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13 minutes ago, Foozool said:

Off topic :⚠️

what happened by Japanese has nothing to do with Chinese with bad manners and terrible behaviors in Thailand or anywhere else by their tourists. ?


You can't stand the truth.


Off topic? Have you read the OP's first message?


Speaking about off topic when you wrote about your uncle fighting the Korean War....Pot Kettle Black Foozol? :wink:



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Go spend a few weeks in China and rub elbows with the average blokes.  After a few days you may start to get the drift.  It's a different world.  Don't get the idea they are just like euros, aussies and yanks (first world) just because they have skyscrapers.

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1 minute ago, bubba45 said:

Go spend a few weeks in China and rub elbows with the average blokes.  After a few days you may start to get the drift.  It's a different world.  Don't get the idea they are just like euros, aussies and yanks (first world) just because they have skyscrapers.


I did, since more than 35 years; never had a problem in China or with Chinese, only the China bashers here on TV, like yourself, have problems but that's probably in every aspect of their lives :laugh:


Negative people always find something to address their negativity to; they better consult a shrink :wink: and enjoy live a little more,

Like an (in)-famous argument: there's always a stick around to beat a dog...


Those people will never change, no matter what; Sad really because their negativity is eating them slowly.


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19 minutes ago, LaoPo said:

You can't stand the truth.


Off topic? Have you read the OP's first message?


Speaking about off topic when you wrote about your uncle fighting the Korean War....Pot Kettle Black Foozol? :wink:



People like you never give up !!! 

Going back to a century ago to justify your today's terrible behavior ? 

Anyway , put it on cool water. 

This is what it is.

Sorry you can not change what people think about bad manners. Unless those with bad manners change themselves.

get life. 

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In a way Thailand itself and the Thai Government are to blame for the huge number of Chinese tour groups invading. This because here in china (where I live and work), Thailand is advertised as a cheap and nearby country to visit, couple this with the fact that it's so much easier to be granted a tourist visa if applying to travel in a tour group, the result is as being witnessed.

Basically the tour groups appear to be from the lower income group, who still have the soil from the rice fields in their toes.

Europe is now more and more targeted by the middle / upper class individuals who travel independently and are a different ball game. As for the tour groups and their eating habits, do some research on the "iron rice bowl concept" that may help you understand the attitudes 

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15 minutes ago, Foozool said:


Sorry you can not change what people think about bad manners. Unless those with bad manners change themselves.

get life. 

1: I like you sense of humor and I mean it :wink:


2: I'm sincerely sorry for those who had such bad experiences with Chinese, from their own mainland country, from Taiwan (lot of the interior in Taiwan is in bad shape and dead poor!), from Singapore or from Hong Kong and find it truly amazing that all TV bashers can determine where the bad behaving Chinese are from; I can't....and I know China and other Chinese countries pretty well.

But that aside: I myself have never endured such bad behaviour and maybe that's because I either don't pay any attention to bad behaving people or I was all those 35 years extremely lucky OR I don't go to the areas you guys are going or visiting and where the bad behaves are also ?


3: That doesn't mean the bashers should not bash upon a total of 1.4 Billion people; bad behaving Chinese are attracting attention but again: the majority is not.


The same as bad behaving low-life Farang or Thai and there's a LOT of them.



Edited by LaoPo
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15 minutes ago, DipStick said:

In a way Thailand itself and the Thai Government are to blame for the huge number of Chinese tour groups invading. This because here in china (where I live and work), Thailand is advertised as a cheap and nearby country to visit, couple this with the fact that it's so much easier to be granted a tourist visa if applying to travel in a tour group, the result is as being witnessed.

Basically the tour groups appear to be from the lower income group, who still have the soil from the rice fields in their toes.

Europe is now more and more targeted by the middle / upper class individuals who travel independently and are a different ball game. As for the tour groups and their eating habits, do some research on the "iron rice bowl concept" that may help you understand the attitudes 


How on earth could you blame a 3rd world country like Thailand to promote itself to the outer world and try to make some bucks?

And, about the lower income groups: the AVERAGE expenditures' numbers say something else, like I posted before; see image below.


I DO agree with the middle and upper class individuals, traveling to Europe and I know...the money they spend in Europe is mind boggling and the amount (per person) they spend on designer clothes/bags and jewellery is astonishing and almost no Farang is spending that kind of money, abroad.


