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So what is wrong with Chinese people ? Many times I do read on here Chinese

tourists are tight with money, don't spend anything they are dirty and so on.

Now being back in Australia I can't really distinguish tourists from residents   

but I never ever seen a Chinese being nasty, dirty, not polite I have many

Chinese friends and also many other nationalities like Italians, English

Germans, Greeks, and so on. I also find Chinese girls very attractive.

Now I am still married to a Thai girl but separated for about a year so I guess

I get hammered from most of you who are married to Thai girls but I have

taken my coloured glasses off and realized Thai girls are not that beautiful

like every body says so the point of all this Thai girls are very overrated.

Sorry Guys 

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2 minutes ago, sharktooth said:

Have you ever smelt the dog breath of a mainland Chinese woman? It would give you the fikkin boak.


should have gone for the little Taiwanese one... off shore fish is always fresher

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The negativity comes from a few bad apples which you see on tour buses.  Many others are indistinguishable from Thai Chinese, as they are well dressed and well mannered.  Sat in a restaurant, now closed, while the western owner berated those from China.  One of her regular customers was a Chinese girl working at the UN.  There were several other tourists she had mistaken for Thais.  It was not her finest hour. 

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OP, it's clear you haven't had the pleasure of mingling with nasty tourists (chinese or otherwise). shoving, cutting in line, the loud noises they make, etc leaves a really bad taste in the mouth. if you don't believe me, a simple youtube search will eat up hours of your life watching tourists misbehave.

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The problem is not that they are stingy or a "few bad apples on tour buses." 

The problem is that many Chinese tourists first of all are very loud and brusque. You'll be able to pinpoint them in any Starbucks because they are the ones that are talking loudly disturbing the peace.

Second go to any hotel breakfast buffet and it doesn't matter if you go to a 5 star hotel or a three star,, many Chinese are extremely greedy. On many occasions, I've seen Chinese tourists clear a whole fruit platter on to their own plates, leaving nothing for anyone else. And they even look at you and give you taht look like, Haha got here before you. 


Their PIGS

Not to mention, they ALWAYS pee in the pool .. I've seen  a Chinese family let their kid stand at the edge of the  pool and pee into it. 


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So what is wrong with Chinese people ? Many times I do read on here Chinese
tourists are tight with money, don't spend anything they are dirty and so on.
Now being back in Australia I can't really distinguish tourists from residents   
but I never ever seen a Chinese being nasty, dirty, not polite I have many
Chinese friends and also many other nationalities like Italians, English
Germans, Greeks, and so on. I also find Chinese girls very attractive.
Now I am still married to a Thai girl but separated for about a year so I guess
I get hammered from most of you who are married to Thai girls but I have
taken my coloured glasses off and realized Thai girls are not that beautiful
like every body says so the point of all this Thai girls are very overrated.
Sorry Guys 
thai girls are beautiful the problem lays with farang wanting to rescue the ugliest girl in the village.
Yet to see a Thai wife that is a head turner but often described as a stunner by the farang hubby's.. big rose colored glasses right there
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While it's certainly unfair to generalize about a whole nation of peoples, I have experienced the deplorable Chinese tourists firsthand.  Most are fine, but some can be loud, rude, inconsiderate, and just plain bad manners.  I've heard that some of these Chinese in big tour groups are traveling abroad for the first time and behave as they would back home because they don't know any better.  They don't even realize that they're behaving badly.   But with nearly 2 billion Chinese worldwide, they will be hard to avoid. 

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4 minutes ago, InMyShadow said:

thai girls are beautiful the problem lays with farang wanting to rescue the ugliest girl in the village.
Yet to see a Thai wife that is a head turner but often described as a stunner by the farang hubby's.. big rose colored glasses right there

5555555...harsh but true.  I think the OP confirms this with his opening post.

