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USA Today editorial says Trump unfit to clean Obama's toilet

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29 minutes ago, Becker said:

What political experiments are you referring to and what should have been done differently to avoid the "mess" we're in?


PS. If you're characterizing the Trump presidency as a mess then I heartily agree.

I'm not going to give you a history lesson on what brought about PT. What brought about 61 million American's to vote and elect a populist.? Look at the link and read the whole article, perhaps you will understand and confirm why you don't understand why the last 40 years of social,global and economic experiments gave rise to a populist. 



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5 minutes ago, riclag said:

I'm not going to give you a history lesson on what brought about PT. What brought about 61 million American's to vote and elect a populist.? Look at the link perhaps you will understand and confirm why you don't understand why the last 40 years of social,global and economic experiments gave rise to a populist. 



And apparently you're not even going to give relevant references.

4 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

What 'silly' thing might that be then? You mean that silly thing about her being an undocumented illegal migrant when she came over? That silly thing? The 'silly thing' that Trump is all but having a hernia over in order to build  wall and keep all such 'low life' out. Or the 'silly thing' about Melania having an anti cyber bullying platform while her husband continues to be one of the biggest cyber bullies on the planet? ( It seems after Trumps last attack on Senator Gillibrand that Twitter are having to justify just why Trumps account has not been terminated, when had it been anyone else they would be suspended immediately). Yes all those 'silly things'.

Actually, the news media has been cordial re; Melania.  And they don't mention Barron.   Imagine if HRC had won, Fox would be blasting Bill, Chelsae and Sox the cat non-stop, as if they were devils incarnate.

1 hour ago, riclag said:

The mess I'm talking about is the same mess your obsessing about.The last 40 years of political experiments have created this situation .Don't just blame right wingers .Blame yourself for allowing what brought about this populist messenger .Look at what you created, "your man child" as you so profoundly name it.  

And should he 'blame himself' for making people like you support the "man child he 'created' " ? Or is that a decision you yourself take responsibility for? You know supporting a pathological liar, misoginist, war monger , narcissistic, accused sexual abuser and accused rapist of a 13 year old girl? The only thing Trump supporters will ever win is the World Limbo Dancing competition because they constantly live with the bar set lower than any other group in history. Nobody else but Trump supporters could get under a bar set so low. 

2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Actually, the news media has been cordial re; Melania.  And they don't mention Barron.   Imagine if HRC had won, Fox would be blasting Bill, Chelsae and Sox the cat non-stop, as if they were devils incarnate.

A good point, I think it is compassion. She already has a life sentence imposed by marrying Trump.

5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

A good point, I think it is compassion. She already has a life sentence imposed by marrying Trump.

It's not impossible that Melania could seek a divorce while T is still prez.  Not likely, and I don't think there's ever been a divorce of a prez while he's in the top seat.  Still, it's been a crazy 17 months thus far, and crazy crap is happening every month.   There's at least one talk show host (Chelsea Handler) who as openly goaded Melania into leaving the Dufus in Chief.   BTW, I think Handler's show is great. . . . .



1 hour ago, isaanbanhou said:

Trump in my opinion has taken a copy of the dictators play book. Claims of fake news, responding with lies, demonizing marginalized, fervent nationalism, etc.  As an outsider, I think American democracy  is on the wain and Trump is to blame.

 Part of American democracy is voting and electing a President, a democratically elected President.The wain is the oppositions displeasure of the result .

22 hours ago, wayned said:

I can't wait until Omarosa gets on the "Me To" bandwagon and comes clean on why she needed unlimited and unsupervised access to POTUS's  office!

My guess is she was probably an active participant with swapping body fluids with the infamous turd.

48 minutes ago, riclag said:

 Part of American democracy is voting and electing a President, a democratically elected President.The wain is the oppositions displeasure of the result .

He was elected with a MINORITY of votes.

