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Illegal Africans in Thailand: "The more we get rid of them the more they come," say police


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10 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

I reckon there are more white people committing crimes in LOS than blacks 5/1. 

Possibly so because there are probably 100 times more 'white people' than 'blacks'

Just take a walk down mid-Sukhumvit where the blacks apply their trades, at least 100 to 1 whites to blacks

It's the percentage of these blacks that are involved in illegal activities that is considerably higher than the percentage of white people involved in illegal activities.



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9 hours ago, robusto said:

Upper Sukhumvit is ruined. I used to love walking down that road looking at the freaks. Now I feel like I'm running the gauntlet. I can't walk without the constant HEY MAN!! and butt-ugly aggressive black prosties propositioning me. 

Somchai cop, if you're listening! We need your help!

- No visas without collateral from problem countries
- Foreigner propositioning you on the street - GTFO
- Housing expired visa persons - jail for years
- Hidden cameras, if nuisance - receive kerb stomping
- Foreign hookers should be quality controlled and given working girl/boy visas

And yes, this goes for all people, not just the ones most rich in melanin.


You forgot British expats engaging in prostitution in Thailand - receive a jail sentence back home.

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Thanks Donald Trump. Stop ANY black person and ask them for their passport. I think that's called racial profiling.  

No it’s posted in Thai Consulates! Africans can only get visas from their own country! Nothing to do with racial profiling it’s a Thai law specific to “Africa “
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11 minutes ago, bridge2bridge said:

SOME have NO passports.

How the hell do they get in?

Passport 'lost' the day after they arrive. Makes it more difficult to determine country of origin and expedite deportation. Was the passport even their own or a good forgery, good enough to get past Imm' wherever.

Arrested and moved to IDC at Thailands expense for god knows how long until nationality is determined.

I'm not justifying anything just sayin'

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the african guys around sukumwit are salesmen and likely police also benefit from their sales. some believe the police or higher ups like doing business with them as they are organized and efficient. at least they don't mug people. on the other hand a % of african girls are physically aggressive grabbing your arm and not letting go. police don't have incentive to arrest them as there's no money in it, probably lose money.

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After reading some of these comment I decided to bail out from this tread as I now realise why many on here are not living in your own country as if you did you would be behind bars for racialism. Not all black people as you call them are bad, same goes for whites and Thai's.
To the Brits on here if you visit back home, keep the mouth shut if I was you as you will be behind bars it your mouths runs off that is for sure.
You are no better than any other colored person and yes white is a colour, get used to it.

And quoting Thailand visa rules with regard to Africa maybe not to your liking but it’s fact!

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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16 minutes ago, StevieDee said:

Possibly so because there are probably 100 times more 'white people' than 'blacks'

Just take a walk down mid-Sukhumvit where the blacks apply their trades, at least 100 to 1 whites to blacks

It's the percentage of these blacks that are involved in illegal activities that is considerably higher than the percentage of white people involved in illegal activities.



Well how do you know that?


You're confusing visibility with ubiquity.

Yes, the Africans are very overt and in your face but how would you know how many white paedos, murderers on the run, boiler room scammers, overstayers and illegal teachers there are to make an accurate comparison?

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12 minutes ago, Thai Ron said:

Imagine the outcry if Thailand took measures against Western countries for the thousands of Western paedophiles, murderers and boiler room scammers the country is now home to.

If said measures were proportional to the gravity of these crimes, I could see diplomatic ties between Thailand and Britain, Australia and a few other farang countries being severed altogether.


the african guys have always been polite albeit selling drugs. 

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13 hours ago, mike888 said:

Africans will not be stopped from coming to thailand, this is just more racist "black bashing" by thai media/police.


Africa and thailand are linked much more than farang countries due to trade deals (ex. oil/rice/textiles/seafood). This leads to many visa loopholes.


Obviously there are also huge black market links as well, thailand being a big producer and africans the best smugglers .


African girls also popular in bkk amongst whites/arabs so they will keep smuggling humans as well lol.

If you are comparing yourself to Africans fine, or mayhaps you ARE one ? 

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1 hour ago, Sir Dude said:

They wouldn't be there unless a set of very powerful and untouchable Thais say it's OK and there was a lot of profit in it for them.