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There are so many Chinese tourists that only a minority need to behave badly for this stereotype to perpetuate. I try not to be too prejudiced and to judge people on their own individual merits, but it's hard not to notice that when I see someone behaving loudly, uncouthly, or just plain rudely, more often than not they are Chinese. I've seen Chinese mothers let their child take a crap at the side of the road, in broad daylight, and then walk away and leave the mess there. At buffets they can be pushy, loud, and greedy. At tourist sites like temples they arrive in huge, loud groups, with no consideration for others around them, and will push and shove their way through. And just in general, they're loud and coarse and don't seem to have the same consideration for others that most people do.


As I said, I try in my life not to paint others with a broad brush, but it is hard not to notice these common traits that many Chinese people share.

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4 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

While it's certainly unfair to generalize about a whole nation of peoples, I have experienced the deplorable Chinese tourists firsthand.  Most are fine, but some can be loud, rude, inconsiderate, and just plain bad manners.  I've heard that some of these Chinese in big tour groups are traveling abroad for the first time and behave as they would back home because they don't know any better.  They don't even realize that they're behaving badly.   But with nearly 2 billion Chinese worldwide, they will be hard to avoid. 


Mainly correct; But we forget that we, Farang, are spoiled having been able to go on holiday abroad since we were youngsters, enjoying foreign cultures and countries. 


The Chinese did not and suffered badly in the past century, VERY bad; what they had to endure, nobody here on TV experienced the same hardship.

Most youngsters until 1978/1979 were sent to the countryside to work in the fields, helping with the harvest of crops. The amazing thing is that city kids were mostly enjoying, working in the fields, believe it or not since it was a wonderful escape from the hard life in the cities, back in the 20th century.


It takes time for bad behaving (countryside) Chinese to learn better rules and cultures but it's just a minority that behaves badly. It's also the bad people that always attract the attention.


If a foreigner, from any country in the world, behaves badly, it's news but we don't hear nor see about the nice and correct behaving people in that country


Like everywhere else: The silent majority is not seen nor heard.


But, I know, its a kind of sport on TV to bash upon China/Chinese by negative posters but it says more about them than Chinese since Chinese don't bash on TV since they're aren't here; they are just coming to Thailand to see this wonderful, special country and spend money and enjoy their holidays :smile:


If one would change the word "China" in the bashing posts into US, New Zealand, Australia, UK, Holland, Scandinavia or other, we would face a storm of protests by the countrymen here on board and the topic wouldn't last very long :wink:







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17 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:



Very bad indeed and another bashing Chinese example as well.


Very bad organised by the Hotel or Restaurant as well.


If these people had the experience in previous days that this was the last opportunity to get food, I would fight for my food as well.

If the restaurant would organise better, like boarding a plane: rows 50-70 first, than 30-50 etc. then there is no hurry and no fight, but if this is the last food available and you've been sitting in a bl@@dy bus all day and hungry, knowing no more food will be coming, you get this kind of nasty behaviour.


We went 3 times to a Hot Pot restaurant in the past 3 weeks with a self serving buffet; no problem at all and many people come and go al the time to have more food because the food is added in a constant stream, served by kitchen staff.


NO problem, whatsoever.


Mai pen rai


Bad organisation.



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Very bad indeed and another bashing Chinese example as well.
Very bad organised by the Hotel or Restaurant as well.
If these people had the experience in previous days that this was the last opportunity to get food, I would fight for my food as well.
If the restaurant would organise better, like boarding a plane: rows 50-70 first, than 30-50 etc. then there is no hurry and no fight, but if this is the last food available and you've been sitting in a bl@@dy bus all day and hungry, knowing no more food will be coming, you get this kind of nasty behaviour.
We went 3 times to a Hot Pot restaurant in the past 3 weeks with a self serving buffet; no problem at all and many people come and go al the time to have more food because the food is added in a constant stream, served by kitchen staff.
NO problem, whatsoever.
Mai pen rai
Bad organisation.
Absolutely no excuse for that disgusting behaviour.

Chinese apologist if you think they are justified.

