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Superpoll: US Nationals most happy in Thailand and foreigners think Prayut is doing better than the Thais


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13 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Asked to rate PM Prayut's performance on a scale of 1-10 with ten being the best foreigners gave him a 5.32 score

if the polled group is just tourists, then they have no clue about any of the items reported herein other than the hospitality trail they are trudging thru

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5 hours ago, thedivezone said:

Just a wild guess . . . 

Maybe the the reason americans are happiest holydaying under a totalitarian, dictatorial regime is because it makes them feel at home.

Or maybe Americans are doers instead of being complainers. Better to make something of your life than to sit around, sucking up alcohol and tobacco, and constantly griping about the place where you've willingly installed yourself.

Edited by zydeco
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23 minutes ago, YetAnother said:

if the polled group is just tourists, then they have no clue about any of the items reported herein other than the hospitality trail they are trudging thru

--    Tourist places
--    Nature and the environment
--    The safety of the food
--    The economic development of Thailand
--    Infrastructure - such as airports, Skytrain, MRT and mobile networks.
So which of the above have been made worse under Prayuth?
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12 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

Me too I would vote for him but not in a good way, but there again I am English so have a better understanding I suppose.


Hey you know that thing you are sat on and what comes out of it, same goes for this statement.



Biggest load of rear end stuff I have ever read, Expat who has lived here so long he has forgot what life is about.

If you feel so oppressed, go home.  The nonsense between your ears makes you unsuitable for living anywhere but the friendly confines of the UK, apparently.  

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


The poll asked why visitors were here so it seems to make sense they would not ask full-time residents. 

I know if some random person on the streets of BKK or anywhere else in Thailand prefaced a survey with "Excuse me Sir. Do you live in Thailand or are you just visiting?"


#1 - I wouldn't answer & if I did, I would LIE thru my teeth.


"I just fell off the last 747 that landed. Been here 36 hours. I love everything about Thailand."


The only people that piss & moan about Thailand are anonymous internet folks, & 99.999% (errr, make that 396.3%) would not say anything negative to a Thai stranger.

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16 minutes ago, jaywalker said:



The only people that piss & moan about Thailand are anonymous internet folks, & 99.999% (errr, make that 396.3%) would not say anything negative to a Thai stranger.


Even more specifically, anonymous internet folks on TVF who self describe as members of the expat community. 


But this entire last post was good stuff.

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What a load of old Pony.


Polls are so often weighted to say what the government want them to say and this is no exception. It is so far from reality it is laughable. I just don't know why the bother with this nonsense, everyone can see it is rubbish or they just don't care anyway so it serves no purpose except convincing themselves that all is well. 


Move on please,,,

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27 minutes ago, jaywalker said:

I know if some random person on the streets of BKK or anywhere else in Thailand prefaced a survey with "Excuse me Sir. Do you live in Thailand or are you just visiting?"


#1 - I wouldn't answer & if I did, I would LIE thru my teeth.


"I just fell off the last 747 that landed. Been here 36 hours. I love everything about Thailand."


The only people that piss & moan about Thailand are anonymous internet folks, & 99.999% (errr, make that 396.3%) would not say anything negative to a Thai stranger.

Not true, if you ever speak to a Thai about the problems here you get 1 of 2 reactions. Either they dont care or they think things are not good right now, at least thats my experience.


But if you are here and a foreigner you are probably accepting the things that bother you or you would simply move on. Nothing wrong with having a bit of a moan about stuff though, as long as its all in balance and you dont do it all day every day.

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This is the biggest load of Water Buffalo dung lies I have ever smelled. Men are here for the girls and I have no clue why women vacation here. Maybe they really came to see the Lady Boys grind one out in some sleazy bar. Maybe the interviews would have been closer to the truth if the questions had been asked in a bar while the beer guzzling Farangs had their arms wrapped around their wife for the night.

