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USA Today editorial says Trump unfit to clean Obama's toilet

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4 minutes ago, BuaBS said:

I wonder if such an "editorial" about obama would fly ...

You mean like an editorial questioning whether Obama was secretly a Muslim, or wasn't born in the US, or secretly supported ISIS, was a Socialist, a monkey, couldn't speak without a teleprompter, or wasn't intelligent...you mean that kind of editorial about Obama? :whistling:

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4 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

"...USA Today responded: "A president who would all but call Sen Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean the toilets in the Barack Obama Presidential Library or to shine the shoes of George W Bush.

"This isn't about the policy differences we have with all presidents or our disappointment in some of their decisions.

"Obama and Bush both failed in many ways. They broke promises and told untruths, but the basic decency of each man was never in doubt...""


It really says something when a paper not known for its editorials explodes like this. And it is true, it is a disgusting thing that is happening to the USA; I am deeply embarrassed for all my American friends.


I have said it before and (sadly) will say it again;


Donald Trump is an ever-expanding cloud of toxic waste that defiles everything it touches.


God help us all.



So when did Trump call Gillibrand a whore?


Oh wait............... this is just a newspaper making insinuations that actually never have been said by the president, just to throw some mud and get readers.

3 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

You have to respect how journalists today remain unbiased and only report the facts without all their personal convictions and political views getting in the way.  :laugh:


A full spectrum of bias, in a free media, is one of the prime constituents of the foundations upon which Western Liberal Democracy stands.



28 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:


So when did Trump call Gillibrand a whore?


Oh wait............... this is just a newspaper making insinuations that actually never have been said by the president, just to throw some mud and get readers.

Yes, just like he never said he grabbed pussies, never made fun of disabled persons etc, etc. You man-child supporters live in a parallel universe. Sad.

1 hour ago, EVENKEEL said:

I assume you were anticipating a hate filled rant. I'll leave that for you and the others.

I wasn't really anticipating anything because with you man-child supporters my expectations are really low.

48 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

You mean like an editorial questioning whether Obama was secretly a Muslim, or wasn't born in the US, or secretly supported ISIS, was a Socialist, a monkey, couldn't speak without a teleprompter, or wasn't intelligent...you mean that kind of editorial about Obama? :whistling:

Game, set and match!

4 hours ago, ezzra said:

These are the results of the new age of liberalism of politically correct and incorrect journalism,  back than, newspapers like the USA today would not dare print such garbage of the highest office in the land..  this is the case of the kettle calling the pot black.. disgusting and yellow journalism....

So, what about Trump's insulting and making fun of certain groups and people ? Gosh, there have been so many of these instances. I am sure you know about at least some of them. I hope you have criticised Trump for all that too.


Sorry guys; had to skip to the end.  Don't really care which side you are on with this stuff, but it makes no difference.  Good examples of why people choose not to live among those who pontificate in this manner.  I too am sorry to be from the USA, but it has little to do with the country.  For the most part, it has to do with the level of uncivil angst one must endure to be there.  At least here, I can take advantage of the advice of those who say you can leave these threads to fester and spew as they will.  So, have at it!

2 hours ago, Emster23 said:

I agree Trump is not fit to clean anyone's toilet. He probably has never even washed a dish in life, wouldn't know how to even begin to clean a toilet, gold plated or not.

And the welfare royals in england have???????




My problem with the toilet cleaning comparison is that toilet cleaners perform a vital and necessary public health service. As far as I know, none of them make a habit of cheating  contractors or paying 25 million dollars fas a result of a lawsuit for fraud.


Trump is cleaning obamas toilet its called america that obama s*** all over.


Most on here are not americans it is the same as me saying things about a country i have never lived in.there is never  a post about good only about complaining from liberal news media outlets.

Not a article from another point of view.

5 hours ago, DoctorG said:


Soy boys.

Virtue signaling.

Implied sexism when none inferred. Same remark made towards males so how is this calling her a whore?

Leftist cucks need to defend the wimmins because females are not strong enough to defend themselves.

Leftist rag should be ashamed but they do not understand morality.

5 hours ago, stevenl said:

The only morality issues seem to be with you and your like.

4 minutes ago, DoctorG said:

You do not know anything about me snowflake.

He knows nothing about you? That only way that would be possible is if your original comment was devoid of significance. In one sense, that's correct. But I think it says all we need to know about you. And it seems to me that since a particular meteorological phenomenon is used to describe the overly sensitive,  it's clear that you far better fit the bill.

2 hours ago, isaanbanhou said:


Not an American, but from the outside it looks like there is a culture war going on in America.  And the gutter is where Trump has chosen to fight it.  How a man can go from paying tribute to Native American war veterans to talking about Pocahontas is unbelievable.  Obama and Bush3 wren t much to be proud of but Trump is in a class of his own.

A gold foil wrapped dog turd.


Fake gold foil at that.

2 hours ago, Becker said:

Yes, just like he never said he grabbed pussies, never made fun of disabled persons etc, etc. You man-child supporters live in a parallel universe. Sad.


So when did he explicit call her a whore.


Seems you fail to answer that question


USA Today , that's completely wrong.

Concerning Trump's own words: as a famous man, he was able to grab some  p….  very deeply in his past time .


Why shouldn't he be "fit" to do the same job in a toilet?

9 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:

So when did he explicit call her a whore.

Seems you fail to answer that question

You're asking someone else, but I'll venture an answer:

Trump said she would do anything for money/donation.   


If you're a Trump-shielder you can, of course, obfuscate that and make it sound benign.  If you're a reasonable person, like 80% of Americans, you can see that insinuation for what it is:  When a man says that about a woman, he's insinuating that she would give him sexual services for money.  It's perfectly in character for the Pussy-Grabber in Chief who soils high priced hotel room beds with pee (his own pee, or the hired girls, or both?  We may never know).


speaking of Trump's relationship with prostitutes.....


