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Thailand has the deadliest roads in the world, new report claims


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19 minutes ago, PhonThong said:

I have YouTube stickers on my truck. They know they are being videoed. It works great at police checkpoints too. They want nothing to do with me.

What's the point of having dashboard cameras if, as is the case now, police do not enforce road laws anyway?  There is a long, long road ahead and it all starts at the top where "The buck stops"...where there is a will there is a way in Thailand.  "I think I've said that before"  TIT. (many times)

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18 hours ago, leeneeds said:

If there're 10 million drivers all put to a test of rules, skill and safety ,

how many would reach an acceptable level to retain their licence? 

That needs to be the starting point,

before tackling the kindergarten


If they all have Baht 100 they'd all pass. 

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“Various measures have been implemented in the past 20 years to boost road safety but they weren’t so successful because Thais know what actions break the law but do them anyway as they have become conceited after not getting caught,” Taejing said.


OMG, 20 years and the 'authorities' still have not learned anything! Proof, IMHO, that they have no idea what to do (a lack of high order critical thinking?). Now proposing dashboard cameras! I can already see the thousands of motorcyclists (who probably are the poorer classes of society) and who probably make up the greatest number of road trauma statistics having the baht to fit them subsidised or not. And that probably goes for a large number of motor cars, vans and trucks also.


"...Thais know what actions break the law but do them anyway as they have become conceited after not getting caught,” Taejing said."  Now playing the blame game - just trying to deflect from the real issues! One being the lack of will or inability (for any number of reasons) of the the RTP to enforce the laws!


"Until Thailand takes steps to enforce road safety, the unspeakable carnage will no doubt continue unabated." (Gecko123 & my bold). I agree wholeheartedly and history would certainly support that.


All these ideas and 'extra' laws are merely window dressing (AKA papering over the cracks in the wall) and not addressing any of the real fundamental issues - enforcement and education. 


And those of us who have learned to drive/ride defensively (drive/ride according to the road conditions and always expect the unexpected) have merely increased our odds of survival among too many idiot road users. :coffee1:

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 Children on motorbikes see no danger. The police turn a blind eye to these riders that know it is illegal to be on the roads at that age and are happy to ignore all road signs and lights. They get away with it at that age and continue in the same manner,  into adulthood , if they survive that long. Parents up here in Issan have little knowledge of the rules of the road as they grew up riding illegally and see no reason to stop their offspring doing the same.

 The village headmen seem happy to have the kids roaring around the place and seem reluctant to get the parents

to put a stop to it...... perhaps for fear of not being voted in at the next local election or worse ! 

Dash cams record other peoples bad driving not yours ... unless the driver behind has one. If you run into somebody and it was your fault and no car behind you  then just erase your 'chip'. !!!  Dash cams will help to record the carnage and increase the Facebook viewing figures but not necessarily improve to driving standards. Strong and determined police action to sort out this free for all on Thailand's roads is needed to reduce the mayhem . Mr PM are you listening ?



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18 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:

What happened to Libya?  On the last World Atlas list they had Libya at a rate double that of Thailand's, this time they are not even on the list, and it is only a matter of months between the lists being released, its difficult to imagine that Libya has turned things around so dramatically, seems more likely they have not submitted their statistics and remain at the top.


That's exactly what I have been confused about.


Off the top off my head, I remember Libya was way ahead of Thailand at 70-odd deaths per 100K population and Thailand was second at 36. Those were listed as WHO figures from a couple of years ago (2015?).

How come Libya has disappeared from the top ten? As the post above suggests, maybe they haven't yet been added to the list, or have gone ex-directory due to their high ranking.

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Now Thailand is going to promote the Income of every Thief here. Posting on my Vehicle that in Contains a Dashboard Cam of some sort is going to make it a high-end target! (Don't get me wrong, I have a Camera. I use it.) But letting the whole world know it, is totally stupid!


Who is going to pay for the increase in Cost of Insurance? I would rather worry about my drives to the Market and Embassy then to spend 24 hrs. worrying about who is targeting my vehicle to rip off our Camera! Day and night, yes! Am I going to require increased security be stationed at my vehicle, every time I park it? As Vehicles are broken into who is going to pay for the Damage to it?  Should this Idea require a subsidy paid for to our Insurance Companies paid for by the Government Office who passed this Law?


