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Noisy bike gate: Video footage shows attack on Swiss man in Pattaya


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5 minutes ago, fanjita said:

Destiny1990 is still here marking my posts as 'Sad' but still not got the balls to go out and confront a Thai with a noisy motorbike. He was emphatic that he would sort out a Thai if he had the gas in his face.  



I don't have any problem with a thai the only annoying person here that seems to look for big trouble is u

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3 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

In the rest of the real word the aggressor goes to jail on top of that he was illegal parked, illegal running a stinking and noisy engine then he punched with weapon the guy from the back. The only thing the farang did was to turn his key so the noise and pollution stopped so he could return to sit on the bench.

Did you man up and accept my experiment?  No, you didn't. 


You didn't accept my offer to back up your assertion that you got out and turn off a Thai guys machine, but you said you would.  


All talk, bluster and bravado.  You, my friend, are a coward.

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2 minutes ago, fanjita said:

Did you man up and accept my experiment?  No, you didn't. 


You didn't accept my offer to back up your assertion that you got out and turn off a Thai guys machine, but you said you would.  


All talk, bluster and bravado.  You, my friend, are a coward.

About some experiments better u call ur regular beach road ladyboy for that. 

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3 minutes ago, fanjita said:

If u park u silly bike on the foothpath and let ur engine running then i ask u once to turn it off if u keep look silly then i break ur key of so it stuck in the lock have a nice day.

Really.  You said you'll do something.




Watch out. He'll soon break your keyboard

Edited by jenny2017
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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Impossible to know what was said, but even so, the Swiss guy never saw it coming. Real cowards move to hit a fella from the blind side.


The days of slapping a glove on the cheek to challenge someone to a dual are long gone.


No such thing as a fair fight buddy.



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6 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

Two  wrongs  never   make a  right.

The  only  forlorn  hope  in this  particular  situation is  that in  retrospect  both  consider   causes  and  effect .

I am sure the Swiss has learned a lesson, not sure about the Thai, as it seems his brain is not working properly.

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25 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

I don't have any problem with a thai the only annoying person here that seems to look for big trouble is u

2 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

If u park u silly bike on the foothpath and let ur engine running then i ask u once to turn it off if u keep look silly then i break ur key of so it stuck in the lock have a

You've a problem with Thai parking on footpath and stated that you'll break their key if they disturb you.  Grow up.


What are you going to do exactly?  Nothing as you haven't got the bottle.  Bluster and bull.


Edited by fanjita
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3 hours ago, fanjita said:

You reckon?  The Thai guy would've had it out with him one way or another and Mr Swissie wouldn't have come off any better.  


This is a perfect example of what not to do while on your hols in LOS.  

I think the guy on the bike got caught off guard more than anyone, or the clown would have been clocked where he stood. It's more reminiscent of an Abbot and Costello skit than anything else.

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3 minutes ago, silent said:

I think the guy on the bike got caught off guard more than anyone, or the clown would have been clocked where he stood. It's more reminiscent of an Abbot and Costello skit than anything else.

Well, try it then.  See where it gets you. 


A lot of guys here give it the big one but don't actually go out and test the Thai tolerance.


Come back with your results so we can analysis it.

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2 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Bloke next door does this every morning at 6.50, takes bike out into soi and leaves it running for 10 minutes before leaving waking us up, is there a reason for it as far as the bike goes?

Warming up engine and lubricant to ensure smooth running of engine when you start up riding. I don't know how necessary it is in Thailand, but in most of Europe it is a recommended standard practice.

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2 minutes ago, wvavin said:

It is difficult to know their actual conversation therefore we just hope he recovers fast.

Farang:  hello can u pls put ur engine off? Its noisy and stinking.

Thai :  Aw Arai?

Farang turn the key off and go sit.

Thai get weapon smack farang head from behind.

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Not entirely unrelated

2 old fat ignorant  country ladies  ladies in salaeng pulled into my driveway outside the house to scream at someone on  their phone

This caused our dogs to get agitated  and  bark (their job )


THEY (the old cows )got annoyed and screamed at  mrs Poohy  to shut the dogs up


Her Swift response was to tell them to  ***K off quick before she will open the gate


I believe that's a Thai  way of dealing with things

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39 minutes ago, Jonah Tenner said:

Warming up engine and lubricant to ensure smooth running of engine when you start up riding. I don't know how necessary it is in Thailand, but in most of Europe it is a recommended standard practice.

Thai haha funny haha

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5 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

You are making things up again, what is your problem?

Ok, let's try this

Farang: shut the f.. engine otherwise i kill you !

Thai: Sorry, sir ?

Farang shut the engine

Thai: Do you mind if i kick your head sir ?

Farang: No, just let me sit on the bench, i like to be comfortable.

Thai kicks the Farang head.

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The cctv was not enough and a re-enactment has appeared on the news just now. No sign of Swiss guy I think he has a stand in on his behalf. The Thai guy was fully visible during re-enactment but had his helmet on for the pic with the cops. Strange.


The lump of wood was a decent piece of timber that would do damage.


The Thai guy looks about 50.


Was an over reaction on both parts. The Swiss guy must have thought he was in a restaurant or something.  

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3 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Bloke next door does this every morning at 6.50, takes bike out into soi and leaves it running for 10 minutes before leaving waking us up, is there a reason for it as far as the bike goes?

My neighbour does it with his stinking car which doesn't burn fuel properly. He also opens the hood for some hours after he got home..


Guess the Thai think they have to warmup the engine before driving, like they do in Sweden in winter when the oil got thick from the freezing cold.


And they open the hood so the battery can cool down faster, batteries cost 2000 baht in Thailand so that's a real fortune and worth opening the hood every day a few times....:post-4641-1156694083:

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