When that happens in American history, the new minority support president always enters with a cloud of doubt over her head, as to the legitimacy of her MANDATE.

The way to deal with that politically is to bend over backwards to reach out to those that didn't vote for her and assert that she is indeed president of ALL the people.

Of course the clown troll gave a little bit of lip service to that, but in actuality it's become clear that he is ONLY about pleasing his very limited base.

Instead of expanding his base, he's SHRUNK it.

W. Bush also entered with minority voter support and he had similar political problems. He was never nearly as divisive as the baby man but his legitimacy was also in doubt. He "solved" the problem because of 9 / 11 and became a WAR president.

Anyway, there it is. 

25 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

He "solved" the problem because of 9 / 11 and became a WAR president.

One thing that really worries me is will the MORTARD try to solve his problems, both political and legal, by using a North Korean missile TEST  and push the button to launch a first strike.  If he does, China has already said that they would side with NK!

2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

A good point, I think it is compassion. She already has a life sentence imposed by marrying Trump.

Maybe she's hoping that sentence will be cut short?


As Ian Hislop said at the time, here she is in her favourite outfit; "Widow in waiting".


1 hour ago, ballpoint said:

Maybe she's hoping that sentence will be cut short?

As Ian Hislop said at the time, here she is in her favourite outfit; "Widow in waiting".


The Pope should have declined having a photo with the Dufus in Chief.  He lost face.  You can see his face partially lost in the photo.  Maybe it dripped down onto the floor.


13 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I am just glad that Roy is free to go riding his horse. I hope that Donald keeps getting more egg on his face. Go Demos Go! Geezer

I feel sorry for that horse.  

On 12/14/2017 at 7:20 AM, ezzra said:

These are the results of the new age of liberalism of politically correct and incorrect journalism,  back than, newspapers like the USA today would not dare print such garbage of the highest office in the land..  this is the case of the kettle calling the pot black.. disgusting and yellow journalism....


Ridiculous garble. The highest office in the land? So respect should be freely given, and not earned? This clown has done nothing to earn any respect from anyone, other than corporations, lobbyists, xenophobes, and racists. He is a circus huckster. Virtually everything the USA Today editorial said, was spot on. Absolutely true. And it is refreshing to see a major publication print something like this. Tell it like it is. He is not a leader. He is the deflector in chief. 


Gorgeous editorial. They said what needed to be said, about the deflector in chief. And this one really takes the cake-


Nearly 60 congresswomen have urged Congress to investigate claims against Mr Trump of sexual harassment and groping.

Mr Trump said this week Democrats were seeking to capitalise on "the false accusations and fabricated stories of women who I don't know and/or have never met. FAKE NEWS!"


Funny. You met them. They met you, when you were reaching your hand up their skirts, in an attempt to fondle them, or stick your tongue down their throats. Remember, it was you who said it. You said when you saw a beautiful woman, you could not help it. You had to try to kiss her. And you said that you could "grab them by the pussy", since you were famous. You said you could do anything. Remember, Don? It was caught on tape. You cannot dismiss this one. It is not going to go away. And you dared to criticize Franken for posing with his hands in front of a woman's breasts? Did he even touch her?


If the people only knew the extent of it. I am sure he was involved in many orgies with underage women, during his 21 trips to Jeffrey Epstein's private island, nicknamed Orgy Island. That man was famous for having underage girls both on his plane, and at the mansion on the island. There is virtually no doubt, that the president of the US, is a serial statutory rapist. And a serial sexual assaulter. No doubt. Anyone who knows about his past, simply has to come to this probable conclusion.  

23 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

I read that article. He also denies knowing Kovaleski. Kovaleski said that was nonsense. That they were on a first name basis back when. So you you gonna believe? Someone who just lied again when he said he never met those women or Kovaleski?

The whole world know Trump is a pathological liar. His defenders are possibly as deluded as he is. I don't believe one word out of his mouth... actually I stopped listening to his BS. My body/mind/spirit will not be corrupted by listening to liars.



