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Female Thai factory worker loses 300,000 in latest call center scam


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11 hours ago, worgeordie said:

You think of people this happens to as stupid,BUT the Government should

run an 10 min add in the middle of every Soap Opera,giving people the information,

so they contact the Police before hurrying to the ATM.it needs to be stopped and 


regards Worgeordie

Not sure that will work.  almost all Thais believe the BIB are corrupt and if they are told they are in trouble and being arrested but....some tea money will make everything go away, you know what happens. 


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25 minutes ago, neeray said:

Why so many rude comments about where the factory worker's savings came from? There could be any number of plausible explanations. 

Cynicism is definitely rife on ThaiVisa. 


I'm surprised about comments on the amount stolen. It's not that much, just under 7,000 GBP. If the lady has been careful with her earnings she could easily accumulate this amount over a few years. 

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5 hours ago, KMartinHandyman said:

This is what results when subtle sarcasm goes awry.


I guess I missed that one.


thanks for the heads up. 


With some of the knuckleheaded posts on this forum its too easy for me to credit authors with actuslly having such beliefs. 


A smiley emoticon can help.



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5 hours ago, Just Weird said:

Maybe you should read the post that I was responding to then you would understand what I said and the context; there was nothing heartless about it.  My comment was supporting the woman!  


Just to help you out here is post#3 to which I was responding..."It's amazing that a factory worker had B300,000 lying around in order to participate in this scam. what returns was she promised, I wonder?"


One can only hope that you learn to read a little better.


I was going to offer you a apology but you finished out your post with way too much <deleted> for that to happen.

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I have "bill collectors" in the US who call my mobile phone number and threaten me about action they will take.  They say they represent my mobile carrier and that I owe due to a breach of contract or something.  Well, my mobile service is pre-paid, and these bozos don't even know my name.

When someone calls and asks you to put out money, they are someone trying to get money, no more to it.  The song and dance may vary, but that's what it is.


Side note to Prince Khalasa: I'm still waiting for that US$350,000 check, sir. 




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5 hours ago, scoutman360 said:

I have some very close Thai female friends. Normal locals girls. I have heard more than once that it is normal for a Thai girl (even in the office job industry), to have saved 100k thb. However, speaking of 334k thb, I cannot comment.

please tell me where, My Daughter in law is looking for a better job , 

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5 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


I was going to offer you a apology but you finished out your post with way too much <deleted> for that to happen.

Well I'll sure try not to lose too much sleep about not getting that apology but don't you think that you're displaying just a touch of hypocrisy considering that you were hoping so much for calamity to hit me so hard?  There was way to much <deleted> in your post right from the start.

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