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Two months ago my son and girlfriend told me she has missed her period. I of course wasn't very happy about it. First, too young and second I try my best but just can stand her but I'm civilized and respectful towards her. Aside from my son everyone and majority are Thais can't stand her.  O.K. don't get me started.


In the end, after visiting locals and a number of private hospital we selected Bangkok/Pattaya,  now I have lots of personal negative from first hand experience with them especially with the over kill of overcharging foreigners. But in the end, the prices with other private were close so traveling 25 Kilos to Siracha didn't make sense. BPH, is only 10 minutes away.  If I didn't love my son so much and it is his kid I would sent her to Bunglamung.


I not expert on these matters but basically consult with my brother since he has had 3 at BPH with another close friend also using BPH. 


First visit, we pick the Dr. recommended by my brother, after the bill comes out with blood test and ultrasound?  comes out to 7,000 and change.


2nd visit,  this time the Doctor wants to speak to all of us we go into his office and he thinks I'm Thai, so he takes this large piece of paper and starts charting somethings like percentages I think something is wrong. I speak up and he realized I'm not Thai, next thing he is going over the chart explaining the chances of them having a Down Syndrome child because she is only 19 years old.  Basically said 3 test, first one 2500, not sure we go to the 2nd one 10,000-30,000, not sure 3rd and final 3500.  Said this is standard even in America.


My head is spinning now, lots of questions and doubts but getting no help from the wife, just says " up to you you are the one paying "  not to make anyone lose face I said O.K. do the first test thinking this is cheap buys me time to discuss it with everyone later especially with my brother as to whether this was standard for him and get on this forum for some help.


After the test, I get the bill, it is short of 10,000 baht. They gave her another Ultrasound and I see the blood test, Downs test, and I ask girlfriend I thought he said the test was 2500, she said they gave her also a HIV,  I'm thinking she and my son were virgins! 


My brother and everyone has told me they got maybe 3 Ultrasound total and never heard from anyone at the hospital test for Down's. I'm thinking now O.K. here it comes the overcharging for everything for the next several months because of his last name is a sure give away to overcharge and push for unnecessary test since they know we Farangs want the best care? 


After speaking to my brother and friend the wife and girlfriend family they all say it is as noted trying to scare us and overcharge. Wife says every girl in Thailand that is having babies at early age are they in the high rate to get a Down child?  They all tell me when we go back surely they will say the first test isn't conclusive and will push for the 2nd more expensive test. Even girlfriend mother said she had 3 kids, all at a young age and had them delivered at Bunglamung and never got more than 3 Ultrasound or even a mention of test for Downs. This includes my brother having 3 kids delivered at BPH.


Although I dislike my daugter in-law I have nothing against the child and want the best for everyone concern. So does this situation smell as I think it smells? 


Thanks in advance.




If you didnt have so many posts to your name, I would think that you were trolling .

The Mrs had a baby at a private hospital four years ago and the total cost, from first examination to delivery was about 40 000 Baht .

  A quick breakdown : 300 Baht to visit the doctor every month + tests and drugs and whatever came to about 1000 Baht per visit per month , which increased  to fortnightly at 7 months pregnant

  3 days at hospital in a large private room to give birth came to less than 30 000 Baht,

40 000 Baht in total

The hospital wasnt the most expensive in town, but it wasnt the cheapest 


No there is not an unusual incidence of Downs syndrome in Thailand and furthermore risk is mainly in older mothers, not teenagers. You are indeed being led down the garden path.


Secondly she will get not just as good but BETTER care (Medically speaking, fewer "frills" though) at either a government hospital or Pattaya Memorial.


Thirdly, when choosing a hospital for delivering never, ever go by the delivery package cost - look at what treatment of complications would cost. I guarantee you that at BPH care for a distressed newborn in NICU will exceed 3 million baht. We had a case on this board a while back of a couple who made the mistake of delivering at Bumrungrad because they could afford the package price for normal delivery. There were problems, the baby had to go to NICU and the bill exceeded 400K in just the first 24 hours and they had enormous trouble arranging transfer to a government hospital, by the time they managed they were already in hock for millions. It is not easy to transfer a critically ill neonate. No one should deliver at a  where they would not be able to afford care in case of complications.


