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Standing Order Set Up Online

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I want to set up a standing order with my KTB bank.I want them to send money on the first of every month to an account in a Kasicorn bank.Normally the easiest thing to do would be to go into my bank itself and set it up but I live about an hour and a half from my bank and there is all ways an hour long Q

when I get there.So round trip that all adds up to 4 hours.


I have online banking with my Krung Thai Bank and was wondering if anybody would help me to do it because I looked on their website but cannot figure out how to do it.I don't understand the English terms and can't even figure out where to start.


They used to have a help line you could call but I can't find that either.

Would appreciate some help.

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I can only speak for Kasikorn Thai Bank, but it's very easy.  The only 2 drawbacks are that you can only set up the standing order for one year ahead and then you'll have to renew it for the following  year.  The second drawback is that Kasikorn bank will only allow a standing order to transfer to another Kasikorn bank account, but this need not be your own.  My daughters are at uni and I transfer money to them each month by standing order.


the menus on Kasikorn are:-

Account Management

Fund transfer

Other account funds transfer

Transfer From Account number     (fill in details)

Transfer To Account Number   (fill in details)

Transfer detail amount  (fill in monthly amount)

Transfer on  recurring every date of month  ( select date of transfer)

From month year ( select month number to start and year to start)

To month year (select final month number and year)

***this cannot be more than one year ahead**

Notify Payee  (this allows you to notify the payee by email or SMS

when the payment is made, you can skip this bit)

Note that you automatically get an email when the transfer is made.

A one-time-password is then sent to my phone to authenticate it, and that's it!


Of course this being Thailand  your bank will be totally different.  But I hope this is of help.


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