We have been here 15 years and the only accident has been from a Thai, driving a truck in the style of a Motorcycle... (In and Out of Traffic) Trying to get to his favorite Watering Hole, because he was thirsty! Not something we caused! Plus it was all caught on Camera! Even his trying to run over a Policeman trying to stop him! His wife came and tried to tell the Insurance Investigator or the scene, we were lieing and that he been with her all evening... Yes I do believe in Cameras!!! Just not the stupid Idea of telling everyone there is one onboard!! Its not a "Baby"  (Baby onboard sign's) If it's required.... People will know its there, why tell them!


Or better yet... "Drive like you've got some "Brains"...


Are we going to see a huge increase in the sales at the thousands of Street Markets, of Dash Cams across Thailand? Thus like weapons have their Serial Numbers quietly Filed off? Looks like someone with Deep Pockets in The Government has Invested heavily in the Dash-Cam Market. Thus is now wanting to boost their income percentage here. To prove this point those of us who already own one, install an internal Tracking device just in case it is stolen! Also make it mandatory that these trackers be installed in every new unit sold as of Jan. 1st 2018! Can be sustained just like the Battery installed in our Computers, rechargeable... But Lasts for years... and trying to remove such a device would render Camera inoperable.


This is just another Scam to Line the Pockets of some Hi-So's somewhere. Thinking Thai are Dumb enough to fall for this Stupid Idea! Again I have a Camera! I use it! But I am not going around the Country Advertising it!!! 

Edited by davidstipek
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Last year I saw a grown man teaching his son about 5 how to shoot moterbike Drivers in the face with a water pistol on Sukhumvit Rd. Until the government passes a law saying it's a Illegal to throw water at someone driving a motor bike I will take every thing else they say on road safety with a pinch of salt.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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57 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

That's exactly what I have been confused about.


Off the top off my head, I remember Libya was way ahead of Thailand at 70-odd deaths per 100K population and Thailand was second at 36. Those were listed as WHO figures from a couple of years ago (2015?).

How come Libya has disappeared from the top ten? As the post above suggests, maybe they haven't yet been added to the list, or have gone ex-directory due to their high ranking.

a war  a invasion , a constant state of siege ......

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16 hours ago, NoBrainer said:

According to their calculation (which is an estimate ,based on who knows what) the fatality rate is about 70 people per day.

That seems quite high, as even on the busiest 2 travel periods, New Years & Songkran, that is about the fatality rate during those periods.

Maybe those estimates were based on reported figures for those 2 holidays. The normal rate would be much lower.


As I have said before, they could cut that fatality rate in half, just by enforcing mandatory helmut use everywhere in the country, all of the time, by everybody on a motorcycle.

They would do this by way of massive fines and forfeiture of the motorcycles, of people not complying. Habits will change very quickly when it is announced that you will lose your motorcycle for 90 days, if caught riding without a helmut, and the first few hundred people that lose their bikes hit social media.


This could be achieved in 1 month, if they wanted to actually do it.



Cut the deaths in half by forcing the helmet law? Where did you come up with that imaginary figure?


What country in the world confiscates motorbike for victimless crimes?


How about stopping and harshly penalising the people who cause the accidents instead of persecuting the victims of accidents. (Motorbike riders in this case)

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Dashboard cameras aren't going to help, you dumbwits. Knowing the other car has a camera isn't going to deter me if I know you nitwits aren't going to enforce the law anyway. Especially if I come from a well-to-do-elite family or have some powerful backing.


Therefore, before you clowns start vowing this and that crackdown and laying down more rules (or scams to line your friends' pockets), just enforce the damned law - without fear or favour. Stop looking like you're looking for a solution, when you simply refuse to carry out the number one solution that is staring you in the face.

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9 minutes ago, outsider said:

Dashboard cameras aren't going to help, you dumbwits. Knowing the other car has a camera isn't going to deter me if I know you nitwits aren't going to enforce the law anyway. Especially if I come from a well-to-do-elite family or have some powerful backing.


