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My experience with Chinese is when you are dealing with them one-on-one, they are polite and considerate. It's when they are a group they become transformed into a monster.

An acquaintance of mine in Chiang Mai ran a nail shop. She ended up refusing to allow Chinese customers into her shop, because they crowded out non-Chinese customers and wasted her time trying to drive the price down.

I've seen them at a buffet in a local hotel, and they'll always pile more food on their plate than they can possibly eat. Possibly a carryover from the famine years in China.

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1 minute ago, ExpatOilWorker said:


Sure, Bloomberg knows it all, until they later retract their article, saying something completely different.


Here we go again..the western press knows it all...but don't .


Ever heard of TENCENT? :smile:


Tencent is first Asian company to top US$500 billion in value, joining Apple and Facebook




Many people have no clue what's happening in China..no clue at all.


Soon many Chinese companies will surpass most or all top IT companies in the world and WHO would have thought that?

I'm afraid no one on TV ever realised that..did you? I didn't....told my wife: "why didn't;t we buy Tencent and Alibaba 10 years ago :laugh:

But we bought some other shares, also fine.






Global tech companies.jpg

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5 hours ago, InMyShadow said:

thai girls are beautiful the problem lays with farang wanting to rescue the ugliest girl in the village.
Yet to see a Thai wife that is a head turner but often described as a stunner by the farang hubby's.. big rose colored glasses right there

I’ve seen a few Farang with some real Fuglys , maybe they trust them more , when they go home , I didn’t come here for bow wows 

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42 minutes ago, LaoPo said:

Your post shows how little you're informed.


First, Russia has just a merely (mostly very poor) population of a mere 143 million people.

For instance: Guangdong province (bordering Hong Kong) alone has more than 110 million out of 1.4 Billion in China.


Russian tourism to Thailand was always exaggerated in numbers; they were very low in comparison with Asian and SE Asian next to China numbers; very low!


China's economy a Ponzi scheme? r

Really? give me some facts instead of rumours and you really have no idea what you're talking about.

China is behind the US as the 2nd largest economy in the world and you just showed you've never been in China nor did any business.

In one or two years China will surpass the US as the largest economy in the world; fact!


Korea? if it isn't for China's involvement all hell would break loose and China is the only country in the world who can control that idiot of Kim Long-un and keep him quiet and Trump can't do anything about that, hes simply powerless.


No points taken.


Below is one article, from a credible source, among hundreds that have been recently published.




Having said that, this is an open debate, and in any debate the one who starts calling names and overheating is the one who generally loses the debate...


Being the second largest economy in the world is not necessarily a sign of strength...by the way, the US economy, the actual number one is not better off, and the Japanese economy, the third largest, has been in the shithole for decades.


So, size doesn't matter...the Swiss economy, while much smaller, is certainly stronger than the three above.


Also, keep in mind that the GDP per capita is much more representative than the national GDP, and there China, far from being second, still has a lot of progress to make. 


Finally, an economy is more than numbers.


One has to analyze what it is made of.


China is the world's giant factory...its exports are brands named Apple, Nike and so on...as for the local brands producing original Chinese products, where are they?


Strange indeed for the world's biggest exporter...any Western housewife can name Japanese brands, even Swedish brands, but just try and ask them to name Chinese brands...

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1 hour ago, LaoPo said:


That's the most unbelievable comment I've seen in a long time as an excuse to murder hundreds of thousands of totally innocent people.

Shame on you :ph34r:


"it's not all their fault...unbelievable :shock1:

You need to see things from the Japanese perspective 75-100 years ago in the context of the geopolitical climate of the time coupled with their newly dominant position in all of Asia,   and their relative lack of exposure outside of Japan.

And Chinese of the 1930s would have been absolutely repulsive in their behavior and the total lack of hygiene and proper behavior.

Plus, it is well known that the Chinese lied about the scope of  Japanese military action, especially in Nanjing.

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2 hours ago, LaoPo said:

But that aside: I myself have never endured such bad behaviour and maybe that's because I either don't pay any attention to bad behaving people or I was all those 35 years extremely lucky OR I don't go to the areas you guys are going or visiting and where the bad behaves are also ?

Clearly you’ve never boarded an aircraft in China.


Forget about calling row numbers, any and all announcements are promptly ignored. Oh, and be prepared to swap out your seat a few times so all the rellies can sit together. And/or lay down across all three seats as the case may be. With their feet up almost in your lap.


And doncha love the collective “click” of the seat belts as soon as the wheels hit the tarmac? In perfect harmony and exquisite timing, you can almost set your watch to it. Then up they get, grab their overstuffed luggage, the moon cakes and tea and boxes of apples jammed tight into the overhead lockers which were just barely able to be closed, and try and be the first one out the door. Don’t matter the plane is still taxiing... Or that the stewardess is pleading with them to SIT. DOWN.


Oh and of course the phones are all turned on before landing, gotta check my messages, I’m very important.