The whole world know Trump is a pathological liar. His defenders are possibly as deluded as he is. I don't believe one word out of his mouth... actually I stopped listening to his BS. My body/mind/spirit will not be corrupted by listening to liars.

Smart choice. Even worse to listen to is that Huckabee Sanders cult spokesman.

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5 hours ago, riclag said:

 Part of American democracy is voting and electing a President, a democratically elected President.The wain is the oppositions displeasure of the result .

So the wane would be things like Trump's questioning whether or not Obama was born in America? 


Looks like you're forgetting what happened just before Obama took office.


Trump is only making those numbers worse, much worse.

21 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:


































Trump has a lot to clean up that is for sure ...................



3 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Looks like you're forgetting what happened just before Obama took office.


Trump is only making those numbers worse, much worse.

Naturally what these amnesiacs don't note is that out of all the major fully developed countries in the world, the USA pulled out of the financial disaster by far the fastest and strongest.


"Is Trump or Obama Best for the Economy?"  

Here's a comparison of their policies in seven critical economic areas: defense, recession recovery, health care, trade, regulations, the national debt and climate change.



also interesting:

Was Bush or Obama Best for the Economy?



"Donald Trump Jr. Blames Obama for His Father’s FCC Chair Destroying the Internet

The Trump family playbook never changes. When something goes right, they get the credit, even if they had nothing to do with it. When they do something that the majority of Americans hate, which is an everyday occurrence, blame Obama. Donald Trump Jr.’s stupid defies comprehension. This leaves Eric Trump as the smart one in the family, and that’s not encouraging."



8 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Gorgeous editorial. They said what needed to be said, about the deflector in chief. And this one really takes the cake-


Nearly 60 congresswomen have urged Congress to investigate claims against Mr Trump of sexual harassment and groping.

Mr Trump said this week Democrats were seeking to capitalise on "the false accusations and fabricated stories of women who I don't know and/or have never met. FAKE NEWS!"


Funny. You met them. They met you, when you were reaching your hand up their skirts, in an attempt to fondle them, or stick your tongue down their throats. Remember, it was you who said it. You said when you saw a beautiful woman, you could not help it. You had to try to kiss her. And you said that you could "grab them by the pussy", since you were famous. You said you could do anything. Remember, Don? It was caught on tape. You cannot dismiss this one. It is not going to go away. And you dared to criticize Franken for posing with his hands in front of a woman's breasts? Did he even touch her?


If the people only knew the extent of it. I am sure he was involved in many orgies with underage women, during his 21 trips to Jeffrey Epstein's private island, nicknamed Orgy Island. That man was famous for having underage girls both on his plane, and at the mansion on the island. There is virtually no doubt, that the president of the US, is a serial statutory rapist. And a serial sexual assaulter. No doubt. Anyone who knows about his past, simply has to come to this probable conclusion.  

Do you realize what your saying that"There is virtually no doubt, that the president of the US, is a serial statutory rapist". Do you have proof that he is a SSR! I haven't seen any indictments of him committing SSR .

On 12/14/2017 at 6:55 PM, Green Acres said:

It was an editorial, folks. An opinion. Please don't confuse it with news.

Isn't that what Fox News is? All opinion, no facts; just a bunch of posturing to enamor the fragile psyche of the biggest liar in America.

12 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:































Trump has a lot to clean up that is for sure................

Obama had a lot to clean up that is for sure.  He kept the US from scumbing to the greatest depression since the big one.  Job well done!


Trump's taking over when everything is going great.  Lucky president.  Let's see how he does after 4 years.


Here's something to watch for you Trump supporters.  Absolutely incredible.  He's ruining the entire government.  Which as we know, was his intention all along.



Trump judicial nominee struggles to answer basic legal questions at hearing

15 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Gorgeous editorial. They said what needed to be said, about the deflector in chief. And this one really takes the cake-


Nearly 60 congresswomen have urged Congress to investigate claims against Mr Trump of sexual harassment and groping.