Yes, exactly.

The same way the top cops let boiler room scammers operate in return for very handsome "insurance premiums".

As long as Thais are not targeted, they don't give a toss.


It's a tough call for me because, while I hate being approached to buy drugs, I do love seeing and hearing bigots and racists choke on their own bile and hatred :laugh:

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1 hour ago, ZAKY said:

The sooner thai autorities act the better is. Once the number increases it will be more difficult to get rid of these illegals. They are harmful to both Thai and foreigners visiting Thailand. 

Harmful how?

Is it life threatening when an African dealer says "Hey man, How you doing"? or an African hooker gently holds your hand and asks if you wanna shag her?

The dealers sell to farangs predominantly but that's lost on the bigots on this forum.

There's this outdated notion that these African dealers are out there getting people hooked on drugs and the farangs who use drugs are just poor victims of the horrible blacks.

How convenient


How is it harmful to Thais?

Do you think there were no drugs in Thailand until the Africans started selling their crap on Sukhumvit?

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53 minutes ago, bridge2bridge said:

SOME have NO passports.

How the hell do they get in?


36 minutes ago, overherebc said:

Passport 'lost' the day after they arrive. Makes it more difficult to determine country of origin and expedite deportation. Was the passport even their own or a good forgery, good enough to get past Imm' wherever.

Arrested and moved to IDC at Thailands expense for god knows how long until nationality is determined.

I'm not justifying anything just sayin'

It becomes clear from the original post:

"Some had only a UNCR signature on a piece of paper to show who they were."


Seems, Thailand is applying similar ridiculous "asylum" rules as the EU ... 

rules propagated by the UN,

sitting safely and well protected by totally different laws in New York

and considering African dictator Mugabe as a "goodwill ambassador" for the UNHCR. 555


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6 minutes ago, markaoffy said:

A bigoted comment! Many Africans who happen to be black are involved in drug related crimes and other illegal activity in Thailand. Now you can look into the reasons why but making general “racist” accusations makes your comments pathetic!

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Mate, lay off the crack pipe.

No one's denying many Africans are involved in drug related crimes and you can deny it all you like, but there are lots and lots of racists among the forum membership.

You only have to read these replies to know that

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Just now, Thai Ron said:

Mate, lay off the crack pipe.

No one's denying many Africans are involved in drug related crimes and you can deny it all you like, but there are lots and lots of racists among the forum membership.

You only have to read these replies to know that

You're one of them, unfortunately. :coffee1:

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The more prosperous a country becomes, the more people`s from the poorer countries will want to go there.


It`s the same in Britain, Europe, Australia and the United States. People`s from South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, the poorest, most undeveloped and often war torn nations on Earth, know all the tricks in the book on how to sneak into other countries and remain there. Once in they begin bringing over their families and mates. The word soon gets around and then the floods gates are open. The only advantage Thailand has above western countries is that Thailand is not a multi racial country and therefore those who are not Thai stand out and are easily distinguishable from Thais.


If Thailand does not act upon illegal immigration quick, then it`s going to be in for a big problem, like a cancer that will soon spread across the country as what has happened in the UK.

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Just now, tubby johnson said:

That's a lot of bigoted and ignorant bile you have been spouting lately. Your comment history is a long litany of bitterness and hatred.


You can't solve racism with more racism.

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaah right

So whites aren't up to as much - if not more- crime than the blacks?? Is that what you're saying?

So whites don't hang around the streets aimlessly, pissed up and propositioning women as they walk past?

So whites don't buy drugs off the Africans?


Hahaha lie to yourself all you want.

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2 hours ago, Briggsy said:

Dude, are you stuck in a hippy mind warp from the 70's. You are at least 25 years out of date! Where have you been for the last 4 decades?


Here are the facts.




Thailand opium eradication


And going back even further Thailand announced its poppy eradication as a national priority in 1973.

I dont need to read some link. Im aware afghanistan/golden crescent is like 80% of world heroin production.


The golden triangle still exists it doesnt matter what some paper pusher at the un thinks. Maybe the thais are too busy producing their other famous cash crop of ice? 

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