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Video: Are Thais prepared to pay more taxes to see the hanging wires buried, asks tourist


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4 minutes ago, janpharma said:

Thai don't care...they even don't change a broken lightbulb...They also don't care about the looks as they still throw tons of trash on the streets...:sad:

...as my trade union friend once told me "throw your rubbish on the ground.  If you don't, you're doing someone out of a job" (honestly!).

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If fines are increased for bad driving and traffic infringements and the roads are properly policed I think there will be enough to fix all such problems in Thailand.  Maybe confiscating and selling cars for repeat offenders.  Think of the savings made in the health system.  I think another no brainer.



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6 hours ago, ezzra said:

At least, in those cables there's plenty of electricity running through,

unlike right now in Australia and Victoria in particular, there's an electricity

shortage looming on the horizon for the coming summer, as the powers

that be gone and shut down a dozen of coal fired electricity generating

plants, without really planning how to provide and fill the shortage of those


The vast majotoity of those cables are not electrical supply cables, they are communications cables. This is why Thais can get twice the internet speed I could possibly expect in Australia and at a quarter of the cost.

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4 hours ago, jobsworth said:

it's 'cos the cable length is terminated with a connector in some way and the installer doesn't want to cut the cable and then have to make a new connector on the cut end.


True, as someone posted a while back the cables come in set lengths with special connection each end, if the installer cut the cable he would need to pay for a connection company to redo connection, which of course equals money, so the simplest way is to coil up and use existing connection, i can't vouch for any of this, but when i read it, it seemed to make sense!

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10 hours ago, HTC said:

Just out of interest, does anyone know why cables are looped up at the posts which seems to exacerbate the issue?

The Loops in the photo looks like fibre, and these are loops intentionally provisioned for slack in the event damage occurs someone in the drop and a splice is required to repair.     



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9 hours ago, Searat7 said:

I think that the right to vote should be given only to those registered in the Tax System. The percent of Thais paying income tax is a joke - pretty much limited to those working for companies and government.

I think that the right to vote should be given only to those paying VAT. Yes, that includes all Thais and farangs and everybody else.

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The problem is that you are talking of a minority of Thais who actually pay personal tax. The better option would obviously be a form of local tax, paid by all residents and, given these 'sights' don't just impact local residents, supported by government funding.


'A motorcycle taxi driver says it is great, and more organised.' If only the same could be said of the roads ... eh?

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With all the flooding how will everyone like outages since I Can't imagine all perfect waterproof connections.   I took as my pictures of this artistry on my trips to Bkk.   Before I knew Bill Gates liked the wires too.    Yes I find cell service to be quite good and so low cost compared to USA.  I assume internet is similar low cost? 

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Oh the Bill Gates wires again, it would not be Thailand without those cheap and cheerful wires, Bill loved the naive way of life here really, it reminded him of those garages he worked in 60 years ago when he invented computers which he never did as computers where invented by Charles Babbage at Bexley which helped break the German Enigma machine and helped win the second world war. You cannot change history, but you can change the future, but only if you are an honest person.

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....asks the TOURIST??   Well, "tourist", take a look in the mirror and ask the question again...


No.  Thais are NOT prepared 'cause it won't be THEM paying the tax!  They learned long ago how to reach inside YOUR pocket, and they just LOVE the idea.



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