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The very  Best  Cancer Care on a Shoe String at Chulalongkorn

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3 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

That's a range of 2.5 million to 6.6 million baht.  I think I need to find an anesthesiologist!  :ph34r:

anesthesiologist  !!


Just been to macro, I use the trolley like a walking frame on wheels in disguise


On the way home stopped and bought another case of Samsung, locally the lady enquired did we sell it, No, were we having a party, NO, my husband is just rather partial to it


Not for the weak hearted but this is my anaesthetic ( i am four time the legal drinking age in the uk) of choice I have post surgery significantly reduced my consumption, before I used to drink with water, now I have modified and add soda as the bubbles help the flow of solids to my colostomy bag


So it is truly medicinal:smile:

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The sad thing about hospital quality is, how can you ever really know or be sure?


Last couple days, for the reason I explained above, I was reading about U.S. hospitals and their inpatient stay costs, and had focused on some of the supposed best as identified by U.S. News and World Report's annual ranking for 2017-18 of the supposed "best" hospitals in the U.S.


Among those, not surprisingly, are places like UCLA Medical Center (#7) and Cedars Sinai Medical Center (#11) in the Los Angeles area, and Stanford Univ. Medical Center (#9) in Northern California. Stanford, BTW, is the place that averaged out at about $40,000 U.S. per night average cost in 2015.


But when I got to looking elsewhere at inspection records/reports for UCLA and Cedars, to my surprise, I found that they both had been cited by government medical regulators multiple times back in 2015 (the most recent year that the records are public for) for various infractions including failing in various ways to ensure that their operating room areas and operating and recovery room equipment were kept sterile and free from bacteria contamination, as required by the hospitals' own policies, which they clearly were not always following.


So if that's what you get from places like UCLA and Cedars, you only have to wonder and imagine, what you potentially will get here.








3 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

So if that's what you get from places like UCLA and Cedars, you only have to wonder and imagine, what you potentially will get here

 No do not go there


Different view, low level menial tasks like cleaning and hygiene maybe done better by Thai


So where ever we go there are risks


Living is guarenteed terminal only indeterminable is WHEN


At least in Thailand can maybe hang on to more of our money


We need to remain positive or we will die from self inflicted stress:smile::smile::smile:


I remember one time a few years back I visited a government hospital in Udon Thani, where an acquaintance was having a cataract procedure done on their eye. So I was sitting in the waiting area, and while there, observed a maintenance staff lady come along with a mop and bucket to mop out the floor of the procedure room.


When she went in, the mop bucket was filled with filthy, black, dirty water. And when she emerged from cleaning the floor of the procedure room, the bucket was still filled with filthy, black, dirty water. Other than keeping someone employed, I have no idea what the point or purpose was of that exercise...


A few years later here in BKK, I had the "pleasure" of undergoing my first routine colonoscopy with a well-regarded surgeon in her out of hospital clinic. While there, she asked, as long as I was going to be under, did I want to have an endoscopy to go along with the colonoscopy for little extra cost. I considered a bit, before finally agreeing OK, why not.


So as we were chatting, I thought about joking with the doctor along the lines of "Gee, I hope you're planning to use a different instrument for the colonoscopy than you're planning to use for the endoscopy." But then, I thought better of my idea of possible half-humor, considering that she was going be sticking a thing far up into my bum in the not too distant future. :ph34r:




18 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

That JCI accreditation may not be perfect but at least it is an international standard report that hospitals do take seriously.  While I was in Bangkok Hospital they were monitoring procedures by my surgeon/team and inspecting all of hospital, both people and facilities.



Thanks for posting that list, Lopburi. Quite a few facilities there, including some I know and wouldn't deal with based on past experience.


That said, one of the weaknesses of the JCI process as far as I'm concerned is it's all conducted in private, with really no public accounting or reporting of strengths or weaknesses found--other than the final decision to accredit or not. Same with whatever monitoring if any occurs from the Ministry of Public Health.


If a hospital here ever has a serious problem, and the odds are that one or more have at some point in time, what's the odds the public's ever going to find out about it?



