone. The fact that they only convicted her for the fake rice deals says a lot for the impartiality of the courts here. Do you belive then that fake rice deals are not an offence?


Ok, prove that the justice system cannot be directed by anyone or perhaps just stop spouting.

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It's all just rubbish.  She is a wanted criminal on the run. Yesterday she was supposedly photographed in Dubai.  Whatever she is "planning" to do is not going to be made public by her or her criminal brother.  A good friend of mine is an immigration lawyer and he says it is highly unlikely that she would be allowed to settle in the UK.  If there is (as claimed by the Thai authorities) an international arrest warrant being requested for her then that would be an automatic rejection.  He couldn't say for sure about Germany or France but he suspected the same rules apply.


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3 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

It's all just rubbish.  She is a wanted criminal on the run. Yesterday she was supposedly photographed in Dubai.  Whatever she is "planning" to do is not going to be made public by her or her criminal brother.  A good friend of mine is an immigration lawyer and he says it is highly unlikely that she would be allowed to settle in the UK.  If there is (as claimed by the Thai authorities) an international arrest warrant being requested for her then that would be an automatic rejection.  He couldn't say for sure about Germany or France but he suspected the same rules apply.


But she's a good looking criminal on the run....

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