On a side note: I know for a fact that large travel agents in China are booking less and less large tour-groups and concentrate more onto the individual traveler.


So, that's a good sign for the China bashers :wink:



THAILAND TourismExpenditurePerDay(2016).gif

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3 hours ago, spermwhale said:

The problem is not that they are stingy or a "few bad apples on tour buses." 

The problem is that many Chinese tourists first of all are very loud and brusque. You'll be able to pinpoint them in any Starbucks because they are the ones that are talking loudly disturbing the peace.

Second go to any hotel breakfast buffet and it doesn't matter if you go to a 5 star hotel or a three star,, many Chinese are extremely greedy. On many occasions, I've seen Chinese tourists clear a whole fruit platter on to their own plates, leaving nothing for anyone else. And they even look at you and give you taht look like, Haha got here before you. 


Their PIGS

Not to mention, they ALWAYS pee in the pool .. I've seen  a Chinese family let their kid stand at the edge of the  pool and pee into it. 


Or take a dump on he sidewalk and wipe his ass with their hand..........then go to the fruit stand to squeeze some fruit but not buy any.  Poster needs to take off his rose colored glasses and come back to Thailand for a spell and hang out where the Chinese tour busses stop, he'll change his tune.

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I don't think you have had the dubious pleasure of transiting from Dong muang airport recently .Been swamped in your local Thai restaurant by twenty or so Chinese tourists leaving the place in disarray without tipping and toilets filthy .Been in the food hall at tops airport Chaing Mai swamped with Chinese. The women   walk in a narrow soi with umbrellas totally impervious to the fact they could cause injury .The men seem to have a throat cleaning problem and an urgent need to nosily dispose of flem in the street or toilet washbasin.etc. etc.

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2 minutes ago, jippytum said:

I don't think you have had the dubious pleasure of transiting from Dong muang airport recently .Been swamped in your local Thai restaurant by twenty or so Chinese tourists leaving the place in disarray without tipping and toilets filthy .Been in the food hall at tops airport Chaing Mai swamped with Chinese. The women   walk in a narrow soi with umbrellas totally impervious to the fact they could cause injury .The men seem to have a throat cleaning problem and an urgent need to nosily dispose of flem in the street or toilet washbasin.etc. etc.

Don't Muang Airport, which for international flights is operated by LCC and possibly used by cheap Charlie's or low class Chinese.

FYI tipping in any establishment in china is frowned upon, so it's a cultural thing.

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11 minutes ago, jippytum said:

I don't think you have had the dubious pleasure of transiting from Dong muang airport recently .Been swamped in your local Thai restaurant by twenty or so Chinese tourists leaving the place in disarray without tipping and toilets filthy .Been in the food hall at tops airport Chaing Mai swamped with Chinese. The women   walk in a narrow soi with umbrellas totally impervious to the fact they could cause injury .The men seem to have a throat cleaning problem and an urgent need to nosily dispose of flem in the street or toilet washbasin.etc. etc.


:laugh: Isn't it a rich world we live in, to witness so many different people and cultures we can learn from or is our own country the only one with a correct culture?


If so, we'd better stay away from Asia don't we?


Aren't we rich, we can afford to travel many hours and spend a lot of money for airline tickets, to experience the unknown in mysterious Asia ?


If you don't, realise that ASIAN tourism is growing with the speed of light and you and I will be in a VERY small minority group and if you don't like it, go somewhere else because the Chinese couldn't care less about your complaints.


They're here to stay and grow in numbers and you know: if you can't beat them, join them..or


RUN ! :laugh:




THAILAND TouristArrivals(2016).gif

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3 hours ago, LaoPo said:

About spending money in Thailand by the different tourist groups...





THAILAND TourismExpenditurePerDay(2016).gif

You may wonder where and how they get these figures...to the second decimal, no less!

Many tourists arrive with cash, the amount of which they don't disclose, and spend anonymously.


In Pattaya, while the Chinese groups obediently visit Walking Street back and forth, following the little flag, without spending one baht in the process (they can't leave the group, no black sheep among them), other foreigners eat at the restaurants, drink at the bars, shop at the mini marts and so on.