I am a little cynical about some of these associations, like Small Luxury Hotels of the World, pay your subscription and your are in, Also in UK Guild of Master Craftsmen with Royal Warrant again pay and be accepted, I have first hand experience of both, generally the people running these organisations make very  very big money


Ever tried to get a newspaper to publish a bad article about a large advertiser same thing maybe, same with those who pay subscriptions


The whole hospital system here is pretty unregulated and in many many cases no professional indemnity insurance


As always Caveat Emptor ( for those who do not know this expression google will help)


As time goes on I learn more when having shall we say a discussion with a hospital over negligence and was reminded  in a round about way about deformation laws here, I responded but not applicable if in the public interest and what I have to say I believe to be in the public interest


They soon moved onto what I wanted for settlement


Thai Scowl Airline


My discussions continue, they have stated below if you request a wheel chair at the airport they are entitled to ask for a fit to fly cert, I did request one the day before but can not prove that, I will have to start printing my own they do not say from whom the cert must come

I am still not sure I believe them, but give them enough rope and they will hang themselves


Years ago as part of my yacht insurance the fire protection system had to be inspected each year and signed off, I discussed with the insurance company and sent them each year the certificate signed by myself and this was sufficient they confirmed in writing

Another small print to avoid payment was each Captain had to have a hurricane plan, again I wrote one and filed it with the insurer each year


To Thai Scowl


Please note you have not answered my question concerning the colostomy bag, and the right of passengers to fly with one

I request you to please elevate my complaint to your senior supervisor level, you have also not confirmed disabled passengers are welcome and acceptable
I would prefer to keep this dispute away from social media comment
Thank you 
Kind Regards 

Dear Khun ,


Thank you for your letter regarding your flight WE44 from Bangkok to Khon Kaen on 10th November 2017.


We appreciate your kindness in choosing THAI Smile Airways for your travel and expressing your views on our wheelchair service atBangkok Airport on this particular flight. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience and dissatisfaction you experienced. We would like to take this opportunity to inform that passenger is required to present a doctor certificate stating that the passenger is fit for the travelling which have been issued for a period of not more than 7 seven days until the departure date, if passenger requests the wheelchair service on the departure date, due to the airline's terms and conditions


May we take this opportunity to suggest that the wheelchair service shall be requested prior to the departure date via 02-118-8888 or 1181 or [email protected] and that we can be certain that a wheelchair will be prepared to be of service to you without any dissatisfaction and frustration you experienced as the passenger did not obtain the special service immediately upon the check-in process.



You can be certain that we take passenger comments seriously and make every possible effort to keep our standards of service at optimum level. Your criticism is most helpful, as it provides data for constant monitoring and improvement as necessary.


We look forward to having the opportunity of welcoming you on board THAI Smile Airways again during any future travels.  Until then, we send you our best wishes.



Best regards,




So if you do not request a wheelchair and walk from the airport entrance to the gate, you do not need a fit-to-fly doctor's certificate?


They seem to be saying that the Fit to Fly cert is required only if the wheelchair is requested on the departure date, and  not if it was requested in advance, which makes very little sense to me.


I have requested, both for myself and others, wheelchairs on departure day on several airlines without ever being asked to show a certificate, but these did not include Thai Smile.


Thai Scowl


I think they are making up stories having just read their terms and conditions



Further to my earlier email I have now read your terms and conditions, and believe you are misinformed and not telling me the truth

Your terms and conditions say 

 7.3 Passenger who requires special assistance 

                  The Company shall consider dividing the passengers who require special assistance into 2 levels as follows;

                  (1) Passengers who require assistance shall include passengers who require the assistance during the flight or during the travelling but can still walk by themselves to board the aircraft. In this case the Company agrees to let the said person travel alone by accepting the reservation and check-in. However, in case of need of wheelchair for the purpose of convenience, the Company shall provide the service and let the passenger walk into the aircraft cabin by himself at the aircraft gate only.

                  For the convenience of the use of service, the passenger requiring assistance who requires wheelchair service or any service shall notify the Company at the time of reservation at least 48 hours prior to the departure time in order to allow the Company to prepare the service. In case the reservation is made via other channels, the passenger shall contact the customer service center at Telephone Number 0 2118 8888 at least 48 hours prior to the departure time. In case of failure to notify the Company in advance, the passenger may not be able to obtain the special service immediately upon the check-in process and the Company shall not be liable for any inconvenience and damage arising in all cases.

Further to your reference to a fit to fly certificate, the only thing I can see is this requirement if you are pregnant and at 72 and male I do not and can not see how that relates to me
sound like an ideal story for social media

I used to fly a lot out of Orlando -- home to Disney World Resort --  in the retirement state of Florida. At the gate, the boarding agent would say "We would like to now board those traveling with small children and those requiring some special assistance" and, after that, there were 3 of us left.

