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Got 30 Days from Mae Sai

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My school kinda messed up my visa renewal because they did not prepare the documents in time and so I had to find another way to get a visa until the documents for the completely new ED Visa are ready.


So what is the cheapest way to get 30 days? Take a 12 hour bus ride (one direction) to Laos? No thank you!

My naive mind convinced me to go to Mae Sai and just ask for 30 days instead. 


Of course I did not have the documents they wanted (nothing new with immigration). 

So my school improvised and send me two documents via line: One that I finished class and another one that I will start my class.


The Immigration officer seemed happy and went to his office for quite some time.  Then he came back and wanted to see the document again. Then I had to follow him to all kind of stations at the boarder. Then he told me I should go to the copy shop in Thailand and print out the document for him.

After that I got my 30 days entry permit free of charge. I only had to pay the Myanmar side 500 baht.


I wonder if I could have skipped that part with the Myanmar entry and exit stamp though. And also why they made such a drama with getting a document from my school when they could just given me a 30 day visa exempt entry. Because I think I have read here that the 15 day rule is no more. Anyway glad the Immigration made it happen. 


Edited by Sp4wnY
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On the school docs, that is odd.   I could see needing that document on your way back in at an airport, just based on their negative attitudes about ED-Visas.

You can get 2 Visa Exempts per calendar year from a land-border, but you definitely have to leave Thailand and return to get a visa-exempt entry, which is why you needed the Myanmar entry+exit stamps.

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Maybe they do not like ED Visa (do they like any visa at all?) but then again they did not even test my Thai. I only said I am still a beginner and will take private class now. Anyway they where polite and never asked me weird questions. All they did care about were their documents. 


I also never had any other Thai Visa except that one ED Visa for 8 months. So the whole visa exempt should have gone even smother in theory. Only thing I was not sure of is if they would give me 15 or 30 days. Hence I asked her to give me 30 days until I get my ED Visa.

Maybe I made it complicated by my self by telling them I want to continue learning Thai.

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When you leave on an Ed Visa, you need documents from the School/immigration office to cancel that visa , If you dont get it cancelled, you will be on an overstay , even if you have left Thailand .

  Not going to Tachilek in Myanmar and coming straight back isnt possible 

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1 hour ago, Sp4wnY said:

I wonder if I could have skipped that part with the Myanmar entry and exit stamp though.

No. You must formally enter the neighbouring country. If you tried re-entering Thailand without an exit stamp from Myanmar they wouldn't let you in.


1 hour ago, Sp4wnY said:

And also why they made such a drama with getting a document from my school when they could just given me a 30 day visa exempt entry.

You must have had a current/valid extension of stay. Some land borders want confirmation that the reason for the extension has ended in order to end the permit to stay. It's nothing to do with not liking or being negative towards ED visas. It can be asked of people with extensions based on work too.

Edited by elviajero
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4 hours ago, elviajero said:

No. You must formally enter the neighbouring country. If you tried re-entering Thailand without an exit stamp from Myanmar they wouldn't let you in.


You must have had a current/valid extension of stay. Some land borders want confirmation that the reason for the extension has ended in order to end the permit to stay. It's nothing to do with not liking or being negative towards ED visas. It can be asked of people with extensions based on work too.

I've heard of it for work cases.  First I've heard for ED.  The "anti-ED" attitudes have not been reported at borders, that I recall, and OPs comment that they "just wanted paperwork" and were otherwise civil indicates you are correct. 


If so, the new process the, for ED Visa persons, may need to involve a visit to a local-immigration office on the day of departure, to formally cancel their extension with a letter from the school.

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