The Chinese follow a carefully orchestrated plan, and all the money they spend, via their tour operators, goes into Chinese pockets in Thailand.

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4 hours ago, irwinfc said:

OP, it's clear you haven't had the pleasure of mingling with nasty tourists (chinese or otherwise). shoving, cutting in line, the loud noises they make, etc leaves a really bad taste in the mouth. if you don't believe me, a simple youtube search will eat up hours of your life watching tourists misbehave.

I haven't had much experience like this, but last time when I was on Swampy, I was standing in a very slow moving line at a small coffeeshop. At some point this old man seemed to want to move through the queue without ordering anything. Him being an old man, I thought I would just let him pass in front of me, easier than walk around the queue.


It was about my turn to order coffee. But instead of just moving through the queue the old man was trying to order something. The Thai people behind me told me something like: "yeah, he's a Chinese, they are like this ...". 


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20 minutes ago, LaoPo said:


:laugh: Isn't it a rich world we live in, to witness so many different people and cultures we can learn from or is our own country the only one with a correct culture?


If so, we'd better stay away from Asia don't we?


Aren't we rich, we can afford to travel many hours and spend a lot of money for airline tickets, to experience the unknown in mysterious Asia ?


If you don't, realise that ASIAN tourism is growing with the speed of light and you and I will be in a VERY small minority group and if you don't like it, go somewhere else because the Chinese couldn't care less about your complaints.


They're here to stay and grow in numbers and you know: if you can't beat them, join them..or


RUN ! :laugh:





Better hold your horses...remember the Russians a few years ago?

They were everywhere, buying everything...and the Thais were building like crazy because the (Russian) sky was the limit.

Then it all came crashing down in a few weeks, when the rubble lost half of its value, and the Russians stopped coming and buying...and paying what they had previously bought with credit.

The Chinese economy is a massive Ponzi scheme, built on mountains of debt, used to build empty cities, buildings, high speed trains and so on.

How long such a scheme can last, no one knows, but it sure can't last forever.


On top of that, Chinese are easily frightened.

A virus, or the simple rumour of a virus, for example, is enough to keep them at bay for months.

And don't even mention a conflict in Korea...


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Western countries have a high standard of behavior than Asian countries. Let's say you are American and at a buffet  with mostly Americans. If there are Americans screaming and grabbing food and cutting in front of people, others will probably say something. 

You dont get English tourists st the airport screaming a normal conversation at each other. You don't have Germans pissing and shitting on the streets.

But to Chinese, these behaviors are normal. They are savages as compared to western people.

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9 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

You may wonder where and how they get these figures...to the second decimal, no less!

Many tourists arrive with cash, the amount of which they don't disclose, and spend anonymously.


In Pattaya, while the Chinese groups obediently visit Walking Street back and forth, following the little flag, without spending one baht in the process (they can't leave the group, no black sheep among them), other foreigners eat at the restaurants, drink at the bars, shop at the mini marts and so on.


The Chinese follow a carefully orchestrated plan, and all the money they spend, via their tour operators, goes into Chinese pockets in Thailand.


Sigh...you have no idea because you just see the groups on Walking street (of all interesting places in Thailand :laugh:.) ..do you follow them and know her they spend their money?

No you don't.


Do you have any idea how much money they spend in China Town in BKK? ...buying exclusive Chinese goods they can't buy in China or at a double/triple price, like birds' nests...? have you ever been there and know how expensive these are?

No yo don't 


Not that I eat them but have been there and was amazed about the quantities and money spent there.



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2 hours ago, LaoPo said:


Horrible experience...have you also ever read or watched about the Rape of Nanking in 1937 were the Japanese slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Chinese children, raped women on an enormous scale and murdered on a never-seen-before situation with methods even the Nazis didn't know about?

I'm sorry but you're also generalising a total country and I bet you've never been there to witness and I wish the bashing would stop now.



Images not for the weak and faint-hearted....:ph34r:




What happen in Nanking pales in comparison to what Mao would later do to the entire population of China.

