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JPMorgan's Dimon says Trump likely to be a one-term president


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JPMorgan's Dimon says Trump likely to be a one-term president

By Richa Naidu and David Henry



FILE PHOTO: JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon speaks at a Remain in the EU campaign event attended by Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne (not shown) at JP Morgan's corporate centre in Bournemouth, southern Britain, June 3, 2016. REUTERS/Dylan Martinez/File Photo


CHICAGO/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Jamie Dimon, chief executive officer of JPMorgan Chase & Co <JPM.N>, on Wednesday said he expects to see a new U.S. president in 2021 and advised the Democratic party to come up with a "pro-free enterprise" agenda for jobs and economic growth instead.


Asked at a luncheon hosted by The Economic Club of Chicago how many years Republican President Donald Trump will be in office, Dimon said, "If I had to bet, I'd bet three and half. But the Democrats have to come up with a reasonable candidate ... or Trump will win again."


Dimon, who in the past has described himself as "barely" a Democrat, has been going to Washington more often since the 2016 elections to lobby lawmakers on issues including changes in corporate taxes, immigration policies and mortgage finance.


In December, Dimon became chairman of the Business Roundtable, an association of CEOs who take their views to government policymakers.


Dimon, 61, touched on wide range of topics, from America's political climate to racial discrimination to the effects of the U.K. leaving the European Union.


He also commented on foreign affairs, saying, for example, "We should never be rude to a neighbour like Mexico" and cautioning that the political weakness of German Chancellor Angela Merkel "is bad for all of us." Talks on forming a governing coalition including Merkel's Christian Democratic Union collapsed earlier this week, casting doubt on her future after 12 years in power.


Dimon spoke for several minutes about discrimination over gender and race which he said is not acknowledged enough in the United States.


"If you're white, paint yourself black and walk down the street one day, and you'll probably have a little more empathy for how some of these folks get treated," Dimon said. "We need to make a special effort because this is a special problem."


Dimon gave his own bank a mixed review on diversity. His direct reports include people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT), and half are women as are 30 percent of the top 200 JPMorgan executives, he said.


Now in his 12th year as JPMorgan's CEO, Dimon also reflected a bit on his own role.


"I basically love my job," Dimon said. "I mean, it's tiring; it's exhausting. I have to go down to Washington all the time and it's a big pain in the ass, but I basically love my job."


(Reporting by Richa Naidu in Chicago and David Henry in New York. Editing by Jonathan Oatis and Clive McKeef)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-11-23
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3 minutes ago, tonray said:

A consummate phony, Mr. Dimon has re-invented himself as a champion of the oppressed and of racial equality. What a joke.



Why the animosity?  I'm certainly no expert on his life story, but if one wants a businessman as President, Dimon would have been a thousand times better than the scumbag currently occupying the White House. 

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3 hours ago, KMartinHandyman said:

He and his voters stole the “football” from under both parties noses and now he has the nuclear codes. Both parties are working hard to limit his tenure.

He did and they are. They can’t have an outsider exposing their corruption. Trump is temporarily stopping the corrupt Marxist politicians from destroying the United States. I’m hoping for two terms, and then Don Jr./Ben Shapiro in 2024.

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4 hours ago, lust said:

Lol, remember before the elections when nearly everyone said “there’s no way in hell that Trump would ever become the president”? 

I was one of those.   And I'm still stumped by how many stupid and easily-duped people there are in the US.  Is there something in the water (at Trump-majority states) that kills brain cells?   It's further confounding when now, in Alabama, many Trump fans are prepared to vote for a man who they believe is a child molester.    ......over a man who successfully busted two of the men who bombed a church which killed 4 little girls.  


And those same Alabamans are allowed to hoard as many military grade guns as they want.  

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8 minutes ago, johnnynmonic said:

He did and they are. They can’t have an outsider exposing their corruption. Trump is temporarily stopping the corrupt Marxist politicians from destroying the United States. I’m hoping for two terms, and then Don Jr./Ben Shapiro in 2024.

....which indicates to me, you're hoping for the quick and ugly demise of the USA.   You and ISIS have similar goals.

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10 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

I was one of those.   And I'm still stumped by how many stupid and easily-duped people there are in the US.  Is there something in the water (at Trump-majority states) that kills brain cells?   It's further confounding when now, in Alabama, many Trump fans are prepared to vote for a man who they believe is a child molester.    ......over a man who successfully busted two of the men who bombed a church which killed 4 little girls.  