The Gf and me walked away from the breakfast buffet at a hotel in Cambodia when a 100 strong is Chinese tour group showed up.. it was like dining in a barn yard, grunting snorting spitting and getting shoved aside at the trough.

ate in another hotel for remainder of stay
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Just now, marko kok prong said:

I lived in Hong kong for a year back in the 90's bad enough there,but boy did i get a shock when i went to the mainland,and i once spent 6 months in India,Chinese behavouir is appaling.


First time I landed in HK on Kai Tak airport was in 1980 and I was truly amazed by the working spirit of the (Cantonese) Hong Kong Chinese.

I was flabbergasted that at midnight the lobby of the Sheraton was still full of businessmen with their writing gear and calculators...nothing else, no internet yet, no mobile phones, no laptops; packed with both HK businessmen and Farang from all over the world doing business. 

In the morning at 07:00AM in the breakfast hall..same-same.


Now, you tell me where in the world can I find the same working business spirit ? Not in Thailand, that's for sure, and not in the US/Canada (built my businesses there) or Europe

I've never ever seen any other country in the world where people work so hard and so long as in China; you can contact any manufacturer in the evening, weekend, Sunday's no problem.

The lobby's of the 4**** and 5***** hotels are empty at midnight but maybe except the occasional hooker :wink:


A year later I landed in Xiamen, an hour away, by plane from HK and the difference was unbelievable and shocking: beautiful highways but no cars, just the occasional bicycle and an ox-and-wagon, a lady with a baby etc. That was just around 35 years ago! Now Xiamen has around 3.5 million people.


But at the same time I visited Shenzhen, (now 11 million citizens) what a difference and a mega city already like Hong Kong (7.5 million)


A lot has changed and the millions of restaurants and eateries in China wouldn't accept bad behaving Chinese as well.

They're fading away; it will take some time.


But in general the behaviour of the Chinese, by the far majority, is fine but I don't visit the slums...except in Hong Kong back in the '80s, trying to find factories (in high rise buildings)....nobody spoke English but that ws some time ago; don't know about now.


Mai pen rai :wai: 



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12 minutes ago, InMyShadow said:


The Gf and me walked away from the breakfast buffet at a hotel in Cambodia when a 100 strong is Chinese tour group showed up.. it was like dining in a barn yard, grunting snorting spitting and getting shoved aside at the trough.

Good decision :wink: 


You were unlucky; maybe check reviews first when you book a hotel and see if Chinese are also booking?

We double check EVERY hotel, car rental, restaurant first before we book online and check the reviews first!

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Within living memory, many Chinese people who politely waited their turn in the queue starved to death, along with their families.


It's going to take generations for that mindset to change.  I'm amazed at the progress they have made since I moved there in 1999.


I'd also point out that they're often appalled by some of the eating behaviors of western people.  What's accepted in one culture is the kiss of social death in another.

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They are indistinguishable from each other by behavior and looks. Each group acts the same way as the last group. They are loud, disgusting by behavior, and block the road in bulk of pure smelly humanity.

My uncle fought them in the Korean War. Thousands of Chinese, many without weapons,  charging machine gunners like insects who don't know they are going into a hail of gunfire. Less than human. He used to wake up in the middle of the night screaming, on those few nights he didn't drink, yelling about the "little yellow men."

The are basic human beings. All the way down on the scale of what makes up humans.

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8 minutes ago, soistalker said:

They are indistinguishable from each other by behavior and looks. Each group acts the same way as the last group. They are loud, disgusting by behavior, and block the road in bulk of pure smelly humanity.

My uncle fought them in the Korean War. Thousands of Chinese, many without weapons,  charging machine gunners like insects who don't know they are going into a hail of gunfire. Less than human. He used to wake up in the middle of the night screaming, on those few nights he didn't drink, yelling about the "little yellow men."

The are basic human beings. All the way down on the scale of what makes up humans.


Strangely, that's exactly what a lot of them say about lao wai.  Which is the polite Chinese name for foreigners. (= falang)


The not-so-polite refer to us as gorillas.


Edited by impulse
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11 minutes ago, impulse said:

Within living memory, many Chinese people who politely waited their turn in the queue starved to death, along with their families.