Fourthly, as a Thai she can get everything she needs for free at the government hospital where she is registered (wherever that is) and the quality of care will be fine. In fact IMO better than in private hospitals as no unnecessary procedures, no unnecessary c-sections etc (as is the norm in private hospitals).

20 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Fourthly, as a Thai she can get everything she needs for free at the government hospital where she is registered (wherever that is) and the quality of care will be fine. In fact IMO better than in private hospitals as no unnecessary procedures, no unnecessary c-sections etc (as is the norm in private hospitals).

Well said Sheryl. I'm at a loss as to why someone would go to great financial cost to have their baby delivered privately when they can get it done for free. My kids were all born in a government hospital and I would do the same again. 

26 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Fourthly, as a Thai she can get everything she needs for free at the government hospital where she is registered (wherever that is) and the quality of care will be fine. In fact IMO better than in private hospitals as no unnecessary procedures, no unnecessary c-sections etc (as is the norm in private hospitals).

Well, you do get the basics, no ultra sound or regular check-ups and no private room with nurses on call 24 hours and the delivery room all too yourself .

  Its a bit like staying in a back-packer dorm or staying in a 5 * hotel


I'm not sure what you mean by no check ups. Ante and post natal care are fully provided in the public health system . Ultrasounds are done as medically indicated.

Private rooms can be had in government hospitals at extra (very reasonable cost).

The part about delivery room is quite true though. Due to sheer volune of patients may have more than one woman in thete at a time for which reason usually not possible for husband or even female relatives to be present at the birth.

And overall amenities are definitely lacking but these have nothing to do with safety or medical quality.

Sent from my SM-J701F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

23 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

I'm not sure what you mean by no check ups. Ante and post natal care are fully provided in the public health system . Ultrasounds are done as medically indicated.

Private rooms can be had in government hospitals at extra (very reasonable cost).

The part about delivery room is quite true though. Due to sheer volune of patients may have more than one woman in thete at a time for which reason usually not possible for husband or even female relatives to be present at the birth.

And overall amenities are definitely lacking but these have nothing to do with safety or medical quality.

Sent from my SM-J701F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

I suppose it depends on which public hospital you go to, our one would have been a little village hospital and they didnt have an ultra sound machine or anything else really . You didnt find out what sex the baby would be until it was born .

    Had there been an emergency during the birth, they wouldnt have been able to cope . There was one story in the media about a young Woman who delivered her baby the wrong way around , feet first , the baby died , the body came out and the head got detached and was left inside the Mother

1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

No there is not an unusual incidence of Downs syndrome in Thailand and furthermore risk is mainly in older mothers, not teenagers. You are indeed being led down the garden path.


Secondly she will get not just as good but BETTER care (Medically speaking, fewer "frills" though) at either a government hospital or Pattaya Memorial.


Thirdly, when choosing a hospital for delivering never, ever go by the delivery package cost - look at what treatment of complications would cost. I guarantee you that at BPH care for a distressed newborn in NICU will exceed 3 million baht. We had a case on this board a while back of a couple who made the mistake of delivering at Bumrungrad because they could afford the package price for normal delivery. There were problems, the baby had to go to NICU and the bill exceeded 400K in just the first 24 hours and they had enormous trouble arranging transfer to a government hospital, by the time they managed they were already in hock for millions. It is not easy to transfer a critically ill neonate. No one should deliver at a  where they would not be able to afford care in case of complications.


Fourthly, as a Thai she can get everything she needs for free at the government hospital where she is registered (wherever that is) and the quality of care will be fine. In fact IMO better than in private hospitals as no unnecessary procedures, no unnecessary c-sections etc (as is the norm in private hospitals).

