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I know it sounds completely impractical, but did any of you bring your pets with you? I would consider it if it isn't the hassle I imagine it to be. I'm unsure of restrictions (mandatory quarantines, if any) and wouldn't know where to look for this information. I'm coming from the U.S.

For those of you who have: What did you have to go through to do it? If it doesn't include a quarantine I'll actually consider it. Any thoughts on this topic would be appreciated.


You don't say what kind of pet you had in mind.

Pussies are available all over Thailand and are considerably cheaper than ones from your own country.

There are a huge variety to chose from and one of the advantages here as to your own country you don't have to look after them as they are free range or feral and well able to take care of themselves.

The ones available here are also a lot smaller and therefore lighter so they can curl up on your lap without you getting pins and needles unlike a pussy in the west

who after a couple of minutes of sitting on your knee you start getting pins and needles in your head.

Most have been vacinated so that is another bonus so in my opinion I would try to aquire a pussy here rather than import your own as an imported pussy might have trouble in the competition stakes and feel inferior.

the dog is too old to make the journey

This to me sounds shame as some old dogs get a new lease of life when they relocate here.

If it is the climate, new things to sniff or just being able to be let of the lead for a change and let them have their head I don't know.


Well, she's a geezer, has a lot of health problems and is on medication. The vet advised me to put her down but I have found a friend who I trust who will treat her like gold until her time is up. The vet says she doesn't have very long anyway.

But the cats are healthy, relatively young and could make the transition.


I imported a cat in 1998 from Saudi Arabia. She had the shots and shot records.

Nobody stopped us and nothing was asked for. Things could easily have changed since then.

Why not ask your travel agent or call the Thai Embassy in your home country?


I would still consider bring the old dog here,she could make many new friends in her final days, just imagine the fun she could have with her new girl friends here,playing and licking each other she would be in dog heaven.

You say your pussies that you want to bring here are young and I am sure pretty but you must consider the competition they will have here however it might work as western pussies are in demand in some quarters here.

You should consider this as I said earlier they are readily available here in all shapes and sizes but as a rule they are smaller than their counterparts in the west.

You might also find that you will be limited as to what colour you want as the vast majority of pussies here are black.

This is no problem for the vast amount of people including me as I have never been a fan of the ginger or mousy coloured ones.

After a lot of stroking they respond in various ways, again I like this as I find it charming to have a contented pussy on me, but again tastes vary.

You will also find that Thai pussies are kept much cleaner than their western counterparts this is a good thing because of the heat as they can smell somewhat if not groomed properly.

I hope this helps and please do not hestitate with any more pussy related questions as our panel of pussy experts on Thai visa will be only too pleased to help.


OK, lissy, it's easy to look up, I typed in google 'Thailand, bringing pets'

and got among others below info. Guess this helps a bit, although it refers to Canada:


Bringing Pet Dogs or cats into Thailand

Assuming that you are bringing your pet(s) into Thailand for 6 months or more by air as one of accompanied baggage:

· Authorization to import your pet arriving by air can be obtained at the Bangkok airport.

At the airport, you will need to obtain an authorization to bring into, or transit animals via Thailand (Ror 6 form), and a permission to bring animals into Thailand (Ror 7 form), and fill out application for special importation form (Kor Sor Kor 102). Please be advised that you may be required to pay fees on the above applications and import duties on your pet. Import duties will be exempted if your pet will be in Thailand for 6 months or less. However, you will need to fill out a guarantee form and pay a deposit at the airport.

· Other requirements:

· Identity certificate signed in country of origin by a registered veterinarian, describing age, breed, sex, color, etc.

· Rabies vaccination certificate, you pet must be vaccinated at least 15 days prior to departure.

· Leptospirosis vaccination certificate, at least 21 days prior to departure

· Animal must be healthy and free from any sign of infectious or contagious disease

· Animal had been resident in Canada not less than 6 months before date of departure

If you have further questions please contact:

Bangkok Airport Customs Office

Tel. (66-2) 535-1269, 535-1153, 535-1680, 535-6463

Department of Livestock Development, Bangkok

Tel. (66-2) 251-5136, 252-6944

This is serious stuff, talking about the 4-legged pets

Axel I'm hurt, whatever do you mean?

maerim, I am utterly destroyed for having you hurt. For consolation I suggest you go down to one of the cat houses and buy a pussy or two. May be black & white will do?


Trafficking of pussies just ain't right, taking them out of their natural environment on whatever pretense, and make them deal with the unexpected when they arrive! Western pussies are far less adaptable then the variety in Thailand!



Thanks so much for the info - and yes natee, I don't want to put them through unnecessary stress. I thought if it was simple maybe I'd give it a shot. Looks like I'll have to find them comfortable homesl here. Thanks for the input all.

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