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Thousand of tourists complaining but Thais doing a great job, say Thai Rath


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2 hours ago, farcanell said:

Picky picky picky... obviously the reference is to the times , based in London, and locally called the London times.... regardless, most would surely realize the connection






You seem to have not read your own reference. It says 'In countries where these other titles are popular (referring to The Times of India and The New York Times)'.

Neither of these titles are popular in the UK and so, locally, The Times is known as - The Times - and has never been known otherwise, as is the case for most UK national newspapers. (Telegraph, Mail, Express, Sun, Star, Mirror). Slight exception is the Guardian, which was renamed from The Manchester Guardian in 1959 and is called so by very old readers.

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In a long, rambling feature they singled out tourism police commander Pol. Maj. Gen. Surachet Hakpan for particular praise with many smiling pictures of the chief touring the kingdom eradicating crime and providing assistance.


He's not eradicating crime!! He aint pointing at anything!   

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This thread reminds me of the story of a police officer who came to the scene of an accident near Sydney, at the Gap.

There was a witness crying his eyes out.


Police Officer: "What happened?"

Witness: " A terrible tragedy. (Sob) A busload of Chinese tourists have gone over the  Gap. They've all been killed."

Police Officer: "What's your problem, you fool?"

Witness: ( sob sob )" There were three empty seats!"



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1 hour ago, helloagain said:

Third world country ripping off another 3rd world country. Chinese goods are cheap and crap. And the chinese eat food like pigs. I went there 6 months ago. Animals when there is a buffet.

Agree, I've seen a busload of them at a buffet in Chiang Mai. I think you are rather harsh on the pigs.

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And what about all the farang who got scammed and call it "land of scams" now??? I bet even the jetski-scam in Pattaya is still going on, so does the "temple/palace is closed" scam...or all those gold/gemshops who have double prices...

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It's rather odd. When I was in Hong Kong a couple of years ago, if I was dealing with a Chinese one-on-one, they were polite and very helpful if I was looking for assistance.

Put them together in a group, however, and it's Jekyll and Hyde stuff.

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They eat like noisy slop pigs, shuffle their feet annoyingly when they walk, (can't pick up their heels), push & shove to butt in, will step on your toes without excusing themselves, rude, obnoxious, self entitled, dog eating, ivory poaching enablers, massive environmental polluters & they just don't give a siht!

I've worked with groups of them. Disgusting behaviours when they're in someone elses country.

Should start banning their immigration to western countries! There too many where I come from.

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2 hours ago, mrfill said:

You seem to have not read your own reference. It says 'In countries where these other titles are popular (referring to The Times of India and The New York Times)'.

Neither of these titles are popular in the UK and so, locally, The Times is known as - The Times - and has never been known otherwise, as is the case for most UK national newspapers. (Telegraph, Mail, Express, Sun, Star, Mirror). Slight exception is the Guardian, which was renamed from The Manchester Guardian in 1959 and is called so by very old readers.

By all means, have it your own way.


personally, I thank he original poster for clarifying which “times” he was referencing, as there are so many, and as the followers of this thread hail from so many different countries, it avoids ambiguity.


i also thought that posters, in general, were trying to curb the practice of grammatical nazism, which your post stinks of, as we all know what was meant by “ London Times”


im sorry if you were confused by the wording, but if you google London Times, you will get where you need to be, and where the poster wanted you to be.... and as there is no reference to where that poster was actually from (perhaps India... perhaps America... etc), his reference may be 100% correct, to him, per your comeback.


color... colour, if you get my drift... anyway, enjoy your evening

Edited by farcanell
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30 minutes ago, SpicyMeatball said:

They eat like noisy slop pigs, shuffle their feet annoyingly when they walk, (can't pick up their heels), push & shove to butt in, will step on your toes without excusing themselves, rude, obnoxious, self entitled, dog eating, ivory poaching enablers, massive environmental polluters & they just don't give a siht!