I will respond to your since it is what I expected but the rest are also important too.

I agree with everything you and everyone input.  For me at least the decision isn't just that easy! 

In my first paragraph I spoke of my dislike of my son girlfriend who is now his wife. I enjoy living in Thailand but at times what I hate most is the culture of thinking here by Thais, to me it is just share ignorance in this particular case they just assume the better it looks which translate into better care. As you and I know that isn't the case at all.

The deeper situation is my son is a good looking kid spoil a bit yes but a good kid but he is the shy type and his girlfriend does all the decision making but is scare stiff of me for good reasons. She comes from nothing fat and lazy and ignorant as they come thinking Thai is the center of the world. Meeting my son was like winning the lottery!  Every Thai that has met her says she isn't Thai, disrespectful to the core. She says she would change but in one ear out the next. 

If it was my decision and I came as close to saying it, get a abortion the last thing I want is a grandchild from you. Explains why the mother couldn't get rid of her soon enough fat lazy top that off ugly. Now I'm not the type to judge if they have a good heart but I just don't see what my son see period.

Back to the hospital, it was pick purely because I know what my son want although it is for all the wrong reason. The rest talk a strong game but when it comes down to hospital they want the best for all the wrong reasons and if I said no you go government, it is lonely enough at times but sleeping on the couch isn't my thing.

I don't know what my son see in her, of all the girls in Thailand he picks fat, lazy, and especially ugly inside and out. I told her mother the other day I give it 5 years tops. Sooner or later my son will open his eyes and see everything I've been saying to him. I have to tread carefully, like all parents I want him to grow up and leave when he is ready to make his way in life not leave because he has to choose between us and her.

What I resend most and it goes against everything I was taught is for a person to come into a family and divide the kids and their own parents and this is what she has been doing. My son and his mother have gone through a lot she has sacrifice nearly her life to raise him and he love her with all his heart and show it before she came into our lives. Once she gets what she wants she goes back to the same disrespect self.  As we know lately it has been cold and windy she comes and goes as if it is still 40'c, she wakes up the other day and say she is sick wanted my son to ask if she can go to BPH.  I told her unless it is a problem with the birth which she said no, take a pill, stay home and rest and drinking plenty of water. In the end, I told her to a clinic and guess what the Thai doctor told her same as above.  

She promise to change but she hasn't I hope for the best, money isn't a problem even at BPH, I just don't like the B.S. that goes on with them and it is endless. The wife and I have concluded we want to accept her into our family done everything possible but she will never change so once the baby is born she is going clinic and government.


It got a bit personal still not sure if people understand why private?  Every opinion provided I appreciated.  If there is a God please help me with this child.:sad:




Actually in my experience Thais know perfectly well that the care in a government hospital of tertiary level or higher (i.e. a provincial, regional or Bkk hospital) is as good or better in medical quality as a private hospital and in any kind of emergency that is where they will head. But delivering in a private hospital is seem as a sign of status. As is delivering by c-section rather than normally so if you continue to do as they want, be prepared to shell out for a medically unnecessary cesearan as well.


And for 3-6 million in costs if there are serious complications.


And shelling out for all manner of unnecessary tests and procedures which add nothing to the safety of mother and baby and in fact in some cases endanger them unnescessarily.


If you insist on going down this route there  are less expensive private options to BPH e.g. Pattaya Memorial.  You could also have her go to a government hospital but pay for a private room etc.


The larger issue, though this probably better belongs in the family forum is --  why on earth are you paying for the delivery and what message do you think that sends your son about who is responsble for this baby? Do you intend to fully support this child after birth as well, all the way through college? You are certainly not sending him the message that if he and his GF have a baby it will be a big responsibility for them.


A man who can't even come up with a means of financing  the delivery  is hardly fit to be a father. But then he has not had to do so, since you have stepped in.


