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Social Security from USA.

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4 hours ago, Pib said:

Loving referred to as the Dead or Alive form for folks with residences outside the U.S.  The SSA wants to make sure you are still alive on a annual or, for some countries a biennial basis....they don't want to pay you if your are dead.


In the US when a person croaks the person's death gets reported automatically by various entities such as the hospital, police, morgue, funeral home, etc., so no Dead or Alive forms are sent out for people with US residences. 


But in some countries such automatic death reporting is not nearly as robust/severely lacking.    You might live out in the sticks in some 3rd world nation like Thailand, you pass away, your significant other simply has you quietly barbequed at the local temple or buried out back, no proper notification of your death makes it way to the US embassy in that country, your SS payment continues to flow when it should have stopped upon your death.  




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On 11/20/2017 at 9:19 PM, banlampang said:

Once a year I receive a form from SS that requires completion and return.  They threaten to stop SS payments if I fail to comply.

Right. I have had no problem receiving the form every year at my PO Box here in Thailand. I send it back registered mail. Sometimes there is a lag on the USPS tracking between the arrival at mail facility JFK and the received notice at Wilkes-Barre PA.

  • 4 weeks later...

 my eye sight is at 16% lost contrast vision after passing 65... So i use a 72 inch monitor to get in here and

try getting SSA.GOV answers from people who have been there and done that also willing to relay facts

dealing with FBU SSA>GOV Manila identified staff workers by name...


I go back in time first filling out filing SSA benefit form 2016 at the USA Embassy ACS.. which was delivered

as i was told by registered diplomatic mail to SSA International Baltimore, MD and to a Iveez Gomez and to a

Robert Jocson both claim to be FBU SSA examiners working Manila...  


The only single t6ime for each of these people to contact me using email was their demands for Embassy

verified passport, my last USA SSA statement, re verified aplication for SSA replacement card along with

request for Medicare card and start of my benefits...


AFTER WARDS over past year Manila had 17 SSA agent contact me asking for my phone number and asking

fo telephone inter views... I do not have a phone can not see the display on a phone and having lost hearing

sent all of them information I have no phone.. THIS WAS alsoverified at the US Embassy who replied back

it is nothing more they can do but forward the verified information and to take notice as of November 2017

the US Embassy refuse to deqal with SSA.GOV one must contact SSA.GOV FBU in Manila


SO every time i tried there is no single one person at Manila who is responsible, accountable, willing to

explain what is their problem working with disabled people who do not have a phone


THERE IS NO REPLY NOTHING NO ANSWER NOTHING so i ask all nwho do have a named FBU SSA agent

or the name of the Manila SSA FBU Director in charge to be contacted by me in order to solve the problem

of unable to use a phone because i am disabled...


The last official US Embassy pile of applications and identification verification was mailed using

diplomatic registered mail November 2015 since then Manila keeps asking for a phone number and

bounce me around 17 SSA agents...    

12 hours ago, expatriot said:

AFTER WARDS over past year Manila had 17 SSA agent contact me asking for my phone number and asking

fo telephone inter views... I do not have a phone can not see the display on a phone and having lost hearing

sent all of them information I have no phone.. THIS WAS alsoverified at the US Embassy who replied back

This page on the SSA site has info for those that are deaf or hard of hearing. https://www.ssa.gov/people/deaf/

The have a 800 number that has TTY.


thank you for 800 number and all the usa number..

the 800 numbers are answered at SSA.GOV garmed out CHICAGO answering office... The staff is operated

mostly by black people after telephoning TOLL FREE the supervisor told me there is absolutely no reason why

i am not receiving my filed documents.. The problem is at MANILA FBU staff who are not managed not supervised

and only want to talk over telephones.. The supervisor called the Manila Iveez Gomez and Robert Jocson who

replied they never got the diplomatic mail filed SSA application... i contacted the USA Embassy ACS staff who

wrote a letter with the two State Department registered tracking numbers delivered to both SSA Baltimore and

FBU Manila... Manila has never respomded HOWEVER got a letter dated postal that I should phone or get a

phone to fill out SSA application the letter also stated go talk to any SSA agent or walk in to SSa office....