I've worked with groups of them. Disgusting behaviours when they're in someone elses country.

Should start banning their immigration to western countries! There too many where I come from.

Oh come on. Shuffle their feet annoyingly? That's a bridge too far.

BTW, it's the Koreans who are dog eaters.

The rest, I agree with when they are a group.

 You did forget the rhinoceros horn and shark fin soup.

Edited by bazza73
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17 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

Oh come on. Shuffle their feet annoyingly? That's a bridge too far.

BTW, it's the Koreans who are dog eaters.

The rest, I agree with when they are a group.

 You did forget the rhinoceros horn and shark fin soup.

I take it you haven't been around too many Chinese?

Yes, they shuffle their feet (drag their feet like limp <deleted>).

Google "Yulin dog meat festival". Happens every year during summer solstice. Viewer discretion is advised if you look at the images. Vietnam, South Korea, big dog eaters. Disgusting lot of them all. 

Ivory is elephant tusk & rhino horn. Add to that tiger penise/balls, bear gall bladder & paws. (They don't give a rat's axx for endangered species, as long as they get their fix). We should start poaching their panda bears! See how they like that!

Japanese are the big consumers of shark fin soup last I heard but I'm sure the Chinese are right in there too. It's all disgusting & inhumane.

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The Times is often referred to as the London Times to differentiate it from the New York Times, The Washington Times etc. There we go - you've learned something today and can go to bed wiser than when you woke up. Always a good thing. :smile:

Not if your from London

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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9 hours ago, moe666 said:

During my life span never been any where that was perfect. Years ago while in London the London Times does an article on why the majority of tourist never came back. The research showed it was the general lack of customer service, and a lack of feeling welcome that kept many tourist from returning.

Do you mean the research showed that majority of tourist never came back to London or to Thailand? What you wrote is rather ambiguous.

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

Top of the list was not getting services they thought they had paid for. Being compelled to buy sub-standard products was another.


Both are features of the problem of "zero-dollar" tours, said Thai Rath.

Peculiar to zero-dollars, then? I don't think so.

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Been there, seen it, experienced it. Why a second time? 
If it was the best trip, it would stay in my mind, so why visit again?

Oh, Thailand, the planet in the center of the universe... I have pictures, see my first line !!!

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The complaints from Chinese tourists could be nipped in the bud if all Chinese tourists

were given a flyer at the immigration booth explaining the gem scam, souvenir

shop scam. Sub standard, low quality gems and souvenirs at high prices, with huge kickbacks

to the tour company who brought them there.

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So the head of the tourist police is personally touring the country and completely destroying and putting an end to crime, he's good, very very good.


Just a question who are these "High Profile" people who have been arrested?  Hear of high profile arrests but never any names or pics.  Well there was Yingluk but that was a real case.

Edited by Thechook
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18 hours ago, farcanell said:

Picky picky picky... obviously the reference is to the times , based in London, and locally called the London times.... regardless, most would surely realize the connection






Its not known locally as the London Times and never has been but there you go.  The point about tourist complaints is duly noted.

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14 hours ago, helloagain said:

Third world country ripping off another 3rd world country. Chinese goods are cheap and crap. And the chinese eat food like pigs. I went there 6 months ago. Animals when there is a buffet.

Can't disagree with a word of that!

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18 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

The Chinese are notoriously cheap. 

The original Cheap Charlies so what do you expect? 

The average mainland Chinese didn't began to have a full stomach until about 10 years ago.  It is normal for them to be cheap.

It will be another thirty years before they will be as nice as the Japanese. 

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1 hour ago, carmine said:

Its not known locally as the London Times and never has been but there you go.  The point about tourist complaints is duly noted.

Perhaps when I say locally, I mean locally to me, as in here... in Thailand, were we are not all londoners, (some having never been) but are a part of the wider international community.... hence appreciating the distinction made between the various publications worldwide.


???? that’s cool.... ? dirty rotten Chinese, hey.

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