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How have you relayed to an Ins. Company your location when you have had an accident

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I'm thinking this is more of  a general question pertaining to   Thailand rather than an automotive one so I understand if the moderators decide to relocate it.


I'm aware of the drill in the event of an car  accident which includes taking lots of photos and calling the Insurance representative before anyone else.    


The nagging question for me has been how the hell do I tell them my location.      I've asked that of many people and have looked it up on Google to no avail.        I asked the ex girlfriend to call the insurance company and talk with them in Thai to find out from the horse's mouth.      I saw she wasn't seeming to get anywhere so I wasn't surprised she handed the phone to me to talk in English.


What I heard from the person at the insurance company is if I don't speak Thai I should just had the phone to someone  standing near the accident and let them explain the location.     I could hardly believe what I was hearing.    


First off I'm aware of the matter of a person in SEA not wanting to expose not knowing something and secondly who says he's correct even if he does think he's right?


Have you ever successfully reported your location to an insurance  company using Google Maps?   After three emails, I finally got a yes reply from  the company I currently use that they could find me if i send them the Google Map location.


Have you ever done that?



P.S.    If at all possible could the  TV  "YOU need to speak Thai brigade please give it a rest"?     I'm talking about any location in Thailand and there  could easily be few identifiable landmarks to offer as to one's location.    I hope I never need to use it  but  I'd like to think it works.


Success stories..?    Anyone?








First bit of advice I'd like to give you is to change your insurer. Any decent insurer in Thailand will have a Hotline in English, separate from the Thai language hotline.


The man from the Insurance company gave a sound  advice. I did it a few times. Works perfect, even gave my mobile to  the counterpart.  By doing  your counterparts knows that you have a firs class insurance.

Its very foolish to act like your  counterpart is the enemy, even he is in the wrong. Let the represantative of the insurance company handle that.



"What I heard from the person at the insurance company is if I don't speak Thai I should just had the phone to someone  standing near the accident and let them explain the location.     I could hardly believe what I was hearing".    

Can't see what the problem is with that. If I have to call to a person's house, business or meet them in an area I'm unfamiliar with (a Thai person with little or no English) I simply call them and hand the phone to the nearest Thai person that is lightly to know where they are ....trader etc.,.

Could be difficult alright if in the middle of the country in the middle of the night.


Why does it matter?  Ah-yuu (name of road) glai (other road).  


Just make up the names.  Thai people make mistakes all the time.


Just tell them you are dumb foreigner (phom ben farang mai gang).  Simple.


They'll have a laugh.  It's all good. ?

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