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Video: Road rage with a golf club and a little kid in the car

Jonathan Fairfield

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They need to grow up. Today I had a gut pull out and almost hit me when I was driving from Bangkok to Pattaya. He put his hand up to say sorry that was it we both carried on our way. Unfortunately you have adults who act like children and the law supports them with the (kack of) punishment handed out.

If they want to act like children put them in a kindergarten 

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As long as the Thai Police will let such fury get away with a "fine", road rage madness has a bright future on Thai roads.


The crazy golfer should be banned from driving and his car impounded for at least a year...that will give him time to cool down his ego and madness.

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9 hours ago, Proud Father said:

That's a walker, used for assisting in walking.  Regardless a short-tempered over righteous a-hole endangering the public.  Take his license away for a year and make him a sidewalk attendant at a school crosswalk for a year until he learns to calm down.


Learning to calm down means having to think and react to reason being explained to you by someone.

Sh-t, just realised what I was saying.

OK forget that.

Someone else try.

Has it got anything to do with Fortunas

Edited by overherebc
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It does not matter who was wrong or right, the Fortuner  driver had no right to hit

the other car period.. He should have been thrown into the police car when they arrived

at this site, taken to the station  and formally charged with the damage he caused, tossed

into a cell and wait to see a judge, as well as having his vehicle towed, plus he should be

responsible for the damage he caused to the other car, and charged with causing the children

their trauma from  this whole incident.. But this happened in Disgusting Thailand,  the third  world

country that it really is. I shouldn't knock the country, but I am merely a foreignor who does not

think like a Thai person.


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What is the difference between a Golf Club and a walking stick/cane ???  no idea if you can play golf with a walking stick, a golf club would be of no use at all for a walking aid..


Fortuner  driver  100% in the wrong


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19 minutes ago, ignis said:

What is the difference between a Golf Club and a walking stick/cane ???  no idea if you can play golf with a walking stick, a golf club would be of no use at all for a walking aid..


Fortuner  driver  100% in the wrong


The question is not essentially about the rules of the road but it is about the quick and utterly irrational escalation into personal violence-violence that only goes "punished" by the handing over of cash and the driver is then free to pursue their vicious and homicidal tendencies elsewhere.


He is probably bragging to his Neanderthal mates about it right now.


I saw it too often in Thailand to have any degree of equanimity on the subject.

Edited by Odysseus123
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14 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

well, I think the "dash cam driver" is not right, because he wants to leave the main road. Though the "Fortuner's" reaction is a bit too much.

Actually it happened next to exit Promenada

Exactly right. Here's the google image of the section of the road. The  "dash cam driver" is leaving the main road and accuses the fortuner driver of doing what the white car in the photo is doing. But, as you can see in the video, the fortuner driver is clearly going straight on and not trying to cut across the slip road.


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Doesn't it make your blood boil? How vulnerable we are when we dare to venture onto the nations roads. What should happen here is that the chap in the smashed up car should commence court action against the old bloke who battered his car, but what happens as we all know is that a bit of dosh is paid, the BIB acting as a go between, and it all goes away. I experienced this when I had a motorcycle accident. Never mind who was in the wrong, I paid out to make the problem "go away." The only advantage to doing it the Thai way is that insurance costs and paperwork are kept down. But at what cost to an individuals right to due process?


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1 hour ago, Topdoc said:

Exactly right. Here's the google image of the section of the road. The  "dash cam driver" is leaving the main road and accuses the fortuner driver of doing what the white car in the photo is doing. But, as you can see in the video, the fortuner driver is clearly going straight on and not trying to cut across the slip road.


Not so sure, there is a left hand lane. The Fortuner driver is turning into the main road, so therefore should have stayed in the left hand lane and accelerated. Why did he immediately go into the 2nd lane?

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1 hour ago, Topdoc said:

Exactly right. Here's the google image of the section of the road. The  "dash cam driver" is leaving the main road and accuses the fortuner driver of doing what the white car in the photo is doing. But, as you can see in the video, the fortuner driver is clearly going straight on and not trying to cut across the slip road.



In the video the Fortuner driver is seen to turn left out of the side road and instead of remaining on the inside (left most lane) he merges across into the second (right most lane) which impede the 'Dash-Cam-Car' who rightfully warns the Fortuner driver of his presence with a very brief 'pap' of the horn....


.... this very brief pap of the horn is enough to set the 'Fortuner driver off' who slams on his breaks, blocking traffic, the 'Dash-Cam-Car' hits the horn again shortly before the Fortuner driver commences his violent tantrum. 

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What concerns me with this issue is that Had I been the 'dash-cam-car' and someone smashes my window with a walking stick I'd been included to protect my family by getting out of the car and restraining him...  this would ultimately result in some form of assault on my part, knocking the guy out etc...  or by taking emergency action and driving off potentially running over the attacker. 


I wonder how much trouble I would get in to if I responded to such violence in kind in order to protect further damage to my assets and protect my family.... 



Yes, yes, I know - that was a little 'keyboard warrior-ish'... but how many people could just sit there and do nothing while someone was smashing your car windows?

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3 hours ago, Topdoc said:

Exactly right. Here's the google image of the section of the road. The  "dash cam driver" is leaving the main road and accuses the fortuner driver of doing what the white car in the photo is doing. But, as you can see in the video, the fortuner driver is clearly going straight on and not trying to cut across the slip road.


what google is  showing and you clearly not see is that there are 2 lines , and the fortuner crossed both at the same time.

Fortuner should have stayed on the left lane make speed and then cross lanes on a safe way.

I am shocked that this piece of nothing gets away with it this easy.

Next time it might be you or your family members.

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23 hours ago, 01322521959 said:

Not so sure, there is a left hand lane. The Fortuner driver is turning into the main road, so therefore should have stayed in the left hand lane and accelerated. Why did he immediately go into the 2nd lane?

No, he did NOT enter but was already on the road to drive into MaeOn direction. And that is the the right lane!

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