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Soldiers pick up 100 tons of trash from beaches around Hua Hin - army plan to dump it in ten holes


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1 hour ago, farcanell said:



not the garbage.... but they have mobilized the nations armed forces to deal with it!


do they still not know that they can buy beach cleaning equipment to do this type of cleanup?

True, but beach cleaning equipment needs to be used daily to pay for itself, you know as well as I do, this is just a one off bullshit cleanup next week it will be back as normal, knacker deep in rubbish!

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52 minutes ago, maxcorrigan said:

True, but beach cleaning equipment needs to be used daily to pay for itself, you know as well as I do, this is just a one off bullshit cleanup next week it will be back as normal, knacker deep in rubbish!

Knickers deep... love it!

probably true... Gunnar’s posting at #3 shows the horrible truth.

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7 minutes ago, SpicyMeatball said:

Good Grief! Why in the world don’t they separate & recycle the plastic for humanities sake? 1000 years from now the plastic will still be buried there! 


Because, if you don't see it, it doesn't exist.

Actually, it would be so much more cost effective if we would all just close our eyes.


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1 hour ago, Cranky said:

Hardly a single positive comment on this thread, if you did post one I missed it amongst all the moaning and usual (mostly justified) piss-taking.  Most of the time this lot do deserve both barrells but sometimes, just sometimes they actually have a go at fixing something.  100 tons, 50 tons, seaweed, fag buts or none it's a ferging start.  Would you all prefer it got swept back in the sea, or just left there, maybe get some giant fans and blow it over to Pattaya where it wouldn't be noticed.


It's a massive global problem and only education from a very young age will turn it around.   

maybe get some giant fans and blow it over to Pattaya where it wouldn't be noticed.


Now we're talking! Brilliant!


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8 hours ago, mark01 said:

And in a latest development in the crisis the navy have been called in to monitor the coast and sea from aircraft to see when and where the next load will arrive.


It will arrive at the weekend from Bangkok in SUVs and pick-up trucks.

Do they still believe that all this crap comes from "another" place?

Nah,..they'll wait until somebody filmed a Farang throwing garbage somewhere ??? then they can blame the Farangs !!!

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From the negative comments anyone would think this is a Thai problem. This is Kamilo Beach Hawaii.

Kamilo Beach is the vortex of a number of the world’s oceans currents, meaning it unfortunately collects OTHER COUNTRIES marine debris....including that of SE Asia.

It’s a storm beach. There are no residents there and no sealed roads leading to it. The natives used to collect massive amounts of driftwood from there to build canoes.

Unlike the Toilet (Gulf) of Thailand, the water of all beaches of all islands in Hawaii are crystal clear.

Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pacific_garbage_patch
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7 hours ago, farcanell said:



not the garbage.... but they have mobilized the nations armed forces to deal with it!


do they still not know that they can buy beach cleaning equipment to do this type of cleanup?

Beach cleaning equipment is expensive and requires trained operators and maintenance.  Thai army recruits are free!  Since the cigarette ban has gone into effect, I am sure that beach trash will now be a thing of the past!:shock1::smile: 555555!

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2 hours ago, Essaybloke said:

Nice to see the Thai military gainfully employed this week. 



I recognize the sarcasm.

In reality the military that gets paid regardless of performing any meaningful work or not would be taking unskilled jobs away from unemployed and low income Thais. Use of military troops for non-emergency civic activities more reflects a likely bloated military fed by an unnecessary conscription.

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23 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

I recognize the sarcasm.

In reality the military that gets paid regardless of performing any meaningful work or not would be taking unskilled jobs away from unemployed and low income Thais. Use of military troops for non-emergency civic activities more reflects a likely bloated military fed by an unnecessary conscription.

It's a joke. To many young kids forced to list and doing nothing but being groomed to support the regime. Waste of money that could be tipped into the community. Most of these guys can't wait to leave 

Edited by Media1
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On 11/2/2017 at 7:53 AM, mark01 said:

And in a latest development in the crisis the navy have been called in to monitor the coast and sea from aircraft to see when and where the next load will arrive.


It will arrive at the weekend from Bangkok in SUVs and pick-up trucks.

Do they still believe that all this crap comes from "another" place?

There are 3 dump sites from.dirty Thais near Wongamat. They are no good and have no care for the country or environment 

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Burry the thrash ?!!!!!  and when the toxic fumes will rise in a short time from the soil what will they do ? plant a rice field and grow food over the poison ?...


perhaps the waste land above the toxic burrial could become another farang/expat oriented overpriced housing developpment ?


a bit like when I was a teenager, I used to shoove the dust under the carpet when it was my turn to clean the hall...

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On 11/2/2017 at 6:56 AM, Gunnar Horpestad said:

60 tons or 100 tons???
20cm  down ??? 
Clean all the beach????
Do not think so.
See photo from yesterday morning. This is going directly into the sea.

60 tons was found in one area, part of the 100 tons.  The washed up rubbish was 20cm deep in parts.

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On 11/2/2017 at 9:36 AM, peperobi said:

Good boys, burn all the shit nature and the environment will thank you.

Do you think that is better than smoking on the beach???

It's being buried, not burned, but no one is concerned about smoking on the beach, the concern is selfish smokers leaving their fag ends in the sand; that has caused there to be a smoking ban.

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On 11/2/2017 at 9:36 AM, jerojero said:

100 tons of mostly plastic and Styrofoam? Would fill a football stadium! More exaggerated b's news reporting.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

It was a Thaivisa poster who made that ridiculous claim, not the report that you didn't read properly.  So not "b's" news reporting.

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On 11/2/2017 at 10:08 AM, Moti24 said:

Read the article carefully!  It states that the 10 holes are being dug.  A hole is not a "Special Landfill"!  


"Now Manager said that the army were using a backhoe and ten holes were being dug to bury the trash."


TiT!!!!!  Where else would they dig the holes!

Read the article carefully!  It doesn't state that the holes are being dug on the beach.

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