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14 hours ago, Bobobirdiebuddy said:

It doesn't sound too far off base.  It is an easy place to live - safe, cheap (not like it used to be but mai pen arai), good food, stable government, generally nice folks, lots of fun distractions.  As for Prayuth, I've been here for 9 or 10 Prime Ministers and 2 military coups and Prayuth seems OK.  Sure, sure you can scream "junta! junta!" but really, things are a whole lot better than the Red Shirt terror or, a couple of years later, the standoff between the Reds and Yellows.  And honestly, it does not affect our ex-pat lives, does it.   No, it doesn't.

I've been here over 20 years to and this is a lot of rubbish, doesn't effect ex-pats,? must live in the middle of nowhere and in a cocoon. The poll is also a lot of rubbish, guess all holiday makers who have not got a clue.


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15 minutes ago, DGS1244 said:

I've been here over 20 years to and this is a lot of rubbish, doesn't effect ex-pats,? must live in the middle of nowhere and in a cocoon. The poll is also a lot of rubbish, guess all holiday makers who have not got a clue.



Please shed some light on how you are so adversely affected. 


This clueless holiday maker really wants to know.



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Thats fantastic and they were able to get 150% plus response :shock1:. Thats how good Thailand is, more people responded that were surveyed. 


Rest from work         52.3%
Tourism                     46.8%
Visiting friends          13.1%
Trade Shows             11.1%
Seminars                     8.9%
Visiting relatives          8.1%
Another 10.5% said they were in Thailand for meetings, business, governmental business among other things.
Just kidding it may have been multiple choice.:smile:
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And how and with who would you suggest will give fair elections? or is your is wifey annoyed that she has been getting to make her promises of who to vote for thousand baht lately!. The people you should be going after are Tesco Lotus, CP, Big C, , who are milking every penny earned from people, who are being short changed by the middlemen offering prices for goods farmed that hardly cover the costs, but manage to command such high prices when required to buy to feed themselves. Better to have the man with the army take out the Fat pigs, but, it doesn't happen overnight when the country has grown up with it ingrained in every part of government, and business, And if you read from the parties they have no desired but to reboard the money train, for their own self gain.

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1 hour ago, Bobobirdiebuddy said:

If you feel so oppressed, go home.  The nonsense between your ears makes you unsuitable for living anywhere but the friendly confines of the UK, apparently.  

Thanks for your advice, but I only accept advice off sensible people


go home


Come on that's an old chestnut you can do better than that


But you are dead right about one thing  friendly confines of the UK, now where is Facebook I feel a like coming on and guess what Mrs May will not say a thing. Now off to do some shopping and you know even with the snow, the roads are bloody safer here. Some peoplke

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15 hours ago, Bobobirdiebuddy said:

It doesn't sound too far off base.  It is an easy place to live - safe, cheap (not like it used to be but mai pen arai), good food, stable government, generally nice folks, lots of fun distractions.  As for Prayuth, I've been here for 9 or 10 Prime Ministers and 2 military coups and Prayuth seems OK.  Sure, sure you can scream "junta! junta!" but really, things are a whole lot better than the Red Shirt terror or, a couple of years later, the standoff between the Reds and Yellows.  And honestly, it does not affect our ex-pat lives, does it.   No, it doesn't.

"And honestly, it does not affect our ex-pat lives, does it.   No, it doesn't.


One of reasons a good number of expats like the PM.  No chaos in the streets means they can get to lunch, dinner, bars, etc without those pesky demonstrations. Whether the Thai people are satisfied with their government or not is irrelevant. 

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3 hours ago, Jimbo in Thailand said:

You can't be serious making a statement like that.  How long have you lived here?


How strange that you should ask how long he has lived here, especially as your location says LA.


A contradiction in locations perhaps?


So how long have YOU lived here in Thailand?

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Wow a  Superpoll!!! " Out of the 831 respondents in the poll, conducted from November 1st to December 8th, the following percentages were obtained about why visitors were here."

So in 38 days they could find 831 Americans to take the poll. That's less than 3 a day. And I thought tourism was booming.

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