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Britain criticizes Trump retweeting anti-Muslim videos from far-right party

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2 hours ago, yogi100 said:


I never mentioned fake news, you have just done so.


I referred to terrorist atrocities sine 7/7/05.


I claimed that most Britons approve of Trumps attitude to Islamic immigration.

That was fake news. You are aware of this, right? Hopefully, most Britons know that also.

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1 hour ago, FreddieRoyle said:

unchecked immigration from muslim majority nations to continue as it has since Blair took office.

Now that's a "porkie pie" and a hysterical one at that! I don't care for Muslims at all, but I see no need to lie.

5 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:


unchecked immigration from muslim majority nations to continue as it has since Blair took office.

Like too many comments in this topic; complete and utter ignorant rubbish.


Anyone who has the slightest knowledge of the UK's immigration rules and policy and the changes made to them over the last 20 years will know that all non EEA immigration has been made harder and more expensive. A policy begun by Blair and continued by the coalition and Tories.


Extremist groups, whether they be ISIS, Britain First or whoever, use lies and half truths as propaganda for their so called cause.  Most of those, like you and those here with similar views, who fall for these lies are of no consequence.


But others are spurred into action by the lies; as can be seen from Islamist attacks by people who are not members of ISIS or similar but are inspired by them and by the murder of Jo Cox and attacks on innocent Muslims and mosques by people who are not members of Britain First or similar but are inspired by them.


When the supposed leader of the free world falls for the lies of extremists and passes them on as if true then even more people who fall for the lies of both sides will be inspired to take action in support of whichever side they support; be it Islamic terrorists or white supremacists. 


But it's not extremists who will suffer. Extremists, whatever their motivation, rarely attack other extremists; their victims are usually innocent people.


Is there no one in US government circles who can tell this clown the damage he is doing; not just to his office and his country but to innocent victims in the world at large?

3 hours ago, Grouse said:

Now that's a "porkie pie" and a hysterical one at that! I don't care for Muslims at all, but I see no need to lie.

 The 'need' to lie is that these people 'need' to convince themselves that every Muslim supports Islamic terrorism.


They have to believe that or accept that their prejudice is based on nothing but bigotry.

1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

 The 'need' to lie is that these people 'need' to convince themselves that every Muslim supports Islamic terrorism.


They have to believe that or accept that their prejudice is based on nothing but bigotry.

What's sad are all those who believe in this BS. I'm in a Muslim area now. Interacting with them every day. And have never been treated better.


Southern Thailand and Malaysia.


People need to travel more.

8 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

I would worry a lot more that radical Christianity are placing their hands on them!


If radical Islamists wanted them, they would get them, Pakistan, North Korea and many places now with a 'stan' on the end of their country names. Money talks and radical Islam has LOTS of it. You see this is not anything about religion. The heads of radical Islam want just enough chaos that allows them at the top to survive and make more money and garner more power. A nuclear explosion going off in a city (just not that simple to achieve) really does not suit the aims of the heads of Radical Islamic groups. Forget all the brainwashed drone workers at the bottom of the heap that scream Allah Akbar - that is not what it is all about.


Now the radical Christians that really DO want to expedite the coming of the 'rapture', be afraid, be very afraid!


Absolute Rubbish, we have not seen any organized attacks by Christian groups against muslims, nor is there a shred of evidence that Christian fundamentalist are trying to get their hands on WMD, as for your advice to forget the "brainwashed drone workers at the bottom of the heap" the advice of security services is this will not be a merry Christmas for a lot of people in Europe. As of today I know of two terrorist incidents in Europe, a car parked suspiciously at a Christmas market in the UK burst into flames our gallant police without any investigation dismissed this as an accident, a nail bomb was defused outside a pharmacists in Germany, its hard to keep up with the shootings and bombings in Sweden, mostly because MSM won't report these incidents. What we should be afraid of is the muslim apologist such as yourself 

7 minutes ago, johna said:

snip> mostly because MSM won't report these incidents. What we should be afraid of is the muslim apologist such as yourself 

You lose all credibility when you blame this on MSM.


MSM didn't report on the baht bus accident that killed many in Thailand last month. Only so much they can report on. Conspiracy theories are not needed.

30 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

What's sad are all those who believe in this BS. I'm in a Muslim area now. Interacting with them every day. And have never been treated better.


Southern Thailand and Malaysia.


People need to travel more.

