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UK facing most severe terror threat ever, warns MI5 chief

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UK facing most severe terror threat ever, warns MI5 chief

Head of intelligence service says more attacks are inevitable as Britain sees ‘dramatic upshift’ in Islamist terrorism

Vikram Dodd Police and crime correspondent


Britain is facing its most severe ever terrorist threat and fresh attacks in the country are inevitable, according to the head of Britain’s normally secretive domestic intelligence service in a rare public speech.


Andrew Parker, the director general of MI5, said the UK had seen “a dramatic upshift in the threat” from Islamist terrorism this year, reflecting attacks that have taken place in Westminster, Manchester and London Bridge.


The spy chief said: “That threat is multi-dimensional, evolving rapidly and operating at a scale and pace we’ve not seen before.”


Full story: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/oct/17/uk-most-severe-terror-threat-ever-mi5-islamist


-- The Guardian 2017-10-18

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It's inevitable with the high number of muslims in the country. Australia has in recent years allowed 1000,S of middle eastern refugees into the country and as a result have started to see a lot of terrorist activitie starting to develop 


'The spy chief said: “That threat is multi-dimensional, evolving rapidly and operating at a scale and pace we’ve not seen before.”' Then I guess MI5 will have to evolve rapidly, and to operate at a previously unseen scale and pace - the scale seems to be in process, given an increase in personnel numbers of some 25%.


'Parker ... said 100 Britons were believed to have died fighting for Isis and fresh danger was posed by the potential return of 850 more who had travelled to its territory ...' And the UK is just going to let them back in?


Nobody's fault but our own. Allow foreign "cultures" and religion to ride roughshod over ours. Fill the country with undocumented refugees and asylum seekers,. Allow religious faith schools to brainwash kids, Allow mosques to be built and community groups to spread their propaganda. Have a toothless criminal justice system and elect a bunch of hopeless lefty PC apologists to Government. Fail to punish those found guilty and fail to crackdown on the missuse of the internet. Why is anyone surprised that terrorism is rife.



And there are the “open door liberal socialists “ who are happy for foreign courts and other EU losers” to make and interpret laws governing the UK and all this ECHR human rights bullshit .The opportunity over the next year and a half to finally break will be the last or the UK will literally be a failed multi cultural disaster!

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 Islamist terrorism, Andrew Parker is off the reservation with that comment. Brit public servants usually refer to these incidents as terrorism, islam we have been told is a religion of peace.


islam we have been told is a religion of peace.


Islam is a religion of peace -- the moment all the infidels have had their heads cut off or been enslaved, there will be global peace for a myriad of myriad of years. 


It's just all those pesky Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, atheists, and animists ruining things by insisting on being alive.


I’m not being cruel or racist but if u open the floodgates to vast people from war zones you bringing the war blood thirsty in as well as the innocent

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Terrorism is bad enough. But wait a few years until we have an epidemic of HIV, antibiotic resistant Tuberculosis and Hepatitis. All brought to the UK by refugees and asylum seekers from the third World who weren't immunised as kids nor checked on arrival. This is a huge ticking bomb that has yet to explode. Wait to see the hand wringing and outrage that Govt did nothing to screen these arrivals. Will be a bigger scandal than the HIV infected blood for haemophiliacs..

I’m not being cruel or racist but if u open the floodgates to vast people from war zones you bringing the war blood thirsty in as well as the innocent



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Of course, and there are political parties in the UK including a crazy Marxist with a beard who believes in open door to virtually all immigrants



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16 hours ago, Pdaz said:

Nobody's fault but our own. Allow foreign "cultures" and religion to ride roughshod over ours. Fill the country with undocumented refugees and asylum seekers,. Allow religious faith schools to brainwash kids, Allow mosques to be built and community groups to spread their propaganda. Have a toothless criminal justice system and elect a bunch of hopeless lefty PC apologists to Government. Fail to punish those found guilty and fail to crackdown on the missuse of the internet. Why is anyone surprised that terrorism is rife.


