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Line App. "Auto Message" ; Update Required ; Versions older than 6.0 no longer supported

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Line App. "Auto Message" ; Update Required ; Versions older than 6.0 no longer supported

And,- this message almost instantly blocks viewing of my Line detail


Preface ;

I am not  skilled at "techie" stuff


Understanding Internet Terminology

Using Smart-phone features


Pro-Log ;

I have an i-Mobile brand smart-phone ; Model i-Style 219

Little over 18 months old.

It is in very good condition


Thai acquaintances have requested me to use Line Application.

Line Application is on my smart-phone by default.



Yesterday, I set up :



my Line ID for 1st time using this smart-phone


a new Gmail a/c to link with my Line ID



Staff at mobile telephone shop counter told me :



My smart-phone's spec. is too low for Line App.


If I set up Gmail a/c to link with my Line ID ; ==> I still cannot overcome Line App. default message blocking access to Line


Ditto 2_2 if I use Play-Store




However, later at home,

I received, to my surprise, a personal message from user of Line ;

And, I was able to communicate with them ;

Although seemingly on restricted basis.



I think that for I to initiate contact to Line users is :



possible only to persons :


already linked to me automatically through their phone numbers, already on my phone-book, being registered also with Line


who send me Line message AND they having updated version of Line



not  possible if I exit


Question ;

Is there a solution other than getting [ buying 8-) ] a smart-phone of minimum spec. or higher ?


Our Man in the Tropics


What version of Android are you running? 


My best guesses: you're running Android 5.0, the version of LINE you are using, or some feature, requires ANdroid 6.0 or higher.


Did LINE ever work acceptably for you? If yes, when did it change? 


My recommendation: back up all LINE data, register LINE with an email/pw, uninstall LINE, re-install LINE.


LINE should work fine on your phone.

On 11/10/2017 at 9:21 AM, mtls2005 said:

What version of Android are you running? 


My best guesses: you're running Android 5.0, the version of LINE you are using, or some feature, requires ANdroid 6.0 or higher.


Did LINE ever work acceptably for you? If yes, when did it change? 


My recommendation: back up all LINE data, register LINE with an email/pw, uninstall LINE, re-install LINE.


LINE should work fine on your phone.

Much thanks mtls,


I will present myself as the stupid Falang but equipped with ur very promising cogent instructions to the most eager phone network customer service personnel hopefully tomorrow.


Following best efforts, I will return to let this thread know how I fared.




Our Man in the Tropics

On 11/10/2017 at 9:21 AM, mtls2005 said:

What version of Android are you running? 


My best guesses: you're running Android 5.0, the version of LINE you are using, or some feature, requires ANdroid 6.0 or higher.


Did LINE ever work acceptably for you? If yes, when did it change? 


My recommendation: back up all LINE data, register LINE with an email/pw, uninstall LINE, re-install LINE.


LINE should work fine on your phone.

Thank u mtls2005 for ur convincing best guess, & even more, ur convincing recommendation ;


I went to phone network shop ;


Staff kindly :



un-install Line & re-install ; I not sure





ONLY updated Line ; I not sure


He definitely did download & install latest Line ;

I think that 2. above only.


Anyway, my smart-phone now successfully using Line ;

Contrary to what Big C mobile telephone-counter staff had told me ;

They said that any efforts to get Line 6.0 would just result in going around in circles ;

And, this they said because spec.s of my smart-phone are too low for latest version of Line.

Solution, they reminded me a number of times, is to buy suitably higher spec. smart-phone.



Again, thank u very much mtls2005




Our Man in the Tropics


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