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Police Still Looking For ‘Toddler Rape’ Line Group Admin


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On 12/15/2017 at 8:22 PM, trogers said:

That's why the tests are necessary.


Just like the driver in Pattaya who crashed up 10 motorcycles killing 2 and one dog. Tested negative for alcohol, but positive from drugs.


Don't look at the surface, check the undercurrents.

The two cases aren't remotely comparable.


The pickup driver case became a serious crime precisely due to the presence of drugs. If a driver has a heart attack at the wheel, or a sudden epileptic seizure as claimed, this is a very unfortunate and tragic incident, but not a crime per se. The question of whether he should be behind the wheel generally is another issue, but this type of decision lies with his doctor and his insurers to sign him off as fit to drive or not. Once he tested positive for drugs however, the nature of what happened changed completely. There's no question that all such accidents should be routinely tested for alcohol and drugs.

In the second case involving the toddler a horrendous crime was committed. The circumstances or motives for it don't change or exonerate this act in any way whatsoever, and the weight of sentencing should in no way be affected by whether drugs were a motive or not. 

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These Scum need Castration then locked away for life

Not for a few years but life because the torture of these children will be with them for life.

The so called Mother should lose all prenatal rights and never be allowed to see them or never be let out of prison 


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On 12/15/2017 at 8:20 PM, hanuman2543 said:

The important word here is "could" so pure speculation or prejudices on your side. People who do not take drugs are never desperate for money?

My guess is that these parents either have drug, drink, in deep debt or gambling related problems. These people are especially targeted by pedophile and unscrupulous gangs that pay desperate parents a pittance and then sell on the videos to pedophiles and perverts for profits. The videos probably go viral worldwide. To those that organise the videos it`s only business cashing in on the vulnerable and the desperate willing to participate that are actually the fool guys, the front people whereas those cashing in on their suffering remain anonymous behind the scenes. It`s similar to drug mules that get caught whereas the big fish are rarely brought to justice. 


Whilst there are people that are vulnerable and desperate, there will always be those who will target and prey on them for gain, it`s a vicious circle. In my opinion there are certain types of people that should not be allowed to breed, those that have extreme social problems, the mentally challenged and those that have severe mental problems, that I guess these parents fit into either of those categories.



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3 hours ago, BuaBS said:

Really ... horrendous ? Some folks here need a recalibration .

Reread my post, feel free to choose your own adjective. If you disagree and consider the toddler rape case is comparable with the vehicular manslaughter case then it's you who needs a recalibration. 

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That is some seriously ****ed up s**t. Absolutely revolting!

Not even animals do this to their off-spring.

How much deeper can man sink? 

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1 hour ago, djayz said:

That is some seriously ****ed up s**t. Absolutely revolting!

Not even animals do this to their off-spring.

How much deeper can man sink? 

Many animals eat there own . Look at cats here . Dad bangs daughter a soon as she's 5-6 months old.

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4 minutes ago, BuaBS said:

Many animals eat there own . Look at cats here . Dad bangs daughter a soon as she's 5-6 months old.

I'm pretty sure animals don't do this kind of stuff for entertainment or reward... 


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