At a superficial level, you are correct - but a more correct response would be to examine why they are here, and who is responsible for the chaos and mayhem that besets the middle east and South Asia. So your opening statement is correct - we in the west bear significant responsibility of the mess we find ourselves in, but not because we opened to door to those refugees, but because we were (and continue to be) significant in creating the conditions that cause them to become refugees in the first place.

1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:

At a superficial level, you are correct - but a more correct response would be to examine why they are here, and who is responsible for the chaos and mayhem that besets the middle east and South Asia. So your opening statement is correct - we in the west bear significant responsibility of the mess we find ourselves in, but not because we opened to door to those refugees, but because we were (and continue to be) significant in creating the conditions that cause them to become refugees in the first place.

Yes but on the other hand if they behaved in their countrys like we are now in the west ,not constantly fighting and causing trouble ,we would not have to go there to try and keep some sort of peace ,as i have said before ,they cant even live in peace with each other ,so what hope have we?

19 hours ago, Pdaz said:

Nobody's fault but our own. Allow foreign "cultures" and religion to ride roughshod over ours. Fill the country with undocumented refugees and asylum seekers,. Allow religious faith schools to brainwash kids, Allow mosques to be built and community groups to spread their propaganda. Have a toothless criminal justice system and elect a bunch of hopeless lefty PC apologists to Government. Fail to punish those found guilty and fail to crackdown on the missuse of the internet. Why is anyone surprised that terrorism is rife.


A pity there is only one like button on a post..........so instead here is my additional reaction..................

:thumbsup: :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

20 hours ago, Pdaz said:

Nobody's fault but our own. Allow foreign "cultures" and religion to ride roughshod over ours. Fill the country with undocumented refugees and asylum seekers,. Allow religious faith schools to brainwash kids, Allow mosques to be built and community groups to spread their propaganda. Have a toothless criminal justice system and elect a bunch of hopeless lefty PC apologists to Government. Fail to punish those found guilty and fail to crackdown on the missuse of the internet. Why is anyone surprised that terrorism is rife.


Shouldn't have colonised half of the world. Should not have created the mess in the Middle East. Ever heard of "consequences"?

2 hours ago, i claudius said:

Yes but on the other hand if they behaved in their countrys like we are now in the west ,not constantly fighting and causing trouble ,we would not have to go there to try and keep some sort of peace ,as i have said before ,they cant even live in peace with each other ,so what hope have we?

Because western involvement in the middle east has always (has ever???) been from a humanitarian / altruistic perspective? We are merely trying to keep a quarrelsome and disagreeable lot from massacring each other? No geopolitical maneuvering, no proxy wars or subjugation of people and theft of their natural resources going on? 



14 minutes ago, Machiavelli said:

Shouldn't have colonised half of the world. Should not have created the mess in the Middle East. 

Yes should either have killed them all and took their land/resources. Or just left them to shag goats and continue in their primitive existance.

Everyone is keen to bash colonialism but forgets the infrastructure we built. Roads, Electrification, Communications, Water treatment, Schools, Hospitals and Ports. Then there is the education system and advances in medical trestment. Yes maybe some people were subjugated but many had their lives improved.

It's been almost 30 years since the last remnants of the British empire were granted independence many turned to violence and civil war once we left.

Conflict in Africa and the Middle East was often between religious or tribal groups and started when the West left a vacuum. But blaming conflict between Sunnis and Shias and Jews and Muslims on the West is just daft. As for Africa, tribal warfare has been going on since they first invented the spear. 

They have another 1000 years of development before they eradicate tribalism. 


2 minutes ago, Pdaz said:

Yes should either have killed them all and took their land/resources. Or just left them to shag goats and continue in their primitive existance.

Everyone is keen to bash colonialism but forgets the infrastructure we built. Roads, Electrification, Communications, Water treatment, Schools, Hospitals and Ports. Then there is the education system and advances in medical trestment. Yes maybe some people were subjugated but many had their lives improved.

It's been almost 30 years since the last remnants of the British empire were granted independence many turned to violence and vivil war once we left.

Conflict in Africa and the Middle East was often between religious or tribal groups and started when the West left a vacuum. But blaming conflict between Sunnis and Shias and Jews and Muslims on the West is just daft. 