From Shandong to Shitsville, every flight’s the same.


Notice though it’s these “nouveau rich” - the ones that can afford these flights and holidays that are the worst behaved. I suspect these are the same types that finally make it out of the zoo and into Thailand, overseas for the first time.


The Nong Min in China, by comparison, the dirty farmers and labourers that travel the K Trains overnight, these are far better people and WAY better behaved. Who’d have thunk it?

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1 hour ago, LaoPo said:


Sure, Bloomberg knows it all, until they later retract their article, saying something completely different.


Here we go again..the western press knows it all...but don't .


Ever heard of TENCENT? :smile:


Tencent is first Asian company to top US$500 billion in value, joining Apple and Facebook




Many people have no clue what's happening in China..no clue at all.


Soon many Chinese companies will surpass most or all top IT companies in the world and WHO would have thought that?

I'm afraid no one on TV ever realised that..did you? I didn't....told my wife: "why didn't;t we buy Tencent and Alibaba 10 years ago :laugh:

But we bought some other shares, also fine.






Global tech companies.jpg

So you ridicule and quote Bloomberg in the same post. smart!


Tencent and Alibaba are two giants only because they are listed on NYSE. Then there are the $800 black hole at the other end of the scale, PetroChina. Still with 1.4 billion souls, China is still punching way below their weight in financial markets.



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2 hours ago, LaoPo said:



China's economy a Ponzi scheme? r

Really? give me some facts instead of rumours and you really have no idea what you're talking about.



Here is some more Ponzi food for thoughts...enjoy...













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3 hours ago, Brunolem said:

Let the China bashing continue; you're doing fine :wink:

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5 hours ago, soistalker said:

Chinese complaint #1: No one told me I couldn't pull down my son's pants in public and hold his penis while he urinated.

Seen it hundreds of times in the west...with western parents and western kids; nothing special.


How old was the toddler.....18 ? :laugh:

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4 hours ago, Brunolem said:



Strange indeed for the world's biggest exporter...any Western housewife can name Japanese brands, even Swedish brands, but just try and ask them to name Chinese brands...


You find that strange?


I don't; The Japanese and Swedes worked for more than 60-70 years, building their brands after WWII.


The Chinese were still in the Middle Ages that long ago and only opened up after 1978 when Deng Xiaoping opened the doors to imports and exports but at first started to the reform within their own agriculture.

What China accomplished in a few decades has never been done before in any other culture or country.


But, to be fair, that could never have happened without the buying spree by the western world when they saw these open Chinese doors.


It takes time to build brands

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4 hours ago, soistalker said:


Plus, it is well known that the Chinese lied about the scope of  Japanese military action, especially in Nanjing.

It looks like you support the lies from the Japanese...like they did with the Comfort Girls during the Japanese occupation of Asia where girls of many nations were forced to "serve" the Japanese soldiers and raped thousands and thousands of times.

Poor girls and women!


Japan even deleted ALL horror history out of their children history books, even today.


Are you now going to excuse Hitler as well? 

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Since the Thai TV "sport" of China bashing is growing to ultimate proportions I'd better withdraw myself.

It's becoming ugly and unfair.


NONE of the China bashing posters would accept the same bashing when it would concern their own country of birth....no one, no matter how ugly your own country people behaved and I know a few countries :wink:


It says more about yourselves, rather than China/Chinese who can't defend themselves but probably would laugh out loud :laugh: about so much ignorance and stupidity written by some Laowai 老外 (or old foreigner) people.


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"(Beijing mayor) Wang expressed concern the 15 million residents of Beijing may not yet be up to the task of playing host to the 2008 Olympics, worrying perhaps that ingrained habits like pushing, spitting and shouting could unnerve foreign guests."

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16 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Some of the negativity stems from them by in large being rude. 

The understatement of the year.   Rude, loud, inconsiderate, boorish, and much more often so than other nationalities.  Obviously, that's a generalization; I've met some who were just the opposite; soft-spoken, well-mannered and fun to be around.  But you can't spend much time in any proximity to large numbers of them for any length of time and not observe the inconsiderate behavior.  Their antics are well-documented here on TV.  I suspect some of that stems from the fact that those we see in the tourist-traps are the less well-to-do on the budget and zero-baht tours, and actually behave the way they do even back home.   Communism really doesn't do much to promote gentle behavior and mannerly conduct; it's more of an Animal Farm environment to have been brought up in and those stripes don't change while on holiday.






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7 hours ago, LaoPo said:

Seen it hundreds of times in the west...with western parents and western kids; nothing special.


How old was the toddler.....18 ? :laugh:

No you haven't .

Listen, no one here is lying about dirty Chinese behaviors. We would appreciate your honesty.

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9 hours ago, LaoPo said:

It looks like you support the lies from the Japanese...like they did with the Comfort Girls during the Japanese occupation of Asia where girls of many nations were forced to "serve" the Japanese soldiers and raped thousands and thousands of times.

