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Ever Been In A Minor Car Accident?

Jet Gorgon

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Motorbiker drove into my English friend's car as he was waiting to pull out in traffic. Friend took the man to hospital for minor scrapes and then the guy demanded Bt10,000 to fix his bike (broken side mirror and bent front fender). Hospital staff said this was typical (ie, ripoff), but did not make any suggestions to help my pal.

Any advice for handling accident-related demands when the accident is not the farang's fault? Just pay and go?

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Had an accident?

Not your fault?

Makes no difference. We're in Thailand!

Farang involved = Farangs fault every time

Don't pay anything directly to other person there is no need, just smile and call the Insurance man and get Thai wife/gf/friend to translate where possible

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Often the best thing to do is to drive off quickly.

If this is not possible or it's obviously the others fault - the first thing always to do is to phone your insurance.

I was in an accident just over a year ago, when a pickup hit me when it was on the wrong side of the road. If I hadn't been able to phone an influential friend, I'd have had to pay for the damages( I overheard them saying they would pin it on me). As it happened, I managed to get my car repaired and get compensation from them.

Once the police are involved, you have to pay the fine on the spot or they can and do take you to jail and don't always even let you have a phone call. I know a case of an English teacher who refused to pay and was put in jail. Whilst in jail his phone rang and the policeman answered. It was the personal secretary of the Princess. He had been on his way to the palace!

The result was the rather amusing - involved policemen kissing someones feet.

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Often the best thing to do is to drive off quickly.

If this is not possible or it's obviously the others fault - the first thing always to do is to phone your insurance.

I was in an accident just over a year ago, when a pickup hit me when it was on the wrong side of the road. If I hadn't been able to phone an influential friend, I'd have had to pay for the damages( I overheard them saying they would pin it on me). As it happened, I managed to get my car repaired and get compensation from them.

Once the police are involved, you have to pay the fine on the spot or they can and do take you to jail and don't always even let you have a phone call. I know a case of an English teacher who refused to pay and was put in jail. Whilst in jail his phone rang and the policeman answered. It was the personal secretary of the Princess. He had been on his way to the palace!

The result was the rather amusing - involved policemen kissing someones feet.


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Neeranam on a roll. ALways a good time for some more bar stool fisherman's tales.

I truly wish foreign residents would stop perpetuating horse-droppings when it comes to these matters.

Phone your insurance company, they take care of it. I've had traffic accidents, never a problem, never an issue. Traffic laws may on certain points be different to what you're used to. Read the book, do the test, or did you get your driving license also from your 'influential person'?

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I've had a couple of minor scrapes, one was my fault.

I use the same rules as I would in the UK:-

1. Never admit anything

2. Call your insurance and let them do the negotiating.

3. If it's remotely serious (injuries) call the police (they tend to arrive anyway).

4. Let someone else sort out hospital transport.

No 4 seems heartless I know, but if you're not at the hospital they can't demand payment off you!

Just my 2 satang

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If it was the other guys fault. immediately call for police and explain the best you can what he did. usually that means the guy will get a ticket!

I've been involved in several car accidents here (none my fault) and the other guy had to pay!

Don't follow that advice about running away or just paying. thats bull! make THEM pay if it was thier fault. Especially those asses on the motorbikes

your case seems pretty cut and dried. You weren't even moving so all fault goes to the bike driver.

Now, the questions are: Do you have a drivers permit? Are you here legally? if you answer yes to both. then....



Edited by griser
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Motorbiker drove into my English friend's car as he was waiting to pull out in traffic.

I once had a similar accident. The biker, under 15, had neither a driving licence, nor an ID card. So I took the plate number and went to the police station. There I was asked to file a formal complaint in order to find the owner of the bike (otherwise the office where plate numbers are registered can't do anything).

Two or three days later, the police located the owner (the boy's mother) and advised her to contact me. We met and she agreed to pay (my car was slightly damaged). Then I called the police station to ask them to drop the complaint. End of the story.

Note: If the complain't hadn't been droped, the mother would have been charged for letting her underage son ride the bike.

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typically, a motorcycle accident is paid for by the car, even when the car is not at fault; Thai or otherwise.

Most decent cars have insurance; use it; then....not your problem.

The last thing you want to do is drive off; that is f&*king irresponsible; the person could be injured, they might need help; for all we know they could be rip roaringly drunk, 13 years old and driving at 100km in a soi, but if you have a chance to help them (and kick their butt when they recover) then you should. Drive off????? It is against the law (AFAIK) and is prima facie admission of guilt. Some drugged up lout did this to our car when I was a kid back where I grew up; took them a while to catch him; if he had stayed around, would have been given a fine and community service; instead I am fairly sure I recall that he had to go to jail and get bummed presumably a few times. Moral: Don't drive off.

But, in defense of that sentiment, there is an expectation among some farang that they will be held responsible. That's why you have insurance; call them and they will sort it out. Don't move the vehicles until you have photographic evidence; wait for the police; and make sure you have a license and insurance. Speaking Thai obviously will help, as otherwise the police/whoever hear one side of the story fluently and just have to put up with yelling grunts and gestures on the other side; who would you believe in this case as the Thai policeman?

Some people on this board lead very different lives to others; I am sure my advice is appropriate for middle Thailand; Pattaya, going south. Isaan; well maybe that is entirely different?????

Edited by steveromagnino
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typically, a motorcycle accident is paid for by the car, even when the car is not at fault; Thai or otherwise.
Agreed - the bigger vehicle pays.
Some people on this board lead very different lives to others; I am sure my advice is appropriate for middle Thailand; Pattaya, going south. Isaan; well maybe that is entirely different?????

Where I live - Isarn - two very drunk people on a motorcycle are weaving about the wrong side of the road without helmets on and don't have any lights, insurance. I hit them with my car - should I stop and face a very hefty fine? No way - I'm out of there. A friend of mine wasn't so lucky - cost him 800,000 baht for hospital fees and compensation - he should have been looking.

Don't follow that advice about running away or just paying. thats bull! make THEM pay if it was thier fault. Especially those asses on the motorbikes

your case seems pretty cut and dried. You weren't even moving so all fault goes to the bike driver.

It's got nothinbg to do with fault - it's who the policeman thinks can afford to pay.

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Some people on this board lead very different lives to others; I am sure my advice is appropriate for middle Thailand; Pattaya, going south. Isaan; well maybe that is entirely different?????

Agreed. Pattaya cops are a different breed entirely in my experience. And not in a good way.

Just make sure that you're legal; insured; and sober. I would never try to "flee the scene" like a lot of irresponsible locals try to do. They don't always get away with it.

It might not be your fault, but always try to stay calm, even if you are angry or injured. There might be a mob of people turn up before the cops get there, and an incoherent foreigner shouting off and using aggressive body language doesn't go down too well.

Always call your insurance people. Keep the tel no. on speed dial if you travel a lot. I've had a lot of small accidents with the amount of driving I had to do, but fortunately never anything that cost me too much in injury or financial cost.

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Just make sure that you're legal; insured; and sober.

It might not be your fault, but always try to stay calm, even if you are angry or injured.

Always call your insurance people. Keep the tel no. on speed dial if you travel a lot.

GREAT golden rules for fewer problems if you get into an accident :-)

Thanks for summarising

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