This MANIAL postal mail and from people paid by USA.GOV SSA.GOV FBU MANILA prove do not read

do not understand do not take time to review help do not want to help only use the phone at their leisure


THIS IS ON GOING TROUBLE manila has no identified direct accountable people responsible to start and

finish SSA application unless it is over the phone scheduled random by un identified ping pong scater of

FBU civil workers..  


What I asked for was a direct Supervisor contact the name of the Director in charge of training the random

workers who do not dedicate a single start and completion of a selected single spplication.. The troule is

also SSA.GOV Baltimore who use answering machines same as Manila to play messages that they are very

busy processing 50 million applications every day at Manila...


If somebody has a direct name and identify a single accountable responsible Manila FBU SSA.GOV supervisor

that can fine tune, solve problems, dedicate completing a single application on file????


No use talking with USA Embassy they gave up and no longer want help with SSA.GOV agency problems

it is not Embassy related office other than verification of documents.. Baltimore has phone numbers that

are not TOLL FREE and after calling the numbers from thailand you hear we are busy servicing 50 million people

so hold.. Then Baltimore declares it is not their problem and all ASIA SSA.GOV must go to Manila FBU no

exeptions after November 2017..


i ask some person who has been there and done this Manila reply when they feel like it and at their own

preference it is imposible to complete applications also was told if you send them papers they trash the papers

because they are paper less SSA.GOV and further more if you did not get their rubber stamp over a period of

SIX months you lost all your BACK PAID BENEFITS.. The benefits only good for activating over SIX months after

SIX months SSA.GOV will not pay back wards so you are entitled only going back SIX months


I need the name of a supervusor direct who can possibly open up files going back several years and decide

completing payments using USA Embassy recorded documents also phone calls to Manila FBU SSA.GOV


If you are me and tried every thing phone calls,email, ACS help at Embassy verified applications stamped on

paper, delivered by Embassy numbers registered diplomatic pouch all directed at Manila FBU SSA.GOV spread

over 17 different Manila FBU SSA.GOV workers all isolated and asking start over with a phone call??? What can

you do disabled, blind, deaf, who do you contact with no accountable responsible SSA.GOV name ... They do

not have never replied back only ask for phone number on the first contact.. This is paper less email less

way FBU Manila want to do SSA.GOV business with disbled people 



I also had probs with the Manila SSA...my pension application sat on someone's desk until she got back from a month's vacation...but they got around to it eventually and I didn't miss any payments...folks take a lot of vacations in the Philippines, seems like...


a lot of folks here on the forum have been pleased with their service...




hello so do you have the name and contact information for the lady who finaly filed your pension after first taking a month vacation... I started year ago when i was told after so called interview by   Mary Rose from FBU Manila she

can not complete application because she is going on indefinite maternal leave so i should wait for another agent

i do not know about yopur satisfied happy FBU SSA.GOV service but what happen to me is way outside the courtesy

and responsible accountable training applied at USA GOVERNMENT TRAINED representation... The USA Embassy

was dedicated and did try all that they could do to help HOW EVER NOW THE USA EMBASSY do not want any

connection with this FBU SSA.GOV agency after November 17, 2017 they are also fed up with SSA.GOV GROSS

NEGLIGENCE evidence out of the civil servants paid by USA.GOV SSA.GOV employed at Manila FBU


When I had a problem that wasn't easily solved, the person I was talking to in Manila escalated the issue and got a caseworker assigned to it, so there was one person in that office I could contact who was responsible for handling my problem. Otherwise, as you said, it's just scattershot whenever you contact them.


But also as you said, they like to deal with you on the phone. Perhaps you can find someone with a phone who could contact them for you. If you can get a caseworker assigned, then you'll be able to get the caseworker's email address, which makes contact easier.




hello taxout and all listening to SSA.GOV Manila problem

Thank you for information about case worker assigned to my application...

