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Thaivisa exclusive: “Attempted murder" as "Australian" man punched by Thai in school says he is really British


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41 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

Sorry, that is where you are wrong. His mental health has more to do with it than you think. You reference running the guy over, if he was run over it didn't affect the interview or explaining to the cop or even throwing that hell of a sucker punch.  As noted, The Thai guy was all in the right he lost majority of it when he threw the punch. This case has more mental health to it than you think for both of them! 

Well, hard to say if the Thai guy was totally right except for throwing a punch. No prior video of the cat and mouse antagonizing each other, who started it and how it engulfed each other with anger. I do know if you flip a Thai off he goes ape. And then heated agression. The Thai guy's car was in front of the old crazed Brit, so it was a pass and stop to get the Brit act of aggresion? Perhaps but we may never know anything up to the fact of where we see the video. 


They are both seriously wrong, but fhe old crazed Brit is going to probably be incarcerated, deported and blacklisted. The Thai guy is no saint, I would think he provoked the situation by poking the fire. The Thai guy will get off unscathed and this incident as popular in the news as it is doesn't help the overall thinking of Thais towards Farang now. There seems to be a growing animosity I have seen and heard from many of Thai friends. 

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17 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


A left hook is his hardest punch?  No one is ignoring that fact anyway, half the posters seem to think it is the only thing that actually happened, he was also the first to be arrested and charged, but he was also the one who admitted his crime and apologised for his actions, the other man lied and protested his innocence, it is quite clear who is the bigger man anyway.

Thai people do that. If they confess and show remorse, it reduces their sentences by half or more. It has nothing to do with being big. It's the smart thing to do. The police should not have been questioning the Aussie/Brit guy because he was still in pain and suffering from a concussion. Concussion results from injury to the brain, and at his age the effects could last quite awhile. He was confused and dazed, as most of us would have been after such a punch to the head. Of course, you would call that "lying" because you're clearly in the Thai man's corner.


A good lawyer would have gotten him out of the police station and into a hospital. Instead, they steamrolled him, while still dazed and confused, to accept a court-appointed lawyer. It's a shame his wife wasn't a bit smarter. If he had 200k available for bail, I'm assuming he wasn't broke, so why didn't he have his own lawyer.

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I looked at the video for a third time. Just on this video and this alone I think we can categorically say that there is brandishing a dangerous weapon, and criminal damage, but the old nutter does not appear to attack the guy, although we can't say this for sure, because of the poor quality of the video.  As to the main event, I can't be sure that this was a deliberate attempt to mow the Thai guy down, and think it possible that he didn't know the guy was there- he just got in the car, possibly didn't look ahead, and drove away in one action.  One supporting fact is that the old nut hit the brakes when he realised there had been a collision.  I would say reckless driving causing injury for sure, to be added to the charge list but not attempted murder.

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3 minutes ago, Simons3 said:

All I can say is.. he will get his wish to stay in Thailand.... Stupid Git! going to get Time for Attempted Murder charges.  At least for his families sake he made bail, so he's got a while.

Of course, they will try to go for "attempted murder", but there was no intention to kill. It was merely 2 guys getting angry and out of control.

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4 hours ago, RWA said:

yes, the Thai guy is good ... was it there any other guy, in front of the Ozzie's car, to get hit straight on whilst looking side-wise, he'd be probably either dead or crippled

Well we were unlucky that the Thai could walk. Thai visa report the attack as a nice hook shot. As a trained boxer I can assure you there was no hook. The retard just ran into him. Blindsided him. On the street we call this rat a dog. Which is to kind a word

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15 minutes ago, tropo said:

Thai people do that. If they confess and show remorse, it reduces their sentences by half or more. It has nothing to do with being big. It's the smart thing to do. The police should not have been questioning the Aussie/Brit guy because he was still in pain and suffering from a concussion. Concussion results from injury to the brain, and at his age the effects could last quite awhile. He was confused and dazed, as most of us would have been after such a punch to the head. Of course, you would call that "lying" because you're clearly in the Thai man's corner.


A good lawyer would have gotten him out of the police station and into a hospital. Instead, they steamrolled him, while still dazed and confused, to accept a court-appointed lawyer. It's a shame his wife wasn't a bit smarter. If he had 200k available for bail, I'm assuming he wasn't broke, so why didn't he have his own lawyer.


