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So whats wrong with your home country

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12 hours ago, Been there done that said:

The fact that enablers like yourself keep coming with those arguments, hate and xenophobia will not disappear. 

Not enabling just realistic. Reacting, getting all bent up and screaming bigot and the like does more to enable than accepting a differing point of view and moving on. No reaction and people get bored very quickly. 

Insulting anyone nd labelling someone does nothing to educate an individual or change their opinion.

Acceptance goes both ways, whether you agree with what is said or not. 

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12 hours ago, Been there done that said:

The fact that enablers like yourself keep coming with those arguments, hate and xenophobia will not disappear. 

Not enabling just realistic. Reacting, getting all bent up and screaming bigot and the like does more to enable than accepting a differing point of view and moving on. No reaction and people get bored very quickly. 

Insulting anyone nd labelling someone does nothing to educate an individual or change their opinion.

Acceptance goes both ways, whether you agree with what is said or not. 

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Nothing wrong with my home country. I like it and go back with my family for a holiday and visiting relatives at least once a year. Was sent to Thailand by my employer when i was 32 years old. Married a  Thai colleague in what was then a small office. Now 22 yrs later, it is a big corporation and both of us have grown with the organisation too. So yes, life is good in both Thailand and home country where we may retire to, after another 10 yrs.

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On 11/14/2017 at 7:49 AM, Gruff said:

Ok i can see the counter arguments but it is effectively the same. I was on the dating scene n London for 10 years so whilst i am not an expert i have quite a lot of

Oh dear, so, you were a sex tourist in London then.   Disgraceful

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16 hours ago, MadMuhammad said:

Not enabling just realistic. Reacting, getting all bent up and screaming bigot and the like does more to enable than accepting a differing point of view and moving on. No reaction and people get bored very quickly. 

Insulting anyone nd labelling someone does nothing to educate an individual or change their opinion.

Acceptance goes both ways, whether you agree with what is said or not. 

We are on this planet for pleasure, experimenting, and helping others...not for grumbling about what others do.

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12 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

We are on this planet for pleasure, experimenting, and helping others...not for grumbling about what others do.

So you are grumble-free I take it. Can you direct me to the edict that specifies why we are here.

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6 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

All women seek a provider...men seek comfort..the age old, universal deal must be struck.

Call it what you like, the principle is the same.


Where do the women who are the providers, ie breadwinners fit in this "age old universal deal"? Or the relationships where both partners contribute equally? 

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15 hours ago, giddyup said:

Where do the women who are the providers, ie breadwinners fit in this "age old universal deal"? Or the relationships where both partners contribute equally? 

It is still a trade..any imbalance will cause problems.

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15 hours ago, giddyup said:

That only signifies Thailand, not my beliefs. All doctrines have been written by men, not gods. I follow my own road.

Buddha does not signify Thailand, he is not a god, he was a man and one of the greatest philosophers along with Confucius and Aristotle.

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9 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

Buddha does not signify Thailand, he is not a god, he was a man and one of the greatest philosophers along with Confucius and Aristotle.

I thought I already said that all doctrines have been written by men. The Buddha image signifies Thailand for me, but I'm aware that his following is not restricted to Thailand. Gods don't exist in my world.

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Just now, talahtnut said:

Try refusing to pay your bar fine.

As I neither frequent bars, nor bar girls, I'll leave that exercise to someone who does, like yourself, but I imagine that a refusal to pay would result in no provision of services, so I don't see your point, if there is one. Really don't want to persist with this rather pointless discussion.

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I live in Laos,same same but different. I left Canada in 2005. I'll never go back. I hate the place. The weather is the worst. Its boring, expensive and full of posers who care more about what you own instead of who you are. 


Now with Trudeau's government giving the country away to Muslims it's well on its way to becoming a Caliphate. Liberal limp-twisted do gooders with no sense of national pride. I hate it. 


Goodbye and God freaking riddance.