It would be a perfect solution if it can be managed by asking for a Manila FBU SSA.GOV supervisor the same

as i was able to and can any time get a SSA.GOV 800USA supervisor to talk to


Manila FBU SSA.GOV has no direct communication established. The phone number is isolated to an answering'machine that is randomly maybe answered never replied... Please try it and test it so you can

hear the recordings.. As far as emailing FBU Manila it is automated robot mail that talks about the days

they are vacationing and then ask yopu to apply for SSA.GOV benefits using email at MYSSA.GOV to

get answers..


ESCUSE ME BUT MANILA FBU IS TOTAL BULL SHIT the ssa.gov web application demand you INSIDE THE USA

and HAVE USA PHONE then you can apply over the Internet...


The people at MAnila FBU are totally out of control having no training are gross negligent managed by unknown people with no contact names... The internet application is false can not apply outside the USA  or use it only inside the USA to  apply online to SSA... I wrote them several times and they never responded. I wrote them to correct

SSA.GOV information they attach to their robot mail reply that you can apply online is false outside the USA.

I wish it was this simple after all  the USA Embassy verifications and registered mail delivery to who know who

is trashing all my applications then after waiting sends me mail to call them for a phone interview...

The USA Embassy can not believe FBU SSA.GOV civil service treatment of USA citizen and SSA.GOV USA

Chicago 800 numbers have no control over this gross negligence... 


It seems like Manila FBU is hiring school childrenrotating them to demand phone calls never training them to

read SSA.GOV printed paper forms or even to scan the forms or file them.. They are told Manila is a paper less

SSA.GOV staff and after all the torture to deliver documents now want to chat over a phone to interview...


This is an ongoing battle when first time I applied for a Medicare card several years ago Robert Jocsom FBU Manila

asked I go to Embassy to prove my passport then afterwards NOW several years later NEVER NEVER received

a Medicare card promised in the mail... Then again I tried getting money from USA bank account was told

the bank wanted  SSA proof send my original paper SSA card.. I contacted Manila FBU asked Robert Jocson

now Iveez Gomez want a REPLACEMENT CARD.. They prompt demanded I go to USA Embassy and prove

who I am so I did including sending my passport and last USA SSA.GOV statement mailed to my last USA

address... WELL FBU SSA.GOV NEVER NEVER replied back and this incident created a nightmare when the

USA bank trashed my bank account, closed my check book, closed my credit card auto pay, I lost everything

because the bank wanted original SSA card... Now with all this USA Embassy filings again I was forced to

travel and verify my passport and SSA identity demanded by Manila to apply for SSA.GOV benefits long

past due I have lost thousands of USA dollars...  The latest is now some woman from FBU Manila want me

to talk to SSA.GOV FBU over the phone after postal mailing me a paper letter to use the phone..


So no name nobody accountable no body responsible evry body too busy to solve a simple application

rubber stamp solution. ihave no idea what to do if nobody can open and review and stay on top and finish

from start to finish a simple application for benefits..


By the way the letter told me as an applicant SSA.GOV only pays backward six months!!! so if you are 71

old you lost six months benefits and if lucky and can get filed you will receive only six months of all the

benefits after the rubber stamp from SSA...    Manila SSA.GOV is out of control operating gross negligent

hiring irresponsible children for civil service work randomly selected is maybe the reason I have collected

17 MANILA FBU names who never reply back to their email sent to me.. How the HE** can you reach these



Have you notice no government agency answer phones never answer email i am disabled can not fly to Manila

and walk in the door at FBull  SSA.gov.. So what can I do what more paper or data can i send to FBU SSA.GOV

when there is solid evidence they trash applications and bounce people around like ping pong game with

total disregard to handling sensitive timely USA citizen applications       




Manila USA Embassy office SSA.GOV

The Phone: (632) 301-2000 ext. 9
Fax: (632) 708-9723 and (632) 708-9714
E-Mail: [email protected]




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