They were questioning him and he was lying BEFORE he was punched, some would assume that was why he punched him, as he was lying to the police in front of him having just run him over and attacked his car with a machete with his child inside.  I would not call your comments a lie though, just an obscuration of the truth to suit your agenda.  And perhaps if he hadn't of been lying to the police then they would have taken a different approach.

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20 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

I looked at the video for a third time. Just on this video and this alone I think we can categorically say that there is brandishing a dangerous weapon, and criminal damage, but the old nutter does not appear to attack the guy, although we can't say this for sure, because of the poor quality of the video.  As to the main event, I can't be sure that this was a deliberate attempt to mow the Thai guy down, and think it possible that he didn't know the guy was there- he just got in the car, possibly didn't look ahead, and drove away in one action.  One supporting fact is that the old nut hit the brakes when he realised there had been a collision.  I would say reckless driving causing injury for sure, to be added to the charge list but not attempted murder.


Check out the new video above, he doesn't brake after hitting him, he drives off!  And to all those who have been claiming that the Thai man jumped on the car, the new clip clearly shows that he was hit from behind while trying to get out of the way.

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13 hours ago, darksidedog said:

It is up to the court to decide if the attempted murder charge is appropriate, but I do hope that Sumeth is also going to be charged. The punch he threw was pretty dirty and I do not feel it fair that he can just walk away from that without some repercussions.

He snuck him side on. Like all Thai do. Only with there breed close by. Standard procedure here. Always best to launch first. Works for me

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14 minutes ago, tropo said:

Of course, they will try to go for "attempted murder", but there was no intention to kill. It was merely 2 guys getting angry and out of control.


He purposely ran him over, if he had of killed him that would have been a murder, as he didn't it is attempted murder, the same in most countries.

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21 minutes ago, tropo said:

Of course, they will try to go for "attempted murder", but there was no intention to kill. It was merely 2 guys getting angry and out of control.

That's correct. Let's get the killer cop kids in for a example shall we lol. They butchered a disabled boy and walked free lol. This country has a rotten non reformable police force. It should be allowed to die period.

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14 minutes ago, Media1 said:

Well we were unlucky that the Thai could walk. Thai visa report the attack as a nice hook shot. As a trained boxer I can assure you there was no hook. The retard just ran into him. Blindsided him. On the street we call this rat a dog. Which is to kind a word


"The retard just ran into him. Blindsided him. On the street we call this rat a dog. Which is to kind a word"


I guess that's what happens when you purposely run someone over who is looking the other way, blindsiding them with a car. 

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5 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


They were questioning him and he was lying BEFORE he was punched, some would assume that was why he punched him, as he was lying to the police in front of him having just run him over and attacked his car with a machete with his child inside.  I would not call your comments a lie though, just an obscuration of the truth to suit your agenda.  And perhaps if he hadn't of been lying to the police then they would have taken a different approach.

The only comments that count are the ones made in a police report. The police were just trying to get a general idea of the situation at the scene. 


Once again you're making things up. He was not lying to the police before he was punched. He was merely trying to explain what happened. You couldn't hear much and most of the conversation was in hand gestures. You're the one making up "truths" to suit your agenda which is obviously biased towards the Thai. 






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23 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Check out the new video above, he doesn't brake after hitting him, he drives off!  And to all those who have been claiming that the Thai man jumped on the car, the new clip clearly shows that he was hit from behind while trying to get out of the way.

He wasn't "hit". He was nudged and he exaggerated it by leaping onto the hood. You must have been watching a different video because in the video I was watching he braked to a complete standstill immediately after nudging him. It looks like he may have intentionally broken the windshield for dramatic effect. Maybe his second job is a movie stuntman.


"run someone over" you keep repeating in another dramatic embellishment. LOL, no one was run over.

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22 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Check out the new video above, he doesn't brake after hitting him, he drives off!  And to all those who have been claiming that the Thai man jumped on the car, the new clip clearly shows that he was hit from behind while trying to get out of the way.

Where? I looked at the one at the start of this thread.  I'll honestly look at it with an unbiased eye, but need to able to find it.

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6 hours ago, tropo said:

That would be something a good lawyer would order i.e. a psychiatric evaluation. They probably won't.