And those same Alabamans are allowed to hoard as many military grade guns as they want.  

Maybe the "deplorables" were not as stupid as those who were sure that SHE would be a good President. Arrogant people like you were part of the reason that Trump won, but you would never see that.

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I note that this account has omitted the following revelation of Dimon's neo-con position after the reference to "pro-free enterprise"...


"But Dimon warned that Democrats need a 'pro-free enterprise' agenda to boost the economy, and could blow their chances if they run a Bernie Sanders-type of candidate to oppose Trump."


[Source is here:   https://www.marketwatch.com/story/jamie-dimon-would-bet-trump-will-be-one-term-president-2017-11-22


This is a wonderful exposé of the Wall Street way of..erm...thinking.  The real threat to the one-percenters is not (obviously) Trump (or Clinton for that matter) but politicians with the vision and brains of a Bernie Sanders.

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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

I was one of those.   And I'm still stumped by how many stupid and easily-duped people there are in the US.  Is there something in the water (at Trump-majority states) that kills brain cells?   It's further confounding when now, in Alabama, many Trump fans are prepared to vote for a man who they believe is a child molester.    ......over a man who successfully busted two of the men who bombed a church which killed 4 little girls.  


And those same Alabamans are allowed to hoard as many military grade guns as they want.  

America should institute some sort of requirement before its citizens can vote.  Like....



Edited by Berkshire
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The people who voted for Trump are not ignorant- they are desperate. These are the people from the 'rust belt' states and the South who believe that Trump will bring back all those things they they believe took away high paying jobs;  that allowed gays to marry and people of color to move up in the work force; and allowed all the illegals  to come into the country.  Many of these people have lost jobs due to the financial collapse of 2008  and they are mad because no one really has helped them but  Clinton, Bush and Obama bailed out the banks and big business which caused the collapse. Some are bigots; homophobes and supporters of Neo Confederates and White Supremacists but most are just downright desperate and uninformed.


The people who voted for Trump have been lied to; sold a bill of  goods that Trump will bring back those good jobs and get rid of all the illegals which will open up the jobs to be filled by the real Americans. 

The real truth is that Trump doesn't care about any of these people or anyone else except his own narcissistic self. Just look at Trumps programs and what he is doing and has done-


1.   Pushing a useless border wall which will cost $20Billion....instead of using the money to actually help the poor and middle class. Prices will go up because no American will go out  to the fields and pick vegetables and live in migrant camps for minimum wage. No American is going to go into the processing plants and pluck chickens or work in construction labor for minimum wage.  All of these are backbreaking low paid jobs that will not be filled.  Consumers will end paying more when  large supermarkets import vegetables; poultry and meat because they can't find Americans to work these jobs.

2.  Healthcare bill-  Trump promised to get rid of Obamacare and replace it with something better- a complete lie- what he tried to replace it with was a type of healthcare that will be inadequate; certainly not universal; and push almost 20 Million people off the healthcare roles. The very people who voted for him will be the ones to suffer the most.

3.  Tax Relief- another complete fabrication from the great liar in chief-  the current tax bill under review and supported by Trump- will actually raise the taxes of the poor and middle class in the long run; get rid of popular and needed deductions; and provide huge relief to the wealthy. Again- the poor and middle class will be robbed to pay for the rich.

4.  Defense Budget-  instead of decreasing the already largest  defense budget in the World he upped the budget by almost $70 Billion because he has managed to create a war footing with NKorea; increased US military on the ground in the Middle East; and is trying to scuttle a signed agreement with Iran. Just think how much healthcare  that  $70 billion would have bought.


However, even though all the above is true- Trump supporters refuse to believe it- simply because Trump and his henchmen have dreamed up the term 'fake news'.  It's almost as if he believes he can lie often enough and people will believe the lie and when every responsible news outlet in the World points out the lie or misinformation they are labelled as fake news. Wake Trump supporters before this man destroys America/


It would be nice if Donald Trump actually had a plan to make America Great Again- but after almost a year the only thing Trump has done is demeaned the office of the Presidency by using coarse and insulting language; angered many of America's allies; enriched himself and his cronies; and brought the World closer to a nuclear war.  But go ahead and believe him along with Santa Clause; the Easter Bunny; and the Tooth Fairy. There is more of a chance of Santa Claus coming down your chimney with presents than Donald Trump assisting you with anything,

Edited by Thaidream
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9 hours ago, webfact said:

or Trump will win again."