You can't tell someone to have an abortion but you can tell them that all the expenses and problems that come with having a child are their responsibility and theirs alone. In some cases that would alter the decision to proceed with the pregnancy. If nto it would at least mobilize some degree of action and start to introdcuce him to he complicated decisions that come with parenthood.




Government, I've seen my share and I'm learning all the time and making plans when I go down I have no problem traveling and using government. In fact, need to find alternatives for the wife since she is uninsured. 

It is a breath of fresh air when I hear success story and recommendation of government hospital. My one and only experience was visiting with my brother  sister in-law at Banglamung was having a baby when we got to the hospital we found her in the hallway after the baby we went to visit her in a ward type area and she was still wearing the clothes she had the baby, it was all bloody. We ended up paying for a private room and having her clean up that was before they build the new ward.

I went one day to Chon Buri Hospital to meet with this lady Doctor, no one spoke much English. I had to walk around a while to locate her office during the search I saw two dead bodies covered in the hallways. I still remember parking my bike and walking into the entrance of the hospital and the difference in smell is what I still remember today, as much as I don't like BPH, it does smell good but the smell comes with a price.



P.S. what makes you think it is only this child? There will be at least one more to follow, maybe more. Why not, since you are there to pay for it all? There is no reason for them to make sensible decisions about the family size they can afford, so they won't.


I know you mean well but you are preventing your son from growing up and enabling him in irresponsible behavior. Which will actually serve to lower his self-esteem.

6 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Actually in my experience Thais know perfectly well that the care in a government hospital of tertiary level or higher (i.e. a provincial, regional or Bkk hospital) is as good or better in medical quality as a private hospital and in any kind of emergency that is where they will head. But delivering in a private hospital is seem as a sign of status. As is delivering by c-section rather than normally so if you continue to do as they want, be prepared to shell out for a medically unnecessary cesearan as well.


And for 3-6 million in costs if there are serious complications.


And shelling out for all manner of unnecessary tests and procedures which add nothing to the safety of mother and baby and in fact in some cases endanger them unnescessarily.


If you insist on going down this route there  are less expensive private options to BPH e.g. Pattaya Memorial.  You could also have her go to a government hospital but pay for a private room etc.


The larger issue, though this probably better belongs in the family forum is --  why on earth are you paying for the delivery and what message do you think that sends your son about who is responsble for this baby? Do you intend to fully support this child after birth as well, all the way through college? You are certainly not sending him the message that if he and his GF have a baby it will be a big responsibility for them.


A man who can't even come up with a means of financing  the delivery  is hardly fit to be a father. But then he has not had to do so, since you have stepped in.


You can't tell someone to have an abortion but you can tell them that all the expenses and problems that come with having a child are their responsibility and theirs alone. In some cases that would alter the decision to proceed with the pregnancy. If nto it would at least mobilize some degree of action and start to introdcuce him to he complicated decisions that come with parenthood.



Everything you are saying is right on!  But it doesn't change things with this situation. What I've learn in this culture particularly in the lower class although my son has everything more than he knows because I keep it from everyone including the wife. If something happens to me they are well taken care of for life by my family.

Although we have a lot my wife from the farm no education wanted to live no in a community complex like most farang so I brought a house and lots of land surrounded basically low income Thais. This is one of the biggest mistakes since my son grew up with kids that you see with no real education and earning power running around Pattaya. The wife wanted him to grow up 100% Thai, and what a big mistake that was too!

I told my wife a few year back, I have a CD in my head as to what is going to happen. And no matter how much I talk with my son anything outside of Thailand is foreign to him and his friends although he and they said they understand.  You could see it in their face that they don't but say yes so you would stop talking.

He is 18 she is 19, and yes I'm paying for everything since I want him to finish his trade school education. She goes to some Business school and working on a Internship right now but who would want to hire her with her attitude she walk off the job at 7/11 after a month said it was too hard. To be honest both of them couldn't afford tissue to wipe their ass if it wasn't for me. Yes I spoiled his butt because I wanted him to have want I didn't in the end he really has nothing. His mother said he is our only child today she see want we have done. Sure the day is coming when the sh-t hits the fan and he will have to live because the other half gets tired of hearing from me. I will tell him I love you with all my heart when you open your eyes we will always be here to love you.