There are a few ways to get closer to corroborating whether Trump paid girls to pee on the bed (or wherever they peed in the hotel room).  A sleuth could talk to hotel staff, and see whether they had to replace a mattress at that time - assuming the staff haven't already been paid to be mum, and/or won't talk, for some reason.   Secondly, a notice could be put out among gals-for-hire in Moscow - to see which women may come forward to speak about such an encounter.


Yet, even if it gets proven that Trump took part in such shenanigans, he won't lose any core support.  If they support an admitted pussy-grabber who says things like "I came on to her like a bitch",  .....then they'll support him even if he hired whores in Moscow to pee on a bed.  Remember, there's nothing too low for Trump to do, that would alienate any of his hard-core fans.

5 hours ago, PhonThong said:

If this was written about someone in Thailand, the deformation lawsuits would be flying like crazy.

Those deformation lawsuits really bend people out of shape.

3 hours ago, Gecko123 said:


[ed-i-tawr-ee-uh l, -tohr-] /ˌɛd ɪˈtɔr i əl, -ˈtoʊr-/ 
an article in a newspaper or other periodical or on a website presenting the opinion of the publisher, writer, or editor.

It is the view of usa today or the executive editor would not have let it been printed

5 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

Agree with your excellent post...until the very last unnecessary sentence. Time to stop with the ridiculous "god" platitudes. The entire hang up on the "god and jesus" fable is the reason the Republican party is so jacked up. 


Time for them to get off their knees and get to work!



"god help us all" has evolved into a figure of speech even though some interpret it as referring to jesus. would it not refer to whomever the god of your personal choice is or no god at all? personally i understand it as a generic figure of speech and do not associate it with any god or any religion.


to some guitar players god means eric clapton and such is the true tale of jimi hendrix jamming with eric and jimi killed god.

7 hours ago, ezzra said:

These are the results of the new age of liberalism of politically correct and incorrect journalism,  back than, newspapers like the USA today would not dare print such garbage of the highest office in the land..  this is the case of the kettle calling the pot black.. disgusting and yellow journalism....


Or perhaps they are the result of a President who cares little for decorum, propriety, compassion, truth, honor, responsibility, accountability and all the other things implied from his position, if alien  to his character. Dragging the country through the gutters is part of what Trump is about.


I don't care much for the USA Today's language, but whining about it or placing all fault with the media is both disingenuous and pathetic when coming from Trump and his supporters.

8 minutes ago, atyclb said:



"god help us all" has evolved into a figure of speech even though some interpret it as referring to jesus. would it not refer to whomever the god of your personal choice is or no god at all? personally i understand it as a generic figure of speech and do not associate it with any god or any religion.


to some guitar players god means eric clapton and such is the true tale of jimi hendrix jamming with eric and jimi killed god.

My guitarist god is Neil Young, agree for the rest, god help us all from the incompetent leaders:coffee1:

32 minutes ago, Coconutman said:

It is the view of usa today


That's nonsense, unless you meant "It is the view of the USA, today."  In that case I can agree. 


USA Today is a news service.  The editorial is the view of the editorial board.  It even says as much right on the cover:



USA TODAY's editorial opinions are decided by its Editorial Board, separate from the news staff.



I can't wait until Omarosa gets on the "Me To" bandwagon and comes clean on why she needed unlimited and unsupervised access to POTUS's  office!


Well I think it's a great idea to be able to speak your mind about politicians, of course it runs both ways, so Trump is not fit to lick Obama's toilet is OK to say, and Obama is not fit to pick the cotton on Trump's plantation is also OK. Right? No double standards applied here?

1 hour ago, Coconutman said:

It is the view of usa today or the executive editor would not have let it been printed

The question isn't whether it's the view of the owners of usa today but whether it affects their news reports. I read the Wall Street journal and sometimes have the bizarre experience of seeing its news section directly contradict the assertions of its editorial department.

2 hours ago, janclaes47 said:


So when did he explicit call her a whore.


Seems you fail to answer that question

When did I say that he explicitly called her a whore? He did call her a whore implicitly though. But he did explicitly taunt a man for his physical disabilities, explicitly say he was a pussy grabber etc, etc, etc.

To think that some people actually defend this stinking puddle of vomit is beyond me.:bah:

12 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Well I think it's a great idea to be able to speak your mind about politicians, of course it runs both ways, so Trump is not fit to lick Obama's toilet is OK to say, and Obama is not fit to pick the cotton on Trump's plantation is also OK. Right? No double standards applied here?

Except for one thing: there is no racial innuendo in the insult of Truimp whereas you just managed to invoke one aganst Obama.. You clearly have but but but but Obama on the brain.

Why didn't you cite George Bush or Bill Clinton or George H.W. Bush or Ronald Reagan?.

The point is that none of these people would be written about the way Trump was because they understand how to behave with at least a minimum of decency.

2 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Well I think it's a great idea to be able to speak your mind about politicians, of course it runs both ways, so Trump is not fit to lick Obama's toilet is OK to say, and Obama is not fit to pick the cotton on Trump's plantation is also OK. Right? No double standards applied here?

None at all. You're just showing your disgusting racist self is all. But we knew that already.

BTW, is that man-child plantation bankrupt (and I don't mean morally)?

29 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Well I think it's a great idea to be able to speak your mind about politicians, of course it runs both ways, so Trump is not fit to lick Obama's toilet is OK to say, and Obama is not fit to pick the cotton on Trump's plantation is also OK. Right? No double standards applied here?

If you would have chosen an equal comparison, yes.


But your racist example: no.

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