 That is pretty much guaranteed. The democrats still, a year after taking a beating in the polls, are still refusing to accept defeat and are still trying to claim Russian internet trolls caused the rightful winner Hillary(it was her turn don'cha-know) to lose. There has been no period of introspection, no soul searching over whether dubbing those that were not voting for the dems as vile racists and deplorables was the right thing to do. 

 Mr Dimon is just trying to signal his impeccable morals and impress his gullible liberal colleagues. The more these people disrespect Trump, the more determined the Trump voters will be. I can't wait for 2020 and Trump's 2nd term. Hopefully the losers will accept their fate with more decorum than the disgraceful prolonged temper tantrums we saw last time.

Edited by FreddieRoyle
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4 hours ago, johnnynmonic said:

He did and they are. They can’t have an outsider exposing their corruption. Trump is temporarily stopping the corrupt Marxist politicians from destroying the United States. I’m hoping for two terms, and then Don Jr./Ben Shapiro in 2024.

Are you off your meds again????

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It doesn't matter whether anyone thinks Trump won the election fairly at this point except the Mueller investigation. If the results show that Trump obstructed justice- he will be impeached and convicted even if the Republicans control the Senate.  Trump has made too many enemies in the Republican Camp and this will be his undoing. And if Bernie Sanders is the Democratic candidate- the only state Trump will win if still President would be Alabama.


It's amazing that anyone could continue to support a person who is mentally unstable; has done nothing for the country except make more enemies and cater to white supremacists. Christmas is coming- maybe Trump will send his supporters a present while dressed as Santa Claus. The line in a famous movie goes like this:  'I don't hate the man....I pity the fool.'  

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5 hours ago, johnnynmonic said:

He did and they are. They can’t have an outsider exposing their corruption. Trump is temporarily stopping the corrupt Marxist politicians from destroying the United States. I’m hoping for two terms, and then Don Jr./Ben Shapiro in 2024.


Corrupt marxists, is that an either or, or do you not quite gather that a corrupt politician can't also be an actual Marxist?

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21 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

It doesn't matter whether anyone thinks Trump won the election fairly at this point except the Mueller investigation. If the results show that Trump obstructed justice- he will be impeached and convicted even if the Republicans control the Senate.  Trump has made too many enemies in the Republican Camp and this will be his undoing. And if Bernie Sanders is the Democratic candidate- the only state Trump will win if still President would be Alabama.


It's amazing that anyone could continue to support a person who is mentally unstable; has done nothing for the country except make more enemies and cater to white supremacists. Christmas is coming- maybe Trump will send his supporters a present while dressed as Santa Claus. The line in a famous movie goes like this:  'I don't hate the man....I pity the fool.'  


"It's amazing that anyone could continue to support a person who ... ... cater to white supremacists."


Its pretty much just them who still do, them and some very poorly educated mislead folk.



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19 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


"It's amazing that anyone could continue to support a person who ... ... cater to white supremacists."


Its pretty much just them who still do, them and some very poorly educated mislead folk.





One in eight people who voted for Trump having second thoughts - Reuters/Ipsos poll



More People Would Still Vote For Trump Again Instead of Clinton


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3 minutes ago, Morch said:


And four months after those articles were written, in the present day, how many?  No doubt more.  Anyway, there are actually quite a lot of white supremacists, as well as poorly educated and easily mislead folk, in the US.

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4 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


And four months after those articles were written, in the present day, how many?  No doubt more.  Anyway, there are actually quite a lot of white supremacists, as well as poorly educated and easily mislead folk, in the US.


Trump voters: We'd do it again




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17 minutes ago, Morch said:


It's not about being enough or not enough. It's about support not being obliterated quite the way some people expect.


I am surprised that while his approval rating sinks his vote base doesn't at the same rate, I guess it is just a Republican loyalty that we are seeing there, if they had the choice between Trump and Hillary they would vote for trump again, and also perhaps between Trump and any Democrat, but between two Republicans it might be a very different pol result.

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