I have no problem with Muslims in their own lands


When they migrate to Western countries and fail to integrate it aggravates me. It disturbs my wah. I would just like the environment in the West to be less accommodating. No unpleasantness, but less tolerance. I would start with banning Halal meat. What is wrong with that?  

23 minutes ago, Grouse said:

When they migrate to Western countries and fail to integrate it aggravates me. It disturbs my wah. I would just like the environment in the West to be less accommodating. No unpleasantness, but less tolerance. I would start with banning Halal meat. What is wrong with that?  

Living in an area of the UK with a higher than average percentage of Muslims, I feel confident in saying that the majority have integrated; whether they be first generation immigrants of born here. 


Maybe they don't all dress the same as the indigenous population; but neither do other immigrant groups; Sikhs and Rastafarians being, perhaps, the most obvious to the casual observer. Though go to a Hindu area and you'll usually see more saris than you'll see niqabs and hijabs in a Muslim area!


Not sure what you mean by "I would just like the environment in the West to be less accommodating. No unpleasantness, but less tolerance." Surely this goes against the very ethos of Western democracy and the freedoms we enjoy; freedoms our ancestors fought and died for. One of those freedoms being, of course, the freedom of religion.


You want to ban Halal meat; what about Kosher? If your objections to Halal are based on animal welfare grounds then you should be aware that, according to the RSPCA, 84% of Halal meat slaughtered in the UK is prestunned, whilst 0% of Kosher meat is.


As Kosher uses far less of the animal than Halal, you are also far more likely to buy unlabelled Kosher (or to be accurate, Schecita) slaughtered meat in the UK than Halal.

9 hours ago, yogi100 said:

While an outspoken liberal minority with unrestricted access to the media in the UK may criticise Trump most real Britons applaud him for his down to earth take on what's becoming of the UK especially since 7/7/05. Those of us who do not live in bullet and bomb proof bubbles protected by bodyguards know exactly what's going on.


Theresa May should keep her trap firmly shut about this matter as we need all the friends we can get since the result of the EU referendum.

No, we don't applaud him because he doesn't have a clue what's going on. Ge forms "opinions" at the drop of a hat based phony tweets by white supremacists. And no, I don't live in a bubble. My job means I am vey aware of threat posed by radicalized Muslims in the West and beyond, and as a result find it quite ridiculous that people who don't have any real understanding of that field seem to think they "know exactly what's going on"... you don't.


What Trump - in his child-like, tiny mind fails to realise is that in amplifying this stuff he's doing ISIS's job for them. And those that buy into it are falling straight into the trap that groups like ISIS applaud. They actually - and I can state this truthfully - laugh about it amongst each other.

8 hours ago, Jsinbkk said:

Come on guys!  


Chritsians and Muslims the same?????


open your eyes. Look at the Middle East. It's a mess. 


Sadly Churchill was the last great British statesman who had the guts to see the truth. Political correctness and multiculti dogma has taken over despite the truth in front of your own eyes 







I assume that you are aware that Islam evolved from Christianity, and Christianity evolved from Judaism? I assume you are aware that all three demand the worship - no less - of an omnipotent deity that is so insecure that if one does not worship it, one will be punished? I assume you are aware that the very same protagonists that feature in Jewish religious texts also feature in the Christian and Islamic religious texts (the Bible and the Quran?).  I assume that you are aware that not all Muslims residing the Middle East and elsewhere are religious fundamentalists, just as not all Christians and Jews are religious fundamentalists? Perhaps I assume too much, 

32 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

What Trump - in his child-like, tiny mind fails to realise is that in amplifying this stuff he's doing ISIS's job for them. And those that buy into it are falling straight into the trap that groups like ISIS applaud. They actually - and I can state this truthfully - laugh about it amongst each other.

Post of the day!

45 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

Living in an area of the UK with a higher than average percentage of Muslims, I feel confident in saying that the majority have integrated; whether they be first generation immigrants of born here. 


Maybe they don't all dress the same as the indigenous population; but neither do other immigrant groups; Sikhs and Rastafarians being, perhaps, the most obvious to the casual observer. Though go to a Hindu area and you'll usually see more saris than you'll see niqabs and hijabs in a Muslim area!


Not sure what you mean by "I would just like the environment in the West to be less accommodating. No unpleasantness, but less tolerance." Surely this goes against the very ethos of Western democracy and the freedoms we enjoy; freedoms our ancestors fought and died for. One of those freedoms being, of course, the freedom of religion.