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Bashing upon China and the Chinese should belong in the world's most ridiculous and grumpiest complaints by tourists and it certainly looks like it belongs in that category as well :laugh:


  1. “We went on a canoe trip but were very disappointed that no one told us there would not be a bathroom onboard. It was very inconvenient.”
  2. “There was no sign telling you that you shouldn’t get on the hot air balloon ride if you’re afraid of heights.”
  3. “My trip was ruined when I got sunburned and got sick because of it. They should warn you that the sun is brighter in Mexico than it is in the United States, I would have used sunscreen.”
  4. “We booked an excursion to a water park, but no one told us we had to bring our swimming costumes and towels.”
  5. “Tour company did not warn me that I would get wet during the river rafting trip. It ruined my $300 leather handbag.”
  6. “I think it should be explained in the brochure that the local store does not sell proper biscuits like custard creams or ginger nuts.”
  7. “We found the sand was not like the sand in the brochure. Your brochure shows the sand as yellow, but it was white.”
  8. “You said the town was next to a volcano, but we went and there was no lava. I’m pretty sure it was just a mountain.”
How dare they?
  1. “On our trip to New York, the streets were dirty and we saw people asking for money, it was depressing. There should be a warning to travelers.”
  2. “We had to queue outside with no air conditioning.”
  3. “It is your duty as a tour operator to advise us of noisy or unruly guests before we travel.”
  4. “The beach had too many fat people. It was gross.”
  5. “Will never return to this hotel because there are homeless people everywhere in this city.”
  6. “I was bitten by a mosquito. No one said they could bite.”
  7. “It’s lazy of the local shopkeepers to close in the afternoons. I often needed to buy things during ‘siesta’ time — this should be banned.”

MORE: https://myria.com/42-crazy-and-cringeworthy-but-true-travel-complaints



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Just now, ExpatOilWorker said:

What happen in Nanking pales in comparison to what Mao would later do to the entire population of China.

The Japanese are very very different from other Asians. They all follow the rules. They are mostly quiet, polite, and well behaved. And they are clean. Japan upon reaching Korea and china and seeing the filth and low level behavior of the masses caused them to react in an aggressive way.  It's not all their fault. 

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5 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

What happen in Nanking pales in comparison to what Mao would later do to the entire population of China.


True and devastating indeed; no excuses for what he did to his own people.

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1 minute ago, LaoPo said:


Bashing upon China and the Chinese should belong in the world's most ridiculous and grumpiest complaints by tourists and it certainly looks like it belongs in that category as well :laugh:


  1. “We went on a canoe trip but were very disappointed that no one told us there would not be a bathroom onboard. It was very inconvenient.”
  2. “There was no sign telling you that you shouldn’t get on the hot air balloon ride if you’re afraid of heights.”
  3. “My trip was ruined when I got sunburned and got sick because of it. They should warn you that the sun is brighter in Mexico than it is in the United States, I would have used sunscreen.”
  4. “We booked an excursion to a water park, but no one told us we had to bring our swimming costumes and towels.”
  5. “Tour company did not warn me that I would get wet during the river rafting trip. It ruined my $300 leather handbag.”
  6. “I think it should be explained in the brochure that the local store does not sell proper biscuits like custard creams or ginger nuts.”
  7. “We found the sand was not like the sand in the brochure. Your brochure shows the sand as yellow, but it was white.”
  8. “You said the town was next to a volcano, but we went and there was no lava. I’m pretty sure it was just a mountain.”
How dare they?
  1. “On our trip to New York, the streets were dirty and we saw people asking for money, it was depressing. There should be a warning to travelers.”
  2. “We had to queue outside with no air conditioning.”
  3. “It is your duty as a tour operator to advise us of noisy or unruly guests before we travel.”
  4. “The beach had too many fat people. It was gross.”
  5. “Will never return to this hotel because there are homeless people everywhere in this city.”
  6. “I was bitten by a mosquito. No one said they could bite.”
  7. “It’s lazy of the local shopkeepers to close in the afternoons. I often needed to buy things during ‘siesta’ time — this should be banned.”

MORE: https://myria.com/42-crazy-and-cringeworthy-but-true-travel-complaints



Chinese complaint #1: No one told me I couldn't pull down my son's pants in public and hold his penis while he urinated.

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5 minutes ago, soistalker said:

The Japanese are very very different from other Asians. They all follow the rules. They are mostly quiet, polite, and well behaved. And they are clean. Japan upon reaching Korea and china and seeing the filth and low level behavior of the masses caused them to react in an aggressive way.  It's not all their fault. 

