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How to insulate or reduce thermal bridging of metal trusses

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3 hours ago, Crossy said:

Ok chaps let's play nicely shall we, opinions differ no need to trade insults or whatever.


Not wishing to rain on anyone's parade but something which it is vital to understand when building in sunny Thailand is that trying something unconventional and outside to comfort zone of your contractor is going to :-

  • Be expensive
  • Be painful
  • Probably not work as expected anyway

As I've noted before, the law of diminishing returns also come in to play. Yes, not having steel re-bar where slabs go from outside to inside will probably make a measurable (but slight) difference to heat transmission. But you can't build a structural slab with no re-bar so we're looking at alternative materials, carbon-fibre anyone?


Invariably the alternatives are:-

  • Less effective
  • More expensive
  • Difficult to work
  • Hard to get right
  • Made from "unobtainium"

In no particular order some of the most effective ways to reduce heat load:-

  • Shading of walls from direct sun using plants or shade structures (large overhangs are very effective against mid-day sun).
  • Similarly, a flying roof can make a massive difference to your attic temperatures if your design allows for it.
  • Loft insulation (both on the ceiling and inside the tiles) and ventilation.
  • Cavity walls (brick or AAC)
  • AAC block walls.
  • Double glazing.
  • Other things I've not thought of.

Also, look at the way the locals built homes in the past, there's a reason for the high ceilings and elevated living areas, and they do work.



Well said sir.:biggrin:

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Lots of big egos on this site who say they know it all.


Unless some, I admit my flaws and my errors. Oh! Oh! I did not say everyone here was mature. LOL


You must be older and think you know it all and have seen it all. That's fine! You have a beautiful trophy wife and house because you have money. 


The last list provided was comprehensive, but so was my first post. 


Anatole France (a stupid Nobel prize winner in literature) said: “It is the certainty that they possess the truth that makes men cruel.” But you know better and you knew it.


Read this and read the above quote again:




Invariably the alternatives are:-

  • Less effective
  • More expensive
  • Difficult to work
  • Hard to get right
  • Made from "unobtainium"



and this:


  • Quote


    • Be expensive
    • Be painful
    • Probably not work as expected anyway



“It is the certainty that they possess the truth that makes men cruel.”


Those two lists are negationist. It cannot be done in any other way. It can never be done in any other way. And many men have repeated the same things over the many generations to be proven wrong after their deaths.


I know that women like "certainty", especially in North America. But, believe me, wiseman, someone walked away from the cave and he was also called stupid.




Of course, I was not called stupid! LOL But, I was told that thermal bridging is always taken care of by engineer and architect! AHAHAHAH! The utilities, the contractors, and the old boys club will never disagree. You know it all.


Go ahead and take one quote from this and deform it. One-liners are so popular around this site. One-liner geniuses. There are some fine examples in this thread. They are sometimes clever, but they are just one line. They are many. It does not take a genius to create them. It follows.


In any case, the thermal bridging can be bridged. DUH! We are told that it is going to be more expensive. No kidding, Sherlock! But, small minds focus on small timelines. Can't some people not see past their nose?


Remember that someone in this thread told me that bridging is a topic that is considered by engineers and architects:



Mainly because it's a matter of course.


All bravado aside, if it is "considered", I have proven (see previous answer) that there is a lot of "leaks"! Thermal leaks in those buildings. I have NEVER heard anyone outside of the engineers and architects and the private boys' clubs (engineering city depts,...) that mention this to anyone. Certainly, developers will never do. But those brochures are so beautiful? No one mentions the leaks. 


But, oh, read the list above. It sounds so authoritative. 


So, the idea that it is going to be more expensive was never refuted by me. It sounds like you are telling me something that a 3 years old would know. Of course, it is going to be expensive. DUH! But, is it going to be more expensive in the long term. No one think long term anymore. If it lasts 3 days, it is a great deal!


Since you people are not able to offer anything new and would of course poopoo anyone who would, ... because it is going to be a little bit more expensive, let me bow out. One-liners tire me.


"Hey! Look, what Zog is doing!" 




2 minutes ago, EnlightenedAtheist said:

Since you people are not able to offer anything new and would of course poopoo anyone who would, ... because it is going to be a little bit more expensive, let me bow out.

Since our OP has noted that he isn't going to contribute further, and this thread has degenerated into a mud slinging match.




"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

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