You want to ban Halal meat; what about Kosher? If your objections to Halal are based on animal welfare grounds then you should be aware that, according to the RSPCA, 84% of Halal meat slaughtered in the UK is prestunned, whilst 0% of Kosher meat is.


As Kosher uses far less of the animal than Halal, you are also far more likely to buy unlabelled Kosher (or to be accurate, Schecita) slaughtered meat in the UK than Halal.

I try to give a reasonable, considered view and you have to come back


Listen, I don't want to see people dressed up like an Alladin pantomime extra walking down my local market town


I don't want to have to check if my meat has been slaughtered humanely


I don't want to hear the call to prayers; church bells are fine


I don't give a stuff if Muslims don't like Christmas celebrations


I don't really care if you are Sunni, Shia, Jewish or any other Abramaic religious twit.


I don't want Muslims breeding at more than 2 children per couple


I don't want medieval sharia laws


I don't want children suffering genital mutilation


I want my family to walk freely and be able to use a taxi without fear


I have said before, I haven't always been anti Muslim. I have been driven in this direction by Muslim actions internationally and in British towns.


Do what you want inside your own homes but integrate. We don't care, and don't want to know you religious peccadilloes. If you can't fit in, go!


This is off topic but you forced a response.

7 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I try to give a reasonable, considered view and you have to come back


Listen, I don't want to see people dressed up like an Alladin pantomime extra walking down my local market town


I don't want to have to check if my meat has been slaughtered humanely


I don't want to hear the call to prayers; church bells are fine


I don't give a stuff if Muslims don't like Christmas celebrations


I don't really care if you are Sunni, Shia, Jewish or any other Abramaic religious twit.


I don't want Muslims breeding at more than 2 children per couple


I don't want medieval sharia laws


I don't want children suffering genital mutilation


I want my family to walk freely and be able to use a taxi without fear


I have said before, I haven't always been anti Muslim. I have been driven in this direction by Muslim actions internationally and in British towns.


Do what you want inside your own homes but integrate. We don't care, and don't want to know you religious peccadilloes. If you can't fit in, go!


This is off topic but you forced a response.

This is the whole point. Brits agree with you. Trump agrees with you. It's just plain common sense, yet we are having pages long arguments with those that presumably support the things we dislike otherwise there would be no argument. We want Britain to remain British, and there is nothing wrong with wanting that. It's fine.

2 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I try to give a reasonable, considered view and you have to come back

("reasonable and considered"... Ahem.)

2 minutes ago, Grouse said:


Listen, I don't want to see people dressed up like an Alladin pantomime extra walking down my local market town


(I wasn't aware all Muslims dressed like "Alladin"... not racist at all mind.) 



I don't want to have to check if my meat has been slaughtered humanely

(Non-Halal and Kosher meat is not slaughtered "humanely".)


2 minutes ago, Grouse said:


I don't want to hear the call to prayers; church bells are fine

(They are both equally annoying)

2 minutes ago, Grouse said:


I don't give a stuff if Muslims don't like Christmas celebrations

The vast majority of Muslims don't take offence to Christian celebrations... hence the proliferation of Chritsmas trees in shopping malls in the Middle East during the festive season)

2 minutes ago, Grouse said:


I don't really care if you are Sunni, Shia, Jewish or any other Abramaic religious twit.


(evidently you do)



I don't want Muslims breeding at more than 2 children per couple

(Introduce China's birth laws... that will work)

2 minutes ago, Grouse said:


I don't want medieval sharia laws

(When was the last time you were up in court for breaking Sharia law)

2 minutes ago, Grouse said:


I don't want children suffering genital mutilation

(The genital mutilation of boys in the Western world is common practice... are you not circumcised?)

2 minutes ago, Grouse said:


I want my family to walk freely and be able to use a taxi without fear

(So why don't you?)

2 minutes ago, Grouse said:


I have said before, I haven't always been anti Muslim. I have been driven in this direction by Muslim actions internationally and in British towns.

(You just said that you don't care if people are "Sunni, Shia, Jewish or any other Abramaic religious twit", but now you are anti-Muslim? Which is it?)

2 minutes ago, Grouse said:


Do what you want inside your own homes but integrate. We don't care, and don't want to know you religious peccadilloes. If you can't fit in, go!

(We could say the same to white supremacist groups because they have no place in a civilized society, however it is not possible to say that about most Muslims because they do integrate and reject fundamentalist teachings)

2 minutes ago, Grouse said:


This is off topic but you forced a response.

