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Pattaya beach back to normal - that means ugly beach chairs not nature, say posters

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Pattaya beach back to normal - that means ugly beach chairs not nature, say posters



Picture: Sophon Cable


Sophon reported that Pattaya beach was 'back to normal' following the enforced banning of beach chairs and umbrellas for the boat show commemorating the 50th anniversary of ASEAN.


The operators were cleared out from 17th to 21st November to make the beach look nice.


But now they are back and many people wish they weren't.


On Saturday the Cable TV company had reported on Facebook showing pictures of a beautiful natural beach being enjoyed by thousands in what they described as a lovely atmosphere.



Picture: Sophon Cable


Many posters agreed and the comments on Facebook were along the lines that this is how the beach should always look - with no vendors blighting the view.


"Chaineverdie Tudtu" said: ""Pattaya should always look like this".


"Lom Nao" said: "They should clear up the place and have it free of vendors at all times".


Only a few like Rassame Jinrot thought there should be a few umbrellas to provide a bit of shade as it was rather hot.


But now all the chairs, cushions and umbrellas are back as the beach is once more commercial rather than natural.


The operators are smiling because they are able to make money but poster "Tongsa Naopadcha" chipped in:


"Clear them out for good".


Source: Sophon Cable

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-11-22

I think it is about striking the right balance, with some chairs and umbrellas available, but not taking up such large chunks of the beach. I remember as a kid going to the beach in England. You could rent deck chairs from the promenade and take them to the beach yourself. That to my mind works far better and leaves the beach looking far more natural, though I doubt the money grabbers here will consider what is nice above profit.


I'd ban them but there are too many backhanders and in truth, too many people who earn from them to let it go.


They are a blight on the landscape but the converse argument of taking your own is equally ludicrous given the lack of parking and so forth.


Some provision is better than none and overprovision may be better than none also.


Good to see that Thais don't like these chairs.
At least some them of realise that it is a disgusting commercialization of a natural resource that should be kept as pristine as is possible.
Beaches, rivers, mountains and forests were not put there by people.
If only other countries followed Scotland's example and made it law that
you have "freedom to roam".
No one pays to see a waterfall there or sit on a beach.


Moan moan moan. Plenty of beach is devoid of the concessions. For christ sake no one is going to sit for hours in blazing sunshine. The new sunbeds are excellent. Only people having a gripe are those ensconced in their beer bars 24/7 who look seriously ill. How the hell people who live here can look a combination of white and grey is beyond me


The photo in the OP does not show a beach free of vendors. Most people pictured have just got off a boat and making their way away from the beach .... because there is nowhere for them to sit.

There is room aplenty for those who want to sit on deckchairs and those who don't.

19 hours ago, manicmike68 said:

That's great news for those of us who don't smoke.

I smoke also and will off to Vietnam with hundreds of other Aussies where you can smoke and swim in cleaner water than <deleted> Pattaya. My toilet at home is cleaner and clearer! Plus no floating plastic bags.

16 hours ago, wavemanwww said:

I smoke also and will off to Vietnam with hundreds of other Aussies where you can smoke and swim in cleaner water than <deleted> Pattaya. My toilet at home is cleaner and clearer! Plus no floating plastic bags.

We will miss you and all your fellow country men from Australia. :coffee1:  Next !!!!! 


In the first photo I can see 3 or4 beach goers enjoying the chairs. In the second photo I can see 3 or 4 beach goers enjoying the non-chairs. Are these the same people?  The rest of the people are vendors or tourists going to Koh Lan.


the only problem with pattaya beach rd/freeway is the filthy disgusting smoke belching tour buses and the retards that drive them...end the buses limit the song teaws and we see a better beach and beach rd...the chairs are fine,these vedors are the ones who pick up after the other asains that use the beach as a trash bin..



shame they built an expressway with no speed control. I played a little game of chicken at zebra crossing, punched the button countdown starts, green to cross so I stepped onto the Rd with cars flying and NOTHING not even an attempt to stop


A beach whit no chairs is like an apartment with no furniture.


Myself and my family fly all the way from Sydney to Thailand partly because every ^%$ing beach in Australia has no chairs (or vendors) and it drives me crazy. I want to relax under an umbrella and not have to lug 5 of my own there & back and fill my car with sand etc..


There are zillions of beaches in the world with nothing on them - why spoil one of the few that does have them! The selfish few want EVERY beach unfurnished. If people don't like it they won't pay to sit on them.

23 hours ago, manicmike68 said:

That's great news for those of us who don't smoke.

I dont smoke and can enjoy the company of those who do they always consider the wind direction so not to affect me


Thank God the chairs and umbrellas are back. Now bring the market stalls, pop up bars and food vendors back to the streets of Thailand especially lower Sukhumvit. If I want to go to a joyless Asian dump with no services I'll visit north korea.

On 11/22/2017 at 10:20 AM, wavemanwww said:

I smoke also and will off to Vietnam with hundreds of other Aussies where you can smoke and swim in cleaner water than <deleted> Pattaya. My toilet at home is cleaner and clearer! Plus no floating plastic bags.

Plus no floating plastic bags.


Or thieving Ladyboys, bent cops and taxi drivers.

On 11/22/2017 at 9:48 AM, InMyShadow said:

"a beautiful natural beach"



It's about time somebody finally offered a criticism of Pattaya's beach. More posters should stop wearing those rose-tinted glasses.

20 hours ago, JSixpack said:


It's about time somebody finally offered a criticism of Pattaya's beach. More posters should stop wearing those rose-tinted glasses.

And some need to go back to their own countries and stop bleating at every opportunity. The British Legion cheap charlie pricing along with Witherspoons is waiting for you

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