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Pattani schools grads cause international furor over writing on World Heritage stones in Jordan


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On 11/24/2017 at 8:42 PM, PremiumLane said:

And this is what can be expected from TV posters ... don't you guys ever get bored of lumping everyone in together?


And that is just what you've done. Pot, Kettle, Black.


Edited by metisdead
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On 11/25/2017 at 4:15 AM, greatwhitenorth said:

There is a cop who lives up the street from me in my home and native land. He was a cop in the UK before he moved to the true north. He showed me his brick he took from the walls around Chiang Mai, he laughed angkor wat rocks were too big.


Vandalism is a Thai thing? I don t think so.  Is the vandalizer a stupid arse? You betcha.

Do you mean one of those new bricks they used to rebuild the wall after decades of neglect. Hardly historical.

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On 11/24/2017 at 3:39 PM, observer90210 said:

Could be tempting to start some Thai or muslim bashing again !!....but stupid teens, getting bold when in their gang,  are more of a global issue then an issue of nationality.

Why would the student write the name of a "school executive"? the man's name is Yeeloh, and that is what is written on the stone

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10 minutes ago, Farang99 said:

Why would the student write the name of a "school executive"? the man's name is Yeeloh, and that is what is written on the stone

No way! If the written name is of the school executive and he was there, I'm sure that he wrote it himself. If teens had written that guy's name there, at least they would've added a caricature of him. Why would they otherwise write his name there?

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13 hours ago, duanebigsby said:

Nobody is going to  say Thais are the most sophisticated people of the world and the crown of God's creation, but the negative stereotypes you are spouting are far from truth and really border on racism.

As I said, my own experience! Yours may be different. How come that people who accuse others of racism are often intolerant themselves?

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21 minutes ago, StayinThailand2much said:

As I said, my own experience! Yours may be different. How come that people who accuse others of racism are often intolerant themselves?

Using the prefix "in my experience" in front of what I saw as bigoted comments, doesn't change the tone of the remarks. Underscoring the word "some" and then implying  "all" , doesn't soften the blow.

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13 hours ago, duanebigsby said:

Nobody is going to  say Thais are the most sophisticated people of the world and the crown of God's creation, but the negative stereotypes you are spouting are far from truth and really border on racism.


Nah. he's about right I think, and I wish people would stop throwing the racism taunt around. Everyone's racist to one degree or another, it's a form of tribalism and everyone is essentially tribal. Everyone. It's been with us since we were swinging around in trees - if we were ever swinging around in trees. It's just that the modern PC brigade try to draw attention away from their own good tribalism and onto other people's bad tribalism. PC never was very bright and it still isn't very bright, it's only there to help rather dim people feel superior.

Edited by Sid Celery
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On 24/11/2017 at 3:39 PM, observer90210 said:

Could be tempting to start some Thai or muslim bashing again !!....but stupid teens, getting bold when in their gang,  are more of a global issue then an issue of nationality.


Who wrote the graffiti? Thais? Then criticise the Thais. If it's in Swahili then criticise the Swahili.


Just don't get all politically correct, it doesn't help any more than picking your nose or scratching your bottom would help. All PC does is brass people off, it's just another form of 'my culture is better than your culture and you're just a yobbo if you don't agree' tribalism.


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19 minutes ago, Sid Celery said:


Who wrote the graffiti? Thais? Then criticise the Thais. If it's in Swahili then criticise the Swahili.


Just don't get all politically correct, it doesn't help any more than picking your nose or scratching your bottom would help. All PC does is brass people off, it's just another form of 'my culture is better than your culture and you're just a yobbo if you don't agree' tribalism.



Idiots wrote the graffiti.   Criticize idiots who disrespect heritage sites.

If they happen to be Thai or Swahili idiots don't criticize Thais and Swahili people, criticize idiots. 

What you are saying is Bigotry 101.

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8 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:


Idiots wrote the graffiti.   Criticize idiots who disrespect heritage sites.

If they happen to be Thai or Swahili idiots don't criticize Thais and Swahili people, criticize idiots. 

What you are saying is Bigotry 101.

Nonsense, what you are saying is PC 101, and please stop it. If you want to get all PC, then do something about it, hold up a placard, or organises a march or do a little dance or a chant or something. Just please do it somewhere else. If someone defaces a monument, then its an education thing. Thailand is responsible for the education it provides for it's children, so blame Thais. Like I said in the first place Wally.

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Dr. Abdulloh Yeeloh (<<<<Thai language removed>>>>), the director of Salihiyah  school, returned from Jordan to Thailand on Sunday. I wonder if The Nation will interview him and print a follow-up to this story.

Edited by metisdead
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its stupid kids being stupid kids... If you think the kids are any different in the country you come from are any different... my god you are dumber than the kids who wrote on the stone!


thai, Chinese, Russian, American, Australian, British... or where ever the hell you came from, every single country in the world has stupid people! you are an idiot if you believe otherwise that this type of behavior is specific to race or nationality.

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On 11/26/2017 at 7:03 AM, Hupaponics said:


The author just stated that he belongs to the group that divides the world into two groups:)

Murphy's Law - Barth's Distinction: There are two types of people in the world: those who divide people into two types, and those who don't.

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7 hours ago, atsiii said:

Murphy's Law - Barth's Distinction: There are two types of people in the world: those who divide people into two types, and those who don't.

Bear with me now;)

If someone states "there are two types of people". How can he not belong to the people that thinks there are 2 types of people that divides people?

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On 2017-11-27 at 3:27 PM, speckio said:

its stupid kids being stupid kids... If you think the kids are any different in the country you come from are any different... my god you are dumber than the kids who wrote on the stone!


thai, Chinese, Russian, American, Australian, British... or where ever the hell you came from, every single country in the world has stupid people! you are an idiot if you believe otherwise that this type of behavior is specific to race or nationality.

I can admit that I was a stupid kid. There is a carving in an old windmill in Northern Europe. 

Look carefully, you'll see my name. 

Not proud of it, but I was young. Young people do stupid things. 

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