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What Would You Do Next?

mark lamai

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Vunderbar post, marklamai.

Mebbe I'd try to find a new political leader with qualities akin to that of HM the King who could pull the country together, boost the economy, improve education and health care, and halt the bloodshed in the south.

I'll second that.



Awww, shucks, Robski, I'm glowing more glitteringly than Paris Hilton at a paparazzi press conference.

And, um, president of what? Not Walmart I hope. I always was kinda partial to Kmart (attention Kmart shoppers, we have a red flag special on toilet paper, ousted priministerial personal notepads and cheese whiz in aisle 44).


Are you into the lao khao already, Mr Robski?

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When the Thais have produced a country that most of us want to live in or visit why do we critisize them so much?


It depends on how you view criticism. Some of us perhaps point things out because we actually CARE about this country. Sitting in silence won't help, though voicing concerns (criticism in your view) probably doesn't help either.

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i really don't think that making fun of a government and offialdom is criticizing the whole country.

but if you must categorize Thailand as a whole,

maybe its like a 2 year old child you love a lot but you have to spank occassionally for bad behaviour.....

(ohh boy, now i'm in trouble!!)

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What's going to happen next in LOS? Well, I am going to wager that the Thai gov't will try to match or beat any proprosition coming out of Venezuela. Thus the next order of business probably will be to nationalize all telecom enterprises. Or perhaps they will be subtle and declare all westerners as "imperialist devils".

Edited by Gumballl
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  • 3 weeks later...
you got to admit that the master strokes of the last 6 months are breathtaking in conception.

- Visa rules

- Coup

- Foreign Businees Act

so all you hoity-toity foreigners out there,

can you match it the best?

what would you do next?

ban tourism.

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Leave :o

I'd make it law that all aspiring English Teachers had a verifiable PhD, Their parents and grandparents were checked for criminal records, come to think of it ALL tourists should be given a full medical upon arrival (rubber gloves and all) and should report to Immigration by phone every hour stating where exactly they are and once a week in person to their nearest police station. They should also have a letter from their Embassy guaranteeing that the money they spend in Thailand has not been gained in any unlawful manner.

Tourists should be banned from wearing swimming attire on beaches (only jeans and T shirts allowed). The government should do away with this underhand system of double pricing and come right out front with it. I mean we should pay at least ten times more than the Thais for everything cos we have more money than they do, Right?

In fact the government should create a "Ministry of misery"which would have the sole task of making tourists lives as unhappy as possible!!! Oh but ..... hang on a mo ..... If they do that then hardly anyone would come here!!!!!!!!!!

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How about a special Thai Air cheap deal week on return flights from BKK to Europe . All the burnt, spent up farangs could finally go home and they could fill up the empty return flights with Polish BGs to lighten the load on the Thai girls.

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I would like to force all the people who claim to have come here "for the culture" to attend free Thai culture classes daily at the best Universities and have no access to the opposite sex (or same sex if they are gay).

I want to see how many come back after their visa expires! :o

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I would like to force all the people who claim to have come here "for the culture" to attend free Thai culture classes daily at the best Universities and have no access to the opposite sex (or same sex if they are gay).

I want to see how many come back after their visa expires! :D

I'd fib on the application form. :o

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Vunderbar post, marklamai.

Mebbe I'd try to find a new political leader with qualities akin to that of HM the King who could pull the country together, boost the economy, improve education and health care, and halt the bloodshed in the south.

I have a difficult enough time finding a compatible girlfriend. Try to find a political leader?

Political leaders usually have spent their way to prominance, using money from people who want them in power. Politics has a heart, and that heart relies on arteries and veins, and the blood is made of money. It's a nice illusion to think that the people vote for their better interest, and that this is represented in their government. It's about money.

The people whose job it is to give money to government officials - what is the name of that job? Anyway, the people who represent jails, asked for the anti marijuana laws to be strengthened in the US. They gave some several million. Guess what happened next. That's history.

Find a leader? People and institutions with money give it to all viable sides of the political spectrum. It's gambling, and people bet on any and all parties that give returns. Campaign finance is what wins elections. Sorry - I'm not being a downer here. On the whole, money moves politics, and politics exists to move money. Welfare seems like a grand concession to the people, but it is a very small portion of big money.

If you want to make a political difference, don't, agree, with, the, crowd, unless, you, know, something.

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Criminal background checks on all visitors.

Ok, imagine I'm labelled by the state as someone who sold plants and handed out along with them pamphlets that detailed double blind studies that tell what medicinal effects these plants have for topical use. That is illegal, in the US. You can't explain medicinal properties of anything unless the FDA gets their beak wet first. They expect several million per item to be advertised.

So now I have a criminal record, because the US drug mafia consortium wants to push me out of the way.

Big Brother is a Big Church of conformity.

9-11!!! Be scared!!!!!!! Let us protect you from yourself, and from plants! We must regulate! You coudn't possibly do a google search or use wikipedia to self inform. Rely on us. We are working hard to protect you, even if it means excluding proven European drugs that compete with US drugs.

There are now repressions against citizens from Governance that seem the same as those against Galilao and Copernicus. Many examples, and you will know of them what you wish to know of them.

Bacground checks on all visitors. Ya, that'll make the world a better place. Let the government weed out undesirables. They have a pretty good notion of what is undesirable.

Edited by jamman
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I would like to force all the people who claim to have come here "for the culture" to attend free Thai culture classes daily at the best Universities and have no access to the opposite sex (or same sex if they are gay).

I want to see how many come back after their visa expires! :o

I would come back disguised as a historian because I would have my pick of BGs when they all run out of cash after 2 weeks

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* Finish the elevated train to Don Muang.

* Force the owners of half-built skyscrapers to start work on finishing them or have then sold to the highest bidder.

* Build more schools in the countryside.

* Create Asthetics laws which would force property owners to clean and maintain their property or face stiff fines and possible liens

* Enforce laws keeping elephants out of urban areas while at the same time developing a program to help elephants and their owners survive. If the elephant is a symbol of Thailand, the country should do more to protect it.

* The government should stop Thailand's polluters. The future looks dim with so much pollution in the air and water.

* Enforce the laws or get rid of them.

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