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E-cigarettes included in Phuket beach smoking ban


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48 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

Of   course !  Smoking  creates   airbourne pollutants. Vile!

So  when  you use  your   noisy  2 stroke   motorbike  to   go  down  to the  7/11.5 the  emissions  are  perfectly acceptable  even if  you only  go  to   by a  pack  of  "Wisdom "  cheap and  nasty   chemical  laden  local    zigg a   rettes. 

This  is  just pandering  to  a  collective   who  wish  to   create  a  pointless  objective  to  obviate the  more  urgent  attention  to issues  of  greater   harm.

The  Tobacco  Cartels  have  already  been  receiving   compensations  for  the  insignificant   downturn in  profits.

Wake  up   Puppets!

Oh !   Sorry.

Puppets  are...

Lol.... my thoughts exactly, at the time


hence recollecting the thread because of their bizarre method of prioritizing the response to worsening environmental standards.

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15 hours ago, DoctorG said:

I doubt that some of these clowns even know what an e-cig is.

Something that avoids their tobacco monopoly?


I am very disappointed by the Thai attitude to e-cigarettes.

Along comes something that avoids the littering and secondary smoke problems, and the locals make it more illegal than the primary problem. 

Non-smokers still get to breathe in secondary smoke!

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22 hours ago, smedly said:

look on the bright side


we are still allowed to breath on the beach.....well so far 


the stupidity of these people knows no bounds

There must be a reason if it's considered a third world country. Oh, sorry.. "developing country "...

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Are any of these rules in place for reasons other than to fill their pockets. 


Let's have max publicity for any one fined for this ridiculous nonsense.


I don't like smoking or littering  but this opportunistic crap I can't stand. 

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I hope those inventing all these laws on cigarettes, aliens, no beach chairs, no umbrellas etc. are aware, that social media today carries all that crap all over the planet within milliseconds. 

As the other day someone wrote, no need to see cabaret or fun shows, just google Thailand to find out what they've come up with today. They really ensure being the world's laughing stock with all its ridicule! 

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On 11/10/2017 at 2:28 PM, PETERTHEEATER said:

Exactly. The government banned the import, sale and use of E-Gigarettes and liquids months ago. Banning 'vaping' on beaches is acknowledging that it's Ok to be in possession of the kit and to use in but not on beaches under the penalties dictated.

Wrong, you cannot use in a public area ,and if you use in your house,keep the curtains drawn 

because a Thai can report you and claim a percentage of the fine nobody todate has gone to 

court , only because the BIB DON"T WANT IT TO GO TO COURT, I wonder why, we know why

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I did not drink and read...but what is the riddle here ? e-cigs are banned no matter where in Thailand !!.....yet the legend under the photo says that e-cigs are nevertheless accepted for use at the designated smoking areas by the beach !!!!!...but on the whole they are banned in the country. !!!!...so in other words, it is banned anywhere, but permitted to use in the specific area..:blink:.....ok guess this brain storming is too much, need to get a light and a Jack Pepsi now !!!!!

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On 11/9/2017 at 7:45 PM, darksidedog said:

Once again, stupidity taken to extremes. The whole idea of the no smoking is to prevent litter and keep the beaches clean. I fail to see how an e-cigarette in any way falls into the bracket of causing litter. Looks like another attempt to just gouge money out of people, while showing the extent of the locals limited brain processing abilities.

It's not the Thai bureaucracy, it's happening everywhere; governments giving in to the anti-smoking forces. Little by little the goal is total extermination of tobacco. Remember when it was just a ban in a section of a restaurants, or section of a plane? Now you can't smoke in your own car parked at your workplace! Some towns in USA can fine a driver passing through on the Interstate. Einstein said he did his best work while smoking a pipe. Obviously, these people need to unwind and light up.

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