14 minutes ago, faraday said:

You're up early Mr Crab....:laugh:

Yes -- that way I can catch 4 PM in USA yesterday even though I'm supposed to 'live today' today in Thailand where it's tomorrow in USA.


I didn't make my decision to have Surgery only on price, although that was a contributing factor.


I chose the Army Hospital, as they are trained in many other disciplines & should be prepared for other medical outcomes more so than 'conventional' hospitals.

Also, the bedside manner of the Clinicians was excellent, & they were more Senior.


At BKK hospital, the Doctors were part time & junior in attitude & experience. I could cite examples, but this thread isn't about denigrating certain hospitals.


1 hour ago, faraday said:

I didn't make my decision to have Surgery only on price, although that was a contributing factor.


I chose the Army Hospital, as they are trained in many other disciplines & should be prepared for other medical outcomes more so than 'conventional' hospitals.

Also, the bedside manner of the Clinicians was excellent, & they were more Senior.


At BKK hospital, the Doctors were part time & junior in attitude & experience. I could cite examples, but this thread isn't about denigrating certain hospitals.


I very much like what I hear on the Army Hospital and it is not so far from me in KhonKaen


I had a friend who had a hernia operation and he was very happy, he is a man who goes backwards and forwards between here and the UK and he said quicker and better than the NHS no waiting time


Comments from others on what surgery might be available would be beneficial


Today my weight dropped below 120 kilos for the first time down 23 kilos in the last year, I have two targets 110 kilos then 100 kilos, well actually 99.999kilos big difference psychologically, (the last 5 kilos has happened since the operation


OK the dreaded colostomy/ostomy bag, 18 days post op


I have the two part system from convatec


I found a lot of information on utube, but am also learning


I have modified my diet and eat more often and smaller amounts, I eat a lot of low fat yogurt with honey, mashed potatoes, fish, soup, lightly poached and scrambled eggs, a lot of apple juice, I am tending to stay away from that delicious big steak, not so difficult as can be hard to find here in thailand, I aim to eat easily digestible food, and stay away from raw veg and raw carrots, a lot of papaya, bananas and pineapple, also a lot of liquidises drinks, I try and avoid sugar


I continue to dring my samsung but have cut consumption and now add soda water as the bubbles help the system


I do not eat anything like a lot of kale that will form an indigestible lump


I chew everything more carefully and well


I read about those who have blockages and I want to avoid that, also some soda water helps with the gas bubbles to keep all moving


A lot of common sense works well


This is a lot like the toilets here be sensible on what you put in


I monitor the bag carefully and worry about that breakage or explosion, when I feel it half ful or filling with gas, I empty it and that is reactively easy, I have a plastic stool I put next to the toilet, and before starting spray with air freshener, I can the sit comfortably next to the toilet, with the bag over it


I close the bag with elastic bands like they use for food here, I use TWO as a retired sailor it allows for redundancy


When I have emptied I have a small water bottle and pour in water wash around and empty again


I generally have to get up once in the night to empty


there is a lot of talk about changing the wafer/gasket the piece stuck to the body, and there seems no norm, any where from three days up, I use an adhesive release to help when removing


I take the bag off every day or second day leaving the gasket in place, I reuse this first washing in water, the soaking in water with a dash of detol added helps to remove the odor, then final wash in fairy liquid and hang to dry out of the sunlight as the sun UV degrades the plastic bag, when finished smelling good and clean


How many times can the bag be reused, do not know, if it breaks definately too many times


A little vaseline on the tuppaware type join greatly helps, I have done with and without


The gasket I am changing about every six days, when doing this before sticking it all back it is very important all very dry and clean, when back in place a small amount of heat from a hair dryer on the adhesive plaster and the lie on back for at least 30 mins continuing to press in place, if it starts to come away later a little 3m tape secures things


When the bag is off I can shower and  with just water , wash the ostomy on my body, I also have a soft paintbrush that I can gently clean the ostomy with, this is then cleaned in detol


Supplies from Chulalongkorn are as competitively priced as I can find on the internet, the adhesive remover is expensive, I can buy it cheaper from amazon but the the shipping kills the benefit


I will investigate Srinakarin  University hospital KhonKaen for a stoma nurse ald also check their prices for supplies


It is important to watch for skin color changes and if things go bad gangrene can set in


Cleanliness and holiness go together and here is very important


Keep smiling, I thought this was going to be impossible to accept scared me greatly, really not so bad, and remember in life acceptance is a very big thing :smile:





The key to how long between patch change will be the underside after you remove (or with good eyesight looking through).  Change in color would indicate seepage but as long as not close to edge probably can extend usage.  Doctor insisted should be able to get a week each time - but for me it is less.  We were told to use the adhesive tape around patch but if you do not need more power to you (it can be hard to remove as sticks well to any body hair).  Also find using cotton stick as if an eraser over the patch immediately (getting into all areas) creates a good seal and no need to remain holding it in place after this is done.