Therefore, before you clowns start vowing this and that crackdown and laying down more rules (or scams to line your friends' pockets), just enforce the damned law - without fear or favour. Stop looking like you're looking for a solution, when you simply refuse to carry out the number one solution that is staring you in the face.

Well fancy posting a plain speaking comment on this issue! I do agree entirely.

Sadly as we’re all aware, this straightforward solution has virtually no chance of ever being implemented.

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More countless committee's, workshops and more lies and broken promises from a government that cannot even tie their shoelaces, It is so simple to fix yet seems increasingly hard to sell to the people, stop finding band-aid solutions and do it NOW. Stop underage motorcyclists, Throw drink drivers in jail and crush their cars as fines never get paid anyway. Stop forming toothless committees and Grow some Balls............ It's not rocket science guys.:post-4641-1156693976::post-4641-1156693976::post-4641-1156693976:

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20 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

Thailand still remains as safe as the USA for drivers of 4 wheel private vehicles.

Who cares. What about all the motorcycle riders, coach and mini bus passengers. I.E. the people who can't afford to own a car. You seem to care little about them.

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10 hours ago, Jimdandy said:

While dash cams might have 'some' effect, you cannot continue to drive cars fast built for high speed roadways on country roads designed more than fifty years ago. The highways and infrastructure must change or it will be all for nothing. 


Thailand is spending a lot of money extending the BTS and MRT systems with plans for high speed rails but what about all those people who want cars, have cars and refuse to use public transportation? They will still drive reckless and in some cases drunk, dash cam or not. What is planned for roadway improvement and driver education? Improvement such as barriers to separate traffic flow. My last trip to Chiang Mai in August was a harrowing experience on some parts of the drive simply because the Honda we were in was going slower than the big Toyota Tundra truck behind us that continued to try to 'push' us faster. It was my continued insistence that if we 'pullover and let him pass' my gf would not loose face and we would live to drive the roads again.

  The roads, even in rural Isaan aren't that bad. Thailand has speed limits, even for high-speed cars. 

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1 hour ago, Confuscious said:

So, all the paintings on the car interior by Buddhist monks; All the amulets on the dashboard and hanging at the back mirror; All the amulets worn by the drivers; are all BS and not working?




Possibly a big part of the problem.  Loads of amulets means you can drive like a total see you next Tuesday and be impervious.  Middle East the same - will of Allah and all that

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4 hours ago, Humpy said:

 Children on motorbikes see no danger. The police turn a blind eye to these riders that know it is illegal to be on the roads at that age and are happy to ignore all road signs and lights. They get away with it at that age and continue in the same manner,  into adulthood , if they survive that long. Parents up here in Issan have little knowledge of the rules of the road as they grew up riding illegally and see no reason to stop their offspring doing the same.

 The village headmen seem happy to have the kids roaring around the place and seem reluctant to get the parents

to put a stop to it...... perhaps for fear of not being voted in at the next local election or worse ! 

Dash cams record other peoples bad driving not yours ... unless the driver behind has one. If you run into somebody and it was your fault and no car behind you  then just erase your 'chip'. !!!  Dash cams will help to record the carnage and increase the Facebook viewing figures but not necessarily improve to driving standards. Strong and determined police action to sort out this free for all on Thailand's roads is needed to reduce the mayhem . Mr PM are you listening ?



"Mr PM are you listening ?"  Nah! :sad: 


For gods sake man, he is a General - they give orders not listen.   :ohmy:

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23 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:

What happened to Libya?  On the last World Atlas list they had Libya at a rate double that of Thailand's, this time they are not even on the list, and it is only a matter of months between the lists being released, its difficult to imagine that Libya has turned things around so dramatically, seems more likely they have not submitted their statistics and remain at the top.


Surely if that could be done, Thailand would not have bothered submitting their own figures given how much they rate themselves in all things ;)

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As has been said, something to feel truly ashamed about.  Whether Libya or anyone else has been left off the list is irrelevant.  Was is relevant is that this country finding itself on that list is shocking.


Is there any real will to improve things or just the usual all talk, no do?

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