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I also was doing just fine in the USA, living in Hawaii since 1983. We moved to Thailand for three reasons, (1) to care for my aging mother-in-law (Thai wife of nearly 25 years) who is in her mid-80's and widowed, (2) We are financially able to retire in Thailand but in Hawaii my very adequate military pension is almost large enough to only pay the monthly mortgage (here in Thailand it pays for everything and we have money left over for savings each and every month), and (3) living in Thailand allowed me to retire at age 54 (not possible if we continued to live in Hawaii or most other locations in the USA). So here we are.


Would I consider moving back? Yes I would, there are many positives to living in the USA and some things I miss. The negatives are the costs associated with daily living, and the level of regulations and red tape associated with living in the land of the free.

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19 hours ago, Jingthing said:

In the USA, what's "wrong" for me is basically about --


-- lack of public transportation in most of the country

-- high cost of housing in any place decent but not horrible

-- political and racial divisions

-- difficulty of access and/or high cost of health care 

-- guns, guns, guns

-- the current government and president

-- floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, and hurricanes. Oh my!

-- restaurant prices

-- torrents unfriendly zone


Except for guns, guns, guns and the current President, concur.

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27 minutes ago, Cereal said:

I live in Laos,same same but different. I left Canada in 2005. I'll never go back. I hate the place. The weather is the worst. Its boring, expensive and full of posers who care more about what you own instead of who you are. 


Now with Trudeau's government giving the country away to Muslims it's well on its way to becoming a Caliphate. Liberal limp-twisted do gooders with no sense of national pride. I hate it. 


Goodbye and God freaking riddance.

What about the ice-hockey??!! And lumberjack tournaments? And tart with maple syrup?


Might be able to get the syrup in Vientiane.

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Go back to a corrupt political system that has torn down everything I believe to be of value; think not!  Blame all politicians red or blue, no high ground for either one.  Not sure about the current leader, time will tell. Before I left, I found myself screaming at a TV in a room by myself.  Haven't done that for a while.  Now I enjoy my time with family and friends. Granted there are issues that do get me going, but I do know who is running the show and what I can expect from them.  Family is all dead, so I haven't crossed a border in nine years; not sure I would survive the 40 hour trip back there anyway. Thus, no plans on returning, just prepaid the keeper of the flame at the temple to torch me good upon my demise. Hope I don't smell...  

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18 hours ago, alex8912 said:

I would disagree as many many people retire to or in the USA who are not rich. Compare living in Bangkok to many towns in Florida, Georgia, the other gulf coast states and even other pretty much year round ( except for maybe 6-8 weeks) warm states like South Carolina etc. A nice home is cheaper in these places compared to Bangkok and most of Pattaya, some places have very low taxes and many groceries are much cheaper as is produce and you could grow your own almost year round. Super cheap breakfast joints and Senior citizen discounts galore!  Cheap cars too. The USA is huge. There are many nice retirement areas. It's so much harder in England. One of the most densely populated places on Earth and nowhere  to really get off the grid and nowhere warm even 6 months of the year. Also very expensive. Most of Europe is similar so many more are forced to move elsewhere and some love it and others feel trapped. Not a great way to live but you sometimes have to make these choices to get by.  

I am originally from Alabama, which is one of the "lowest cost of living" states. It is far more expensive than Thailand, and you MUST own a car. There is no other option. Western food is a bit more expensive here but everything else is cheaper. It would cost me twice as much for a condo such as the one I rent here. English citizens have a great healthcare program and that simply does not exist in the USA. 

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7 minutes ago, Jools said:

I am originally from Alabama, which is one of the "lowest cost of living" states. It is far more expensive than Thailand, and you MUST own a car. There is no other option. Western food is a bit more expensive here but everything else is cheaper. It would cost me twice as much for a condo such as the one I rent here. English citizens have a great healthcare program and that simply does not exist in the USA. 

I was talking about buying/ owner a house. For under 90k USD you can buy and also own the house and land in Alabama, just a quick google search will show this. Even cheaper is VERY possible. A  decent used car will cost less than 1/2 of what it does here and petrol/gas is also 1/2 the price in Alabama and that really adds up. At 65 years old you are covered under insurance in the states and if you are healthy there are very cheap options before that age. I am so glad you have a fan within 2 minutes of posting.  I mention specially Bangkok and perhaps Pattaya in my post for comparison as well. 

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