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N KOREAN ENVOY: We want peace but ready for war with US


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1 minute ago, wvavin said:

North Korea's weaponry is comparable to Thai's medieval educational system but we try our best to believe they can win the war against the Americans.....LOL.... 


If there is nuclear war on the Korean peninsula, North Kprea loses of course.  South Korea, Japan, Russia, China will all suffer from  nuclear contamination at a minimum.  I t is  a sh***y situation.  Do you really have faith in Donald Trump to make an intelligent fact based decision? 

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21 minutes ago, spectrumisgreen said:

My understanding is that two weeks would be the time-line, nukes or not, for sweeping through NK to enact the 'regime change'

Thats what the US said about North Vietnam  and ended up running away with its tail between its legs some 10 years later hahaha!

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The US could snuff out nK in a matter of days, if not hours, depending on the types of weapons used and the completeness of their targeting packages.  They have the quantities, the right mixes and the precision to do so.  Yes, hundreds of thousands of nK citizens would perish, but that might be the toll to stop this nuclear-crazed, madman leader from realizing his true goals which another poster has previously stated.  Left unchecked, Kim will only continue to escalate tensions and reach a point where his regime can truly imperil the West. I’m thinking ahead with this thought, assuming that in due course nK will deploy nuclear subs equipped with far more sophisticated ICBMs as well as SLCMs armed with nuclear payloads. Their continued course of weaponization cannot be tolerated unless the Kim dynasty is toppled and replaced by moderate, peace-minded national leadership.  

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5 minutes ago, Fore Man said:

The US could snuff out nK in a matter of days, if not hours, depending on the types of weapons used and the completeness of their targeting packages.  They have the quantities, the right mixes and the precision to do so.  Yes, hundreds of thousands of nK citizens would perish, but that might be the toll to stop this nuclear-crazed, madman leader from realizing his true goals which another poster has previously stated.  Left unchecked, Kim will only continue to escalate tensions and reach a point where his regime can truly imperil the West. I’m thinking ahead with this thought, assuming that in due course nK will deploy nuclear subs equipped with far more sophisticated ICBMs as well as SLCMs armed with nuclear payloads. Their continued course of weaponization cannot be tolerated unless the Kim dynasty is toppled and replaced by moderate, peace-minded national leadership.  

Who invades and occupies the most countries these days?

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1 hour ago, ebean001 said:

Asia has clearly told Trump/USA that is USA starts a war, all Asian countries will ally with North Korea. Think about it. It makes sense if they want to survive. Following that promise, NK pointed all nuclear weapons to USA targets.

Finally, from what I have read, USA cannot stop missiles. No one can. It is the way the world has decided to deter nuclear war...NO DEFENSE. Actually, the only defense is an offense. If you nuke us then you will get nuked. Only crazy people would send up nukes. USA has 6,800. Russia has 7,00, and China has 400. 400 is plenty since they cannot be stopped.  Also, USA and Russia have 1,800 nukes in silos ready to fire at any moment.


Asia has clearly told Trump/USA that is USA starts a war, all Asian countries will ally with North Korea.


"Asia" didn't "tell" Trump, or the USA, anything of the sort. And similarly, as there was no such "promise", NK did not "point all nuclear weapons to USA targets" - which I somehow doubt you can substantiate.


As for being unable to intercept missiles....intercepting airplanes was also hard, once upon a time.

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3 hours ago, baboon said:

It isn't going to happen. This is just the media and their right wing stooges hyping it up to sell copies and frighten people.

Media and right wing stooges.  Yeah, right.  The media and its RIGHT WING stooges.  ROFLMAO    You must mean back when Lincoln was running for president.   55555555555555555






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1 hour ago, greatwhitenorth said:

You may not be able to but I can.

Both are narcissistic, both love to tell outlandish lies, both thrive on confusion, disinformation, threats and childish behaviour.  Both have silly haircuts. I wouldn t be surprised if both suffer from penis envy.


Kim is apparently a permanent fixture. The blunder that is Trump can be corrected. Not same same.

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1 hour ago, Robbess said:

Does anyone really think the empire is afraid of this little country? The empire’s biggest problem with NK is independence - it won’t be a little good boy and follow Washington’s diktats - such as owning it, taking advantage of its resources, cheap labor, and finally breaking it up like a cheap corporation.


Do tell about the independence of North Koreans.

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Of course defectors would say that. Why else would they be defecting? Defectors usually say what their new hosts expect them to say. 
And how many actually defect from NK? The controls are tight, the propaganda and brainwashing becomes in grained over generations.
Would you gamble that the sizable military and mass population would turn against the regime quickly in the event of looming war?

There is the admittedly flippant and cynical view that as the armoured spearhead of the North Korean Army fight their way into the south, they would get as far as the first shopping mall, with drive through McDonalds and KFC flanking the entrances, take one look at the handful of mouldy rice and a tin of grey fish which constitutes their 24 hour ration pack, and realise quite how comprehensively they have been lied to...

Sent from my KENNY using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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52 minutes ago, ThaiFelix said:

You're using wikipedia as a source to back an arguement  hahahaha!!

Given I said 'information' and not 'news media', the accuracy of what was written in the Wikipedia link is irrelevant. 