I'd like to see that Thai gold dealer locked away - he could be pretty dangerous. If he can brutally assault an old man directly in front of a policeman, it's quite possible with a gun he could kill someone (in his moment of anger). He's the more dangerous of the two.



A 28 year old gold shop owner - chances are he can even get away with murder.

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Meanwhile, in Australia:


The man who killed 18-year-old water polo player Cole Miller in Brisbane's Fortitude Valley in a random one-punch attack has been sentenced to seven years in prison.

Armstrong Renata, 23, pleaded guilty to unlawful striking causing death in the Supreme Court in Brisbane.




Of course, a coward punch can't kill in Thailand.



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1 minute ago, whaleboneman said:

A 28 year old gold shop owner - chances are he can even get away with murder.

You're probably right. He wasn't too concerned about the traffic cop, so he may have friends and/or family high up in the force.

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1 hour ago, Kieran00001 said:


A left hook is his hardest punch?  No one is ignoring that fact anyway, half the posters seem to think it is the only thing that actually happened, he was also the first to be arrested and charged, but he was also the one who admitted his crime and apologised for his actions, the other man lied and protested his innocence, it is quite clear who is the bigger man anyway.

Wish it would happen to ur dad see if u then still cheer and applaude  for the nasty violence of an 28 old against a 78 year old!

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48 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


"The retard just ran into him. Blindsided him. On the street we call this rat a dog. Which is to kind a word"


I guess that's what happens when you purposely run someone over who is looking the other way, blindsiding them with a car. 

I found the new video which shows that the old nutter definitely drove the car at him according to my eyes. It was too low speed and the guy was already rather too close to be considered attempted murder, and the result is what you would expect,ie, minor injuries, though he could have landed less fortunately I suppose.  Some form of malicious wounding I guess.


It may give some mitigation to the assault that followed, but not much because it too was a vicious and premeditated assault that might have caused more profound damage.


It just looks like a pair of nutters determined to find trouble, and who are a danger to themselves as well as others. Both really deserve equal condemnation.

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13 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

the courts will go for compromise

Brit will pay 10000

and get a suspended sentence

no deportation

Probably better if he self-deports then, I am sure that gold-boy can pay a couple of thugs 1000b to thump his ass when he least expects it. I doubt that gold-boy is a nice person running a scam business like that all angry as he seemed

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12 hours ago, giddyup said:

You have no idea what provoked the falang in the first place, he claims the Thai tried to run him off the road, so maybe he was justified in his actions. Anyone who sucker punches an old man is certainly no hero though, I suppose tipping him out of a wheelchair or kicking his crutches away would be justified as well?

Why are you constantly trying to make the Aussie/Brit look good? The Thai guy was attacked with a machete, then got run over with a car. What would you do in such a situation?


   The Brit should be deported and blacklisted. Anything else is rubbish. 

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7 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

Why are you constantly trying to make the Aussie/Brit look good? The Thai guy was attacked with a machete, then got run over with a car. What would you do in such a situation?


   The Brit should be deported and blacklisted. Anything else is rubbish. 


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14 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

Why are you constantly trying to make the Aussie/Brit look good? The Thai guy was attacked with a machete, then got run over with a car. What would you do in such a situation?


   The Brit should be deported and blacklisted. Anything else is rubbish. 

Why are you rushing to a verdict without seeing all the facts?  Yes, it appears that he is being charged with attempted murder, which is appropriate, but again, when it goes to trial, then the verdict will be rendered, but all facts need to be considered. There are bits that make the old guy look guilty, but I would look at all the facts, what preceded this, maybe the old guy has Alzheimer's or dementia, maybe the old guy is taking medication, both legal and illegal or drink.  Now let's look at the Thai, was he under the influence of drugs or alcohol, etc. 


I'd say if nothing else, the old guy should be deported whether ordered by court or simply on his own volition, it's for his own safety. I can see people getting paid to thump the old guy, there are a lot of poor people sitting by that will do dirty deeds cheap, and with crowd mentality, some might beat or kill him for free.

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1 hour ago, jenny2017 said:

Why are you constantly trying to make the Aussie/Brit look good? The Thai guy was attacked with a machete, then got run over with a car. What would you do in such a situation?


   The Brit should be deported and blacklisted. Anything else is rubbish. 

Because I'm not one of the "hang 'em high" brigade.

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