Poor girls and women!


Japan even deleted ALL horror history out of their children history books, even today.


Are you now going to excuse Hitler as well? 

You are framing the comfort women issue in the simplest of terms. 

And are you a paid Chinese agitprop?

Edited by soistalker
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15 hours ago, LaoPo said:


That's the most unbelievable comment I've seen in a long time as an excuse to murder hundreds of thousands of totally innocent people.

Shame on you :ph34r:


"it's not all their fault...unbelievable :shock1:

The Chinese leaders should be a shame of themselves for not acknowledging their own history and what they have done to their own citizens.

What Japan did was wrong, no doubt about that, but it was done during war times and as a nation they paid dearly for it at the end, TWICE!

All great military powers have done wrong when venturing outside their own borders.

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1 minute ago, bbbbooboo said:

hmmmm.....The Chinese that we see in Thailand are those on the bus tours.They provide ample evidence with their disgusting behaviour as to why we feel the way we do about them. It’s not rocket science

It's not.  It is narrow point of view. 

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Years ago I was in the Shanghai-La in Shenzhen. Probably at that time the most expensive hotel in Shenzhen. Anyhow, I noticed that in the lift they had a carpet with the day off the week on it. That’s quaint I thought, they must change it every day. Nice touch.

Hmmm... that evening when going back to my room I realized why... there was a huge double yolker of a gob on the carpet. Some minging pleb had hawked up a big green groger and gobbed on the carpet.

Charming people...

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3 minutes ago, sharktooth said:

Years ago I was in the Shanghai-La in Shenzhen. Probably at that time the most expensive hotel in Shenzhen. Anyhow, I noticed that in the lift they had a carpet with the day off the week on it. That’s quaint I thought, they must change it every day. Nice touch.

Hmmm... that evening when going back to my room I realized why... there was a huge double yolker of a gob on the carpet. Some minging pleb had hawked up a big green groger and gobbed on the carpet.

Charming people...

mmm - what is green, and can travel backwards at 60mph?



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12 hours ago, LaoPo said:

Since the Thai TV "sport" of China bashing is growing to ultimate proportions I'd better withdraw myself.

It's becoming ugly and unfair.


NONE of the China bashing posters would accept the same bashing when it would concern their own country of birth....no one, no matter how ugly your own country people behaved and I know a few countries :wink:


It says more about yourselves, rather than China/Chinese who can't defend themselves but probably would laugh out loud :laugh: about so much ignorance and stupidity written by some Laowai 老外 (or old foreigner) people.


I assume you're Chinese.  It seems you're taking things personal, but you shouldn't.  On this forum, all is fair game.  The Thais get it much worse than anyone else. 


Speaking of bashing about our home countries, you're probably right.  But I don't take much offense.  For years, there was talk of the "ugly American" tourists because we were terrible.  I didn't dispute it because a lot of it was true.  I just tried not to be like that. 

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12 hours ago, LaoPo said:

Since the Thai TV "sport" of China bashing is growing to ultimate proportions I'd better withdraw myself.

It's becoming ugly and unfair.


NONE of the China bashing posters would accept the same bashing when it would concern their own country of birth....no one, no matter how ugly your own country people behaved and I know a few countries :wink:


Oh but I am always here, on the front line, when it comes to bashing my home country, France...as long as the critics are deserved...and many are.

And I especially enjoy books written by Englishmen, such as "a year in the merde" on sale in every good book store in Thailand, bashing France.

Yet, I understand that Chinese citizens such a yourself have a different sensibility, but don't hold grudges, it's all done in god humor here at the TV forum...

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On 21/11/2017 at 1:38 PM, Berkshire said:

While it's certainly unfair to generalize about a whole nation of peoples, I have experienced the deplorable Chinese tourists firsthand.  Most are fine, but some can be loud, rude, inconsiderate, and just plain bad manners.  I've heard that some of these Chinese in big tour groups are traveling abroad for the first time and behave as they would back home because they don't know any better.  They don't even realize that they're behaving badly.   But with nearly 2 billion Chinese worldwide, they will be hard to avoid. 

Agree!  It's just the 95 percent of the budget tour party groups that give all the rest (who perhaps might not be in tours) a bad name in hotel breakfast rooms and swimming pools.  In one country I could never (yes, not even once) get into the breakfast room as they monopolised it for the entire time.  Yes part of the problem was the hotel management but the Chinese had it aced.

Edited by The Deerhunter
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I just finished watching a Chinese dating show which attracts more than 50 million people per episode

Now don't get me wrong this show is broadcasted all over the world not just in China.

Just to mention a few countries USA , Germany, Great Britain,  New Zealand ,France, Russia,  Australia and many

other countries including countries from Africa and so on so why do so many people watching that show

and participating and trying to pick up a Chinese girlfriend if they are rude, ugly and other things I don't

like to mention. And I am not here to talk about war's between Japan and China or anybody else. So stop

picking on then and any body else for that matter  

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