 (My response is also off topic but you forced a response - both will shorlty be deleted because they hate it when something actually gets interesting)

2 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

This is the whole point. Brits agree with you. Trump agrees with you. It's just plain common sense, yet we are having pages long arguments with those that presumably support the things we dislike otherwise there would be no argument. We want Britain to remain British, and there is nothing wrong with wanting that. It's fine.



We need a certain amount of diplomacy, subtlety and calm


Trump is not helping, he just gets people's backs up.


I recommend a more gentle, gradual but firm approach

5 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

("reasonable and considered"... Ahem.)

(Non-Halal and Kosher meat is not slaughtered "humanely".)


(They are both equally annoying)

The vast majority of Muslims don't take offence to Christian celebrations... hence the proliferation of Chritsmas trees in shopping malls in the Middle East during the festive season)

(Introduce China's birth laws... that will work)

(When was the last time you were up in court for breaking Sharia law)

(The genital mutilation of boys in the Western world is common practice... are you not circumcised?)

(So why don't you?)

(You just said that you don't care if people are "Sunni, Shia, Jewish or any other Abramaic religious twit", but now you are anti-Muslim? Which is it?)

(We could say the same to white supremacist groups because they have no place in a civilized society, however it is not possible to say that about most Muslims because they do integrate and reject fundamentalist teachings)

 (My response is also off topic but you forced a response - both will shorlty be deleted because they hate it when something actually gets interesting)

Circumcised? Moi?


It would take a large truck to shift my foreskin!


"Now that's a "porkie pie" and a hysterical one at that! I don't care for Muslims at all, but I see no need to lie."


This was my original post.


Now calm down and don't get my gander up. I am a Yorkshireman as you know ?

2 minutes ago, Grouse said:

"Now that's a "porkie pie" and a hysterical one at that! I don't care for Muslims at all, but I see no need to lie."


This was my original post.


Now calm down and don't get my gander up. I am a Yorkshireman as you know ?

At which point did I lie?

Just now, stephen tracy said:

At which point did I lie?

I didn't say you did


I was pointing out how this thread started with me defending the Muslim position, frankly. Read the history


Then I was provoked....


Are you one of the Thunderbirds? 

28 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

Quite. And that is just one example. Another would be the Serbian death camps that interned Muslims in Yugoslavia.

And at that time I was very pro Bosnian (Muslim). I was, and still am, horrified at the way Muslims were not protected in Srebrenicha

19 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

("reasonable and considered"... Ahem.)

(Non-Halal and Kosher meat is not slaughtered "humanely".)


(They are both equally annoying)

The vast majority of Muslims don't take offence to Christian celebrations... hence the proliferation of Chritsmas trees in shopping malls in the Middle East during the festive season)

(Introduce China's birth laws... that will work)

(When was the last time you were up in court for breaking Sharia law)

(The genital mutilation of boys in the Western world is common practice... are you not circumcised?)

(So why don't you?)

(You just said that you don't care if people are "Sunni, Shia, Jewish or any other Abramaic religious twit", but now you are anti-Muslim? Which is it?)

(We could say the same to white supremacist groups because they have no place in a civilized society, however it is not possible to say that about most Muslims because they do integrate and reject fundamentalist teachings)

 (My response is also off topic but you forced a response - both will shorlty be deleted because they hate it when something actually gets interesting)

Actually, this is a spirited and serious discussion. I'm not offended by your posts and you are not offended by mine. 


Off to bed now though!

8 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I didn't say you did


I was pointing out how this thread started with me defending the Muslim position, frankly. Read the history


Then I was provoked....


Are you one of the Thunderbirds? 

No, but I never tire of that joke. 

On 11/30/2017 at 6:52 AM, Boon Mee said:

Trump is spot-on correct to support Jayda.

The woman is doing good! :smile:

You sir (Cur) are like Trump

Ignorant, racist, and a FOOL

1 hour ago, Grouse said:



We need a certain amount of diplomacy, subtlety and calm


Trump is not helping, he just gets people's backs up.


I recommend a more gentle, gradual but firm approach


That's not worked out very well so far has it.


Forcing different peoples to live together is nigh on impossible whoever they may be. It must be obvious by now that if Muslims are involved you'd best forget it. They can't even live in harmony with each other so what chance will we have as our numbers decrease while theirs increase as they inevitably will as the years go by. The war of the cradle.


They're just biding their time till their weight of numbers allows them to take over. The fact that they have already been able to elect a Muslim mayor who wants to reverse the result of the EU referendum in London which is the heart of the British Commonwealth is a taste of what's to come.

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