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Italian Shows Pattaya How To Pizza – With His Fists


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10 hours ago, MRDave said:

If I was like him I would end up fighting 24/7. For example Thai Yorkshire puddings that tasted like carboard. Thai bacon, need I elaborate. Undercooked veg on a Thai version of the British Sunday dinner.


I used to work in a pizza shop, so when I went on an army driving course in Southern England I went to a local pizza shop, and the staff did not know how to make a calzone pizza. So I went behind the counter and showed them how to make it.

And you did it without a work permit.

Near Bovington I reckon.

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Good pizza can be found in Thailand, but only in restaurants run by Italians. Thais don't seem to understand that pizza should not be sweet, should not have any kind of fruit on it, or mayonnaise, or ketchup, or those horrible hot dog things that give you the runs. I don't know why this Italian guy couldn't find an Italian pizzeria, there are plenty of them around.  Also, don't complain about anything in Thailand unless you like getting beaten around the head.

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