My brother and cousins who also live here say I have a mental toughness like someone in a Seal Team Six, been in prison for nearly beating a cop to death, been accused by a Thai family and police for their missing son, walked into a Thai mafia club a few years back in Naklua to get my son, yes the same son, who was starting to hang with the wrong crowd and yet I have a hard time saying no to him but I know the day is coming as you noted complicated decision that must not only be introduce to him but to myself. The wife and I know the day is coming soon he has to go out in the world and find out what it is like without us. I come from a very violent world and background the real peace I've had is raising him, he is my pride and joy and best friend while growing up we went everywhere together today he is with her, I was hoping he find someone like his mother. 


Thanks for speaking the truth to me Sheryl!


31 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

P.S. what makes you think it is only this child? There will be at least one more to follow, maybe more. Why not, since you are there to pay for it all? There is no reason for them to make sensible decisions about the family size they can afford, so they won't.


I know you mean well but you are preventing your son from growing up and enabling him in irresponsible behavior. Which will actually serve to lower his self-esteem.

Whenever he isn't with his wife and with his mother and I it is like old times we talk and the subject has come up that if she gets pregnant again you two will have to leave and do it on your own. That I have already change my Will and Trust to cut out his wife completely off from any of the assets. He does have low self esteem always been shy as a kid didn't have many friends since he was a bit of a outcast since he had so much more than everyone. I try to do my duty each day now pulling back but spending as much time with him talking to him like a man instead of a child. He and his mother know my background they know I will not be around forever.

10 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Has it occurred to you that they might have opted not to continue the oregnancy if you hadn't agreed to pay for everything?

Sent from my SM-J701F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Before I agree to pay for everything, I sat them all down and I mean all down including her parents and told them how I felt in regards to the situation. That they are basically too young regardless of this being Thailand and the culture. They look like adults but they are still children mentally. My wish was for them to have a abortion and ask them both is this a choice they want both told me no. I'm not surprise of the answer from her since I believe this was her intend all along this is why I had the birds and the bees talk with my son over and over again for years and even provided condoms for him. What happen he says he doesn't know?  My wife admit now that I was right that although she said she didn't want a baby I feel it was plan all along by her and the mother since I told her mother no way my son is going to get married and this was several years ago back. As I noted, hooking my son is like winning the lottery for her and the family.

It was also brought up about the Dairy by the parents that I need to understand tradition? My answer was the problem I'm not Thai, and have no intention of paying anyone anything. In fact, in my culture you should be paying me. A reminder I'm already kicking out for the birth. They weren't happy but too bad.

11 hours ago, thailand49 said:

Every opinion provided I appreciated.  If there is a God please help me with this child.:sad:

Firstly grow a pair. Tell the son and girlfriend 'you make your bed you lay in it'. This thread shouldn't be in the Health forum, it should be in the 'Bleeding Hearts' Forum. Not your 'plomplem' Thailand49.




Definition of 'bleeding heart'

1. a person who is excessively sympathetic to the a plight of a person or group of people 

2. a emotionally concerned person 



Step mother had the Down Syndrome test done back home, but purely because of her age alone (late 30s). 


We had our daughter in a government hospital, and will have our son there also in a few months. Our daughter had to stay in the hospital for a couple of weeks when born. I couldn't imagine how much it would have unnecessarily cost if at a private hospital. Yeah, they may have one nurse instead of 4, but when they are at home they will have no nurses anyway so will be a good learning curve. 

If you are paying, then sending them to a government hospital and not even giving a private room and making them learn everything in front of everyone maybe will teach them good lessons about the future and to be more careful. Not to mention it will save a lot of money that could be spent on things like car seats, clothes, etc (as a gift). Also may give the hint to the gf re bad intentions (financial incentives), that the financial help stops now. 