It's going to take generations for that mindset to change.  I'm amazed at the progress they have made since I moved there in 1999.


I'd also point out that they're often appalled by some of the eating behaviors of western people.  What's accepted in one culture is the kiss of social death in another.


Wise words and finally someone who speaks out of experience and wisdom.


It's very odd that in all the 35 years I'm visiting & working to China and with Chinese I NEVER experienced such bad behaviour as some TV members say they've experienced.

That doesn't mean I don't believe them, surely they probably experienced some wrong behaviour but I really hope the China bashing stops now, generalising ALL 1.4 Billion* Chinese with the bad behaving ones.


* (Northern American population of 361 million + Europe's population of 742 million is still short of the 1.4 Billion in China)


I am for 100% convinced it would hurt the bashers also if a few TV members would attack their bad behaving low lives from their home country or are there no bad behaving people in those countries? 


That would be the ultimate paradise country and I'm convinced the bashers would love to go back to their country and live there instead Thailand..right? :laugh:


Khob Khun Krap :wai:




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11 minutes ago, impulse said:


Strangely, that's exactly what a lot of them say about lao wai.  Which is the polite Chinese name for foreigners. 


The not-so-polite refer to us as gorillas.



:laugh::laugh: Hahaha...so TRUE! But I've never feel offended if they call me (a) "Laowai" although it could also be meant Impolite in certain circumstances which, of course, is very difficult to comprehend.


The same as an "angel of the night" in Thailand shouts to a Farang in the streets:


"Hello Darling" but using "darling" with a soft spoken "K" (DaKling) meaning Hello Monkey Ass with a slight nuance, which the average Farang doesn't hear nor understand and a male tourist not at all.


It's all tongue in cheek and meant funny, not bashing or harassing.



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28 minutes ago, soistalker said:

They are indistinguishable from each other by behavior and looks. Each group acts the same way as the last group. They are loud, disgusting by behavior, and block the road in bulk of pure smelly humanity.


My uncle fought them in the Korean War. Thousands of Chinese, many without weapons,  charging machine gunners like insects who don't know they are going into a hail of gunfire. Less than human. He used to wake up in the middle of the night screaming, on those few nights he didn't drink, yelling about the "little yellow men."

The are basic human beings. All the way down on the scale of what makes up humans.


Horrible experience...have you also ever read or watched about the Rape of Nanking in 1937 were the Japanese slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Chinese children, raped women on an enormous scale and murdered on a never-seen-before situation with methods even the Nazis didn't know about?

I'm sorry but you're also generalising a total country and I bet you've never been there to witness and I wish the bashing would stop now.



Images not for the weak and faint-hearted....:ph34r:




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1 hour ago, marko kok prong said:

I lived in Hong kong for a year back in the 90's bad enough there,..


I really don't understand all the bad comments from people staying in Hong Kong or elsewhere.

What on earth did you find so bad there; and I was there before you!


I enjoyed it to the fullest and loved hard working and all possibilities, business wise and restaurants, hotels and sight seeings.


Some people really can't enjoy themselves...pity but maybe you came for the girls? I didn't. 

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30 minutes ago, LaoPo said:

Horrible experience...have you also ever read or watched about the Rape of Nanking in 1937 were the Japanese slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Chinese children, raped women on an enormous scale and murdered on a never-seen-before situation with methods even the Nazis didn't know about?

I'm sorry but you're also generalising a total country and I bet you've never been there to witness and I wish the bashing would stop now.

Off topic :⚠️

what happened by Japanese has nothing to do with Chinese with bad manners and terrible behaviors in Thailand or anywhere else by their tourists. ?


Edited by Foozool
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1 hour ago, marko kok prong said:

I lived in Hong kong for a year back in the 90's bad enough there,but boy did i get a shock when i went to the mainland,and i once spent 6 months in India,Chinese behavouir is appaling.


i guess they discharge their purity only out of mainland , right ? 

Why don't you go back to your real paradise and enjoy it there with your bodies. 

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