I will not waste time talking pie in the sky. I am a realist. You go and colonize people, don't complain when they turn up at your door. If you go and invade a country on trumped up WMDS nonsense, set a whole region slight,  bomb and wipe out entire families and destroy the infrastructure those people are dependent on, you will be extremely daft not to expect blowback! 

1 hour ago, Machiavelli said:

Shouldn't have colonised half of the world. Should not have created the mess in the Middle East. Ever heard of "consequences"?

The first crusade was called in 1095 after 300 years of Islam over running the Christian middle east, of the 5 great Christian centers only Rome and Constantinople survived untaken, then after 1495 just Rome. If not for the Polish cavalry in 1683 at Vienna Islam would have taken the rest of Europe as well, Islam has been trying to colonize unbelievers for 1400 years.

Shouldn't have colonised half of the world. Should not have created the mess in the Middle East. Ever heard of "consequences"?

Perhaps the west should not have colonized America or Australia perhaps the Romans should not have colonized Britain but it happened and their lands are not constantly at war fighting each other , unlike these wonderful lands that you keep telling us we should not have colonized or interfered in .Truth of the matter is even if we had never set foot there they would still be killing each other. They all hate each other.they just hate us even more. Mankind will die out before they become civilized

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5 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

The first crusade was called in 1095 after 300 years of Islam over running the Christian middle east, of the 5 great Christian centers only Rome and Constantinople survived untaken, then after 1495 just Rome. If not for the Polish cavalry in 1683 at Vienna Islam would have taken the rest of Europe as well, Islam has been trying to colonize unbelievers for 1400 years.

How many people do you think are actually continuing to act out the modern day repercussions of those events compared to those fleeing contemporary horrors, largely the result of western greed and hegemony? 


why do you think Sept the 11th was picked as a date to attack the infidel? Muslims have never forgotten, they wanted the 12th but had to make do with 11. They still hurt about their massive defeat at Vienna

10 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

why do you think Sept the 11th was picked as a date to attack the infidel? Muslims have never forgotten, they wanted the 12th but had to make do with 11. They still hurt about their massive defeat at Vienna

There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world; there were 19 hijackers involved in Sept 11 attacks. Are you seriously suggesting that those 19 were representative of the thoughts and desires of 1.6 billion?

There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world; there were 19 hijackers involved in Sept 11 attacks. Are you seriously suggesting that those 19 were representative of the thoughts and desires of 1.6 billion?

Just 19 involved Islamic terrorist acts? A naive Europhile , and that’s being polite !

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11 minutes ago, shanesox said:

Just 19 involved Islamic terrorist acts? A naive Europhile , and that’s being polite !

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I am not sure where your confusion has arisen. Maybe go back and read once more the post from Orton Rd and my response to it. If you are still confused, why not ask an adult to explain it to you. 

21 hours ago, Pdaz said:

Nobody's fault but our own. Allow foreign "cultures" and religion to ride roughshod over ours. Fill the country with undocumented refugees and asylum seekers,. Allow religious faith schools to brainwash kids, Allow mosques to be built and community groups to spread their propaganda. Have a toothless criminal justice system and elect a bunch of hopeless lefty PC apologists to Government. Fail to punish those found guilty and fail to crackdown on the missuse of the internet. Why is anyone surprised that terrorism is rife.


"Allow foreign "cultures" and religion to ride roughshod over ours."  "Allow religious faith schools to brainwash kids"


Agree entirely with the above quotes from Pdaz's post - would only add that ANY religious faith schools should not be allowed - or any religious excuse be allowed to exempt/change the school rules for any pupils.



1 hour ago, Machiavelli said:

I will not waste time talking pie in the sky. I am a realist. You go and colonize people, don't complain when they turn up at your door. If you go and invade a country on trumped up WMDS nonsense, set a whole region slight,  bomb and wipe out entire families and destroy the infrastructure those people are dependent on, you will be extremely daft not to expect blowback! 


Whilst I entirely agree with the sentiment - a large proportion of the murderers were born in the UK.


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