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25 minutes ago, hawker9000 said:

Media and right wing stooges.  Yeah, right.  The media and its RIGHT WING stooges.  ROFLMAO    You must mean back when Lincoln was running for president.   55555555555555555






Are you feeling OK?

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6 hours ago, quadperfect said:

He talks about the usa as evil empire and yet if war breaks out he  will try to destroy every nation near him first and then no doubt die like the idiot he is.

I dont want to see nuclear war but its looking like its headed that way.



So what?  

Threatening with extended suicide is a valid military political strategy. It usually needs to negotiations if both sides are rational. 

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1 hour ago, ThaiFelix said:

Thats what the US said about North Vietnam  and ended up running away with its tail between its legs some 10 years later hahaha!

The US (and new zealand and a host of other countries involved) growing tired of an unwinnable war without killing many more than the 2 million Vietnamese already killed is a bit different from running away with its tail between its legs.  A better example would be the UK in Afghanistan (before the Soviets and the Americans).

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3 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

I sure hope America doesn't fight another 1950's type war in Korea. Air war doesn't win. Only nuclear weapons will stop North Korea and then only if one of them gets the leader. It isn't worth it unless NK really can nuc California; then kill em all.

Nah, a precision bomb on the fat boy plus perhaps some massive conventional bombing for a few days would do the trick. 

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4 hours ago, flyingdoc said:

it was interesting to learn that just before Trump's visit, the South paid over a large amount of money to the North for 'essentials', just in case Kim Jong Un was actually foolish enough to rain any missiles down on Seoul while DT was there!! 

WHERE, may I ask..... did you get this idea???????????   with my personal knowledge I can not dispute it BUT I will not believe it without proof..... 

It is my total belief that the US and its allies (S. Korea) are trying to cut off any money to NK to limit their funds for Nuclear advancement........

I do admit that in todays world .... ANYTHING is possible............ BUT it does go against what i think............ 

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24 minutes ago, micmichd said:

So what?  

Threatening with extended suicide is a valid military political strategy. It usually needs to negotiations if both sides are rational. 

And how do you justify using the words.......  " if both sides are rational. ".........   IS Kim or Trump 'Rational'??????????

The main difference is that in the USA there are powers to 'over-rule' Trump....... Not so in NK...........

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52 minutes ago, micmichd said:

So what?  

Threatening with extended suicide is a valid military political strategy. It usually needs to negotiations if both sides are rational. 


The above post doesn't seem to be all that valid, or rational.

That's without getting into the supposed "suicide" being more applicable to Fearless Leader's unwashed masses.

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The odds are it will happen eventually, either by accident or design.




A few additional facts to counter complacence:


As recently as July, a majority of the UN's member states approved the first-ever treaty to legally ban nuclear weapons. The meeting was boycotted by all nuclear-armed nations, with the US, Britain and France declaring they would never accept being party to the treaty.


Despite still being signatories to the 1968 Nuclear Noproliferation Treaty  from which the North Koreans withdrew in 2003, the US, Russia and China are expanding their nuclear capability.


The rhetoric being exchanged by the unstable leaders with their fingers on the red buttons in Pyong Yang and Washington is far more directly threatening and belligerent than during the Cold War.


And, of course, if there is a nuclear war, millions will be left to fry or die lingering deaths from radiation while our political masters assess the "collatoral damage" from the safety of their taxpayer-funded, bombproof bunkers.


Sleep tight.

Edited by Krataiboy
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3 hours ago, ThaiFelix said:

Thats what the US said about North Vietnam  and ended up running away with its tail between its legs some 10 years later hahaha!

You've got your facts wrong.  The US never wanted to get involved heavily, but due to a variety of mistakes, did so.  Unfortunately.


You can't compare the two.  Though many try....

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There will be no American nuclear first strike. It is simply not a viable option for  many reasons being that the World would condemn an American first strike.  However, if Nkorea launched a nuclear weapon targeting the US; Us territories or US Allies- then a full American retaliatory strike would most likely be ordered.  I doubt NKorea would launch as they know their total destruction would occur.


Once one rules out the nuclear options that leaves only conventional war. However, conventional war would cause huge losses of life in SKorea as Seoul is well within the range of massive amounts of NKorea artillery and there is no way the US ; Japan, or Korea could knock out all of the artillery and conventional missiles. One thing that could mitigate loses in Seoul is the there is a massive underground shopping areas all over Seoul that also can be used as shelters and part of the SKorea war plan is to get its citizens underground.


At present, I see no movement towards conventional war by any side. There is no massing of NKorean troops at the DMZ (neutral zone) and there is no massive movement of US Forces to Asia, which would be needed to respond to a NKorea invasion. The media keeps playing the story with its worst case scenarios but the current evidence is that neither country is anywhere near hostilities. In addition, Trump has played it and got a massive $70 billion increase in the Us defense budget, already the highest in the World- of course being paid off the back of the suffering US middle class and poor.


The only viable solution is negotiation. If NKorea can be convinced that America is not interested in regime change-then a peace treaty can be signed- China can take control of NKorea's nuclear weapons and US troops move off the peninsula. Then North and South Korea can negotiate an opening of borders and economic integration. 

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