Mr Trump said this week Democrats were seeking to capitalise on "the false accusations and fabricated stories of women who I don't know and/or have never met. FAKE NEWS!"


Funny. You met them. They met you, when you were reaching your hand up their skirts, in an attempt to fondle them, or stick your tongue down their throats. Remember, it was you who said it. You said when you saw a beautiful woman, you could not help it. You had to try to kiss her. And you said that you could "grab them by the pussy", since you were famous. You said you could do anything. Remember, Don? It was caught on tape. You cannot dismiss this one. It is not going to go away. And you dared to criticize Franken for posing with his hands in front of a woman's breasts? Did he even touch her?


If the people only knew the extent of it. I am sure he was involved in many orgies with underage women, during his 21 trips to Jeffrey Epstein's private island, nicknamed Orgy Island. That man was famous for having underage girls both on his plane, and at the mansion on the island. There is virtually no doubt, that the president of the US, is a serial statutory rapist. And a serial sexual assaulter. No doubt. Anyone who knows about his past, simply has to come to this probable conclusion.  


All this is just another attempt to subvert democracy.


Lot's of people don't like Trump. I think that's fairly clear. Hollywood, the press, liberals etc.


The fact is, he was elected according to the rules of the game. 


There was an attempt to invalidate the election with accusations of Russian collusion, that's  now pretty much over. At the time it became clear that the 'Russian connection' can't oust Trump, there is now an attempt to oust him for sexual impropriety. 


For those that want democracy invalidated because they don't like who got elected, once you go down that path, you have destroyed democracy because for sure, the same tactics will be used against 'your guy' when your team wins.


In the Al Franken thread - I stated clearly that he should not be kicked out for the same reasons - he was voted in and it puts us on the wrong path. Love Trump or hate him, it's the same path - death of democracy...

On 12/14/2017 at 10:58 PM, Andaman Al said:

I also remember the days when Presidents were not so blatantly unbalanced in their opinions of the press. Trump is owed nothing but loathing by the majority of the US press and I for one thing the MSM have been pretty restrained and professional so far. I wish all the journals had the kuhoona's to turn their backs and walk out whenever Trump walked in the room. Presidents used to be a dignified voice of reason that upheld the constitution. No more.

I'd like to see lying Sarah come to a Press Briefing and there was no one there i.e. no reporters.

31 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:


All this is just another attempt to subvert democracy.


Lot's of people don't like Trump. I think that's fairly clear. Hollywood, the press, liberals etc.


The fact is, he was elected according to the rules of the game. 


There was an attempt to invalidate the election with accusations of Russian collusion, that's  now pretty much over. At the time it became clear that the 'Russian connection' can't oust Trump, there is now an attempt to oust him for sexual impropriety. 


For those that want democracy invalidated because they don't like who got elected, once you go down that path, you have destroyed democracy because for sure, the same tactics will be used against 'your guy' when your team wins.


In the Al Franken thread - I stated clearly that he should not be kicked out for the same reasons - he was voted in and it puts us on the wrong path. Love Trump or hate him, it's the same path - death of democracy...

Subvert democracy?  Freedom of speech is one of the main pillars of democracy.  Or have you decided to ignore that?


Lots of people don't like Trump.  Lots of people didn't like Obama.  They come from all sides of the political spectrum.  Not just the far left or far right.


An attempt to invalidate the election with accusations of Russian Collusion?  That's been proven.  You need better news sources.  Nobody is denying Russia tried to influence the elections.  They are doing the same thing all over the world.  Read the proper news and you'll find this out.


Sexual impropriety?  If Franken resigns because of his allegations, then Trump should do the same.  It's only fair.


Trump is on the path for death of democracy.  Research that candidate for federal judge.  Stunning.  And a path for death of democracy.

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