You can't be serious? No, surely not -- no one can be this dumb.

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12 minutes ago, LaoPo said:


Sigh...you have no idea because you just see the groups on Walking street (of all interesting places in Thailand :laugh:.) ..do you follow them and know her they spend their money?

No you don't.


Do you have any idea how much money they spend in China Town in BKK? ...buying exclusive Chinese goods they can't buy in China or at a double/triple price, like birds' nests...? have you ever been there and know how expensive these are?

No yo don't 


Not that I eat them but have been there and was amazed about the quantities and money spent there.



This is exactly what I wrote in my last paragraph!

As you say, they spend their their money in Chinatown, buying gold and other stuff in shops belonging to Chinese (all the gold shops in the country belong to them).

So the money they spend "stays in the family".

Contrary to what you imagine, I have been there, when I was living in Bangkok and managing a company with 2 factories in...China!


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19 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

Better hold your horses...remember the Russians a few years ago?

They were everywhere, buying everything...and the Thais were building like crazy because the (Russian) sky was the limit.

Then it all came crashing down in a few weeks, when the rubble lost half of its value, and the Russians stopped coming and buying...and paying what they had previously bought with credit.

The Chinese economy is a massive Ponzi scheme, built on mountains of debt, used to build empty cities, buildings, high speed trains and so on.

How long such a scheme can last, no one knows, but it sure can't last forever.


On top of that, Chinese are easily frightened.

A virus, or the simple rumour of a virus, for example, is enough to keep them at bay for months.

And don't even mention a conflict in Korea...


Your post shows how little you're informed.


First, Russia has just a merely (mostly very poor) population of a mere 143 million people.

For instance: Guangdong province (bordering Hong Kong) alone has more than 110 million out of 1.4 Billion in China.


Russian tourism to Thailand was always exaggerated in numbers; they were very low in comparison with Asian and SE Asian next to China numbers; very low!


China's economy a Ponzi scheme? r

Really? give me some facts instead of rumours and you really have no idea what you're talking about.

China is behind the US as the 2nd largest economy in the world and you just showed you've never been in China nor did any business.

In one or two years China will surpass the US as the largest economy in the world; fact!


Korea? if it isn't for China's involvement all hell would break loose and China is the only country in the world who can control that idiot of Kim Long-un and keep him quiet and Trump can't do anything about that, hes simply powerless.


No points taken.


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3 hours ago, impulse said:

Within living memory, many Chinese people who politely waited their turn in the queue starved to death, along with their families.


It's going to take generations for that mindset to change.  I'm amazed at the progress they have made since I moved there in 1999.


I'd also point out that they're often appalled by some of the eating behaviors of western people.  What's accepted in one culture is the kiss of social death in another.

Very true and during the cultural revolution they were stripped of any culture they had left.

It is interesting that even to poorest, suppressed and under educated Thai farmers are in general very polite.

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19 minutes ago, soistalker said:

The Japanese are very very different from other Asians. They all follow the rules. They are mostly quiet, polite, and well behaved. And they are clean. Japan upon reaching Korea and china and seeing the filth and low level behavior of the masses caused them to react in an aggressive way.  It's not all their fault. 


That's the most unbelievable comment I've seen in a long time as an excuse to murder hundreds of thousands of totally innocent people.

Shame on you :ph34r:


"it's not all their fault...unbelievable :shock1:

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3 minutes ago, LaoPo said:

Your post shows how little you're informed.


First, Russia has just a merely (mostly very poor) population of a mere 143 million people.

For instance: Guangdong province (bordering Hong Kong) alone has more than 110 million out of 1.4 Billion in China.


Russian tourism to Thailand was always exaggerated in numbers; they were very low in comparison with Asian and SE Asian next to China numbers; very low!


China's economy a Ponzi scheme? r

Really? give me some facts instead of rumours and you really have no idea what you're talking about.

China is behind the US as the 2nd largest economy in the world and you just showed you've never been in China nor did any business.

In one or two years China will surpass the US as the largest economy in the world; fact!


Korea? if it isn't for China's involvement all hell would break loose and China is the only country in the world who can control that idiot of Kim Long-un and keep him quiet and Trump can't do anything about that, hes simply powerless.


No points taken.




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