1 hour ago, lopburi3 said:

The key to how long between patch change will be the underside after you remove (or with good eyesight looking through).  Change in color would indicate seepage but as long as not close to edge probably can extend usage.  Doctor insisted should be able to get a week each time - but for me it is less.  We were told to use the adhesive tape around patch but if you do not need more power to you (it can be hard to remove as sticks well to any body hair).  Also find using cotton stick as if an eraser over the patch immediately (getting into all areas) creates a good seal and no need to remain holding it in place after this is done.

Yes it has been difficult to get information on how long between changes, I find it interesting a doctor told you seven days I was told three days


I also self pay and whilst I will NOT compromise safety money is important


I am also told changing too often may damage the skin


For me I was told to lie down and massage to create good contact, down side of doing this other than time is zero

7 minutes ago, al007 said:

Lets also not forget that TV makes money directly related to hits on the threads, and If I look at the treads I have started in the last couple of months or so I have a seriously large number of hits making money for TV

And then there was this today:



Yup, :smile:ok.


There are plenty of Therapies that help with recovery & indeed pain relief.


I can well remember TCM & Acupuncture being scoffed at 40 years ago by some of my clinical colleagues...


Think we'll have to post wisely if we discuss Alternative Therapies, because Sheryl does have a duty to keep us in check, as alot can be anecdotal is unproven by clinical trials.

I agree with that however.


I'll drop you a pm with some of my thoughts on non mainstream therapies in the next couple of days.


Aloe Vera Juice taken directly from the plant heals minor cuts so quickly.


Btw, have you got a circular pillow with a hole in the middle to sit on?

My bum got really sore from all the sitting. Palmer's Cocoa Butter from Tops is really good. Also some Lavender Oil mixed in Johnson's Baby Oil really soothes.


Ostomy supplies CONVATEC


I have searched the net for supplies at sensible prices, the problem is generally shipping costs, esp from USA


Chula prices were OK but prescription required, plus a lot of hassle I contacted the manufacturer in the USA, who sent me to their Thai subsidiary, the prices are cheaper than Chula by around 12/15%, and they will ship free if order over 1,000 Bhatt, seems a very good deal to me


Also very easy, I asked for best price as I have no insurance


Unit 5, 9th Floor, M Thai Tower 87 Wireless Road, Lumpini Phatumwan, Bangkok 10330
M : +66 86 326 9665* T : +662 614 7000 


Kindly see the price, how many of each would you like to buy, and kindly send your Full name , mobile phone no.,and address for shipping.
I have CC Khun Chanida, She will process the purchasing for you.

401540  It must be 401504 -- > drainable pouch 564.96 THB/box ( 10 PC/box)
411806  -->  flat moldable wafer 1,498 THB (10 PC/box)
183910 --> stomahesive paste 278.20 THB/tube (1 PC/box)
nitric adhesive remover TR101 --> 299.60 THB/bottle

Best Regards,
W******n *******k


For my own reasons I am reducing  very substantially my own posting on TVF, I have just helped another TVF man go for Holep Laser surgery in India


I will always do my best to help other members especially if they PM me



Good information above and should help others.


411806 is Durahesive (recommended for liquid) rather than Stomahesive - I tried several of them in first weeks but did not stick well to my skin and quickly leaked.  For some reason Bangkok Hospital only uses the Stomahesive 401575 patch for both types of output.  My cost for patch is 1,400 baht per box of 10 from drug store (but believe your 411806 would be more - I ordered from US and traded for 401575 when could not use.  I pay more for bag as urine is more complex drain so for type 401553 pay about 1750 per box of 10.

  • 2 weeks later...

I note HRH The Queen Mother has recently been at Chulalongkorn again


This must be yet another accolade, and endrsement for this govt hospital, she would only go to the very best regardless of cost


I personally believe it to be the very top when it comes to cancer treatment, AND/OR quality of imaging equipment


No doubt she avoids the queues mere mortals like me are subjected to ! !!  !!!

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