I had my kids born in a government hospital. Nothing wrong with them. Too many doom forecasters on here regarding no ICU's, no scans, no tests etc etc. All cods wallop. 

32 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

If you are paying, then sending them to a government hospital and not even giving a private room and making them learn everything in front of everyone maybe will teach them good lessons about the future and to be more careful. Not to mention it will save a lot of money that could be spent on things like car seats, clothes, etc (as a gift). Also may give the hint to the gf re bad intentions (financial incentives), that the financial help stops now. 

Good sound advice from Wildewillie89.


Rubbish advice from 'Sanemax'


There was one story in the media about a young Woman who delivered her baby the wrong way around , feet first , the baby died , the body came out and the head got detached and was left inside the Mother


11 minutes ago, Rally123 said:




Do you think that story is funny 

A baby was born the wrong way around, came out feet first , its head got stuck in the vagina and the doctor pulled its legs and the doctor pulled sh hard taht the head got detached from the body .

   Sicko for laughing at that


19 minutes ago, Rally123 said:


Rubbish advice from 'Sanemax'



Have a good laugh Rally 123..................
A shocking story of alleged medical malpractice is coming out of a hospital in the southern Thai town of Pattalung.
A 17 year old woman - named only as Poo - went in to have a baby at a hospital that was not named. 
The relatives waited nervously outside the delivery room for a long time. Eventually they were told to take the expectant mother to another hospital.
No explanation was given by the duty doctor.
The family took her to another hospital where a suction machine was used. The doctor there discovered that only the head of the baby was in the mothers womb. Pictures were taken of the head of the infant.
The body was missing.
Shocked relatives went back to the original hospital to retrieve the torso.
Later it emerged that the duty doctor at the original hospital had pulled the baby out but had decapitated it in the process.
But then he said nothing to the relatives as they were sent elsewhere.
Daily News further discovered that following the delivery on Wednesday a public health official had offered the family 400,000 baht in compensation.
The elder sister of the mother posted pictures of the head of the baby on Facebook along with a message saying that they were absolutely shocked.
No way would they accept compensation without the hospital and doctor accepting responsibility.
The sister said that people went online to say that she was a liar and threats were made to her. She told daily News: "Who in hell would lie about such a thing?"
Relatives of the mother, who is currently recovering from the ordeal in the second hospital, that also was not named, have gone to the government's Damrongtham watchdog group to seek justice.
Meanwhile the local health chief Dr Thanit Sermkaek ordered an investigation into the matter as the hospital said such a thing had never happened before.
Daily News further reported that the doctor who allegedly decapitated the baby had gone on leave.
Relatives said that the baby had been described as normal and viable before the mother went into labor.
1 hour ago, Rally123 said:

I had my kids born in a government hospital. Nothing wrong with them. Too many doom forecasters on here regarding no ICU's, no scans, no tests etc etc. All cods wallop. 




It does rather depend on the level of the government facility.  See


It is not advisable IMO to deliver in a government hospital below the level of a provincial hospital unless it is one of the few district (community) hospitals with surgical capacity -- or the delivery comes on so fast that there is not time to get elsewhere. While normal deliveries can be managed at community hospitals complicated ones and newborn complications cannot and one is then reliant on their ability to effect ambulance transfer quickly and efficiently.


There are also differences among hospitals of the same level, some being better than others. While most provincial hospitals are fine, there are a few with unusually poor reputation.


It is, however, a great mistake to confuse amenitites and the attractiveness of a facility with the quality of medical care. The best quality medical care being given in Thailand, is taking place in over crowded public hospitals with run down buildings (and yes, sometimes dead patients on stretchers in hallways).  The buildings are run down and so forth because the hospitals are appropriately prioritizing how to spend their too limited budgets.  Private hospitals prioritize quite differently as they are run as profit making businesses.


It is certainly easier and more comfortable to use private hospitals and if one carefully researches and chooses the doctor it is possible to get good care in them, at 3-5 times the cost but many times more convenience than at a government hospital.


One thing to be aware of in a private hospital is how the profit motive is affecting care. This is especially so in obstetrics where unnecessary intervention can be actually harmful and increase risks.


Should note that there is often an "in between option" - most of the higher level government hospitals offer a private after hours clinic where the senior doctors can be seen and waits are less (though still far more than at a private hospital).  This also has the advantage of all care being directly by the senior doctor as opposed to the public channel where it is by interns and residents in training under a senior doctor's supervision. Most private hospitals also offer private rooms, at the higher level hospitals these can be quite nice.


There are also many private hospitals in Thailand less expensive than the big "international" ones. The OP has opted for the most expensive private hospital in the country. This does not equate to any better care, and unless he can afford to spend several million baht unexpectedly,  it will prove financially disasterous if there are serious complications.



1 hour ago, sanemax said:
Have a good laugh Rally 123..................
A shocking story of alleged medical malpractice is coming out of a hospital in the southern Thai town of Pattalung.
A 17 year old woman - named only as Poo - went in to have a baby at a hospital that was not named. 
The relatives waited nervously outside the delivery room for a long time. Eventually they were told to take the expectant mother to another hospital.
No explanation was given by the duty doctor.
The family took her to another hospital where a suction machine was used. The doctor there discovered that only the head of the baby was in the mothers womb. Pictures were taken of the head of the infant.
The body was missing.
Shocked relatives went back to the original hospital to retrieve the torso.
Later it emerged that the duty doctor at the original hospital had pulled the baby out but had decapitated it in the process.
But then he said nothing to the relatives as they were sent elsewhere.
Daily News further discovered that following the delivery on Wednesday a public health official had offered the family 400,000 baht in compensation.
The elder sister of the mother posted pictures of the head of the baby on Facebook along with a message saying that they were absolutely shocked.
No way would they accept compensation without the hospital and doctor accepting responsibility.
The sister said that people went online to say that she was a liar and threats were made to her. She told daily News: "Who in hell would lie about such a thing?"
Relatives of the mother, who is currently recovering from the ordeal in the second hospital, that also was not named, have gone to the government's Damrongtham watchdog group to seek justice.
Meanwhile the local health chief Dr Thanit Sermkaek ordered an investigation into the matter as the hospital said such a thing had never happened before.
Daily News further reported that the doctor who allegedly decapitated the baby had gone on leave.
Relatives said that the baby had been described as normal and viable before the mother went into labor.

This is actually a known (and much feared) complication of delivering a breech birth vaginally.


If there was negligence, it was not in the doctor "decapitating" the baby but in not immediately referring the woman to a hospital able to do cesearean section, as all breech presentations should be - assuming there was time to do so and that she didn't present with labor already far advanced.


It is in fact possible for this to happen through no fault of the medical personnel if they are in a situation where referral to a surgical facility is not possible.  Whether that was the case here we have no way of knowing.


Hence the recommendation that women only deliver at a level of hospital with surgical capacity (see above).


There have been horrible tales of malpractice from private hospitals too,  small upcountry private hospitals especially.



7 hours ago, Rally123 said:

Firstly grow a pair. Tell the son and girlfriend 'you make your bed you lay in it'. This thread shouldn't be in the Health forum, it should be in the 'Bleeding Hearts' Forum. Not your 'plomplem' Thailand49.



Thanks,  I have no problem with the criticism when it comes to my son that is what I trying to do.

Easy to give advice hard to follow their own advice if it is ever their turn

8 hours ago, sanemax said:
Daily News further reported that the doctor who allegedly decapitated the baby had gone on leave.
Relatives said that the baby had been described as normal and viable before the mother went into labor.

I sincerely apologise 'Sanemax'. You are correct in what you say. 

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