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"Most Hated German in Thailand" ties the knot in the Gambia!

Jonathan Fairfield

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22 hours ago, petesc55 said:

Maybe she thinks she landed a path to immigrate to the EU?


How likely is it he can get her a visa,  with the sort of income he has?

What do you really know for sure about his income??? Do you just take it for granted because he showed himself as a beggar?

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20 hours ago, Get Real said:

What do you really know for sure about his income??? Do you just take it for granted because he showed himself as a beggar?

Nobody really 'knows' his income.... But I have seen many news articles about him, and his mate, over past months.......... and they are all "begging".......... and enjoying booze and ladies (prostitutes) with donated money......... He (and his mate) been in the news a lot for several months..... He (they) are abusers, according to their past........

I have seen and heard about so many beggars in Thailand and the fortunes that they accumulate (and support son's or boyfriend's narcotic habits)...... sitting on sidewalks with babies nursing at their breast.... or many other others........

Now I walk past them and take my money to the 'real needy' (mostly in Issan and mostly forgotten by the Gov't until they need votes.............

Then I can KNOW that my charity has gone to a good cause.... 100% of it (no middle-men)

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21 hours ago, Get Real said:

What do you really know for sure about his income??? Do you just take it for granted because he showed himself as a beggar?

SORRY........ Accidental duplicate post.......

Edited by sawadeeken
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15 hours ago, lemonjelly said:

He has an incurable condition, life has dealt him a dud hand (or leg).... yes, he could’ve stayed in a miserable situation in Germany, but he didn’t. Instead, he got off his arse and with the limited options in front of him went on his adventures, albeit sitting on the sidewalk and begging for cash
(hardly “scamming”)..... I don’t think he’s harming anyone and I think it’s better than leading a miserable life in some dull and rainy part of Germany....... why this “hatred” from so many posters. They should try putting themselves in one of his shoes.... ahem.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

To each his own............ do you believe that firmly enough to pay for his girls and booze for just one month???????

For me......... I would prefer to use that money for a poor 'Issan' mom and dad of a girl who has choose to sell her body to take care of the mom and dad......... The present government isn't going to help her folks......... they want submarines.........

I'm not likely to donate a baht those scum but ill donate hundreds and thousands to help some poor 'Issan' family come up 'just a bit'............ 

Just MY opinion............. You can go ahead and support him........... LOL.............

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5 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

Nobody really 'knows' his income.... But I have seen many news articles about him, and his mate, over past months.......... and they are all "begging".......... and enjoying booze and ladies (prostitutes) with donated money......... He (and his mate) been in the news a lot for several months..... He (they) are abusers, according to their past........

I have seen and heard about so many beggars in Thailand and the fortunes that they accumulate (and support son's or boyfriend's narcotic habits)...... sitting on sidewalks with babies nursing at their breast.... or many other others........

Now I walk past them and take my money to the 'real needy' (mostly in Issan and mostly forgotten by the Gov't until they need votes.............

Then I can KNOW that my charity has gone to a good cause.... 100% of it (no middle-men)


There is only one of them.He looked quite different in earlier photos before his weight increase.

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On 12/15/2017 at 5:15 PM, petesc55 said:

Maybe she thinks she landed a path to immigrate to the EU?


How likely is it he can get her a visa,  with the sort of income he has?

They (well she) could travel there on foot, Angela will welcome her.

Edited by jacko45k
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On 12/16/2017 at 12:15 PM, anto said:


There is only one of them.He looked quite different in earlier photos before his weight increase.

I feel quite sure one of the original OP's here on TV showed a picture of him and a mate sitting on a sidewalk begging and both of them had short pants which displayer one 'large swollen' leg on each of them.......... Several months ago when they were first kicked out and the words  'most hated GermanS'  was plural.......

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I did a google search and found it........... This was some of the first breaking news about him (and an apparent mate)...................


Edited to attace site of news article where I found the picture..................




Edited by sawadeeken
to add Source..............
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9 minutes ago, ALFREDO said:



On 16/12/2560 at 9:22 AM, jaiyen said:

Are you sure its a woman he married? Looks more like a bloke to me.


On 16/12/2560 at 11:19 AM, DLock said:

I just hope he likes big things too.


That's not a woman.


On 16/12/2560 at 12:07 PM, GOLDBUGGY said:

Got to be careful who you call Women here!

I think you are ALL - no Expert as I know now - lol - SHE has at least one child. :post-4641-1156693976:

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12 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

I did a google search and found it........... This was some of the first breaking news about him (and an apparent mate)...................


Edited to attace site of news article where I found the picture..................





12 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

I did a google search and found it........... This was some of the first breaking news about him (and an apparent mate)...................


Edited to attace site of news article where I found the picture..................





12 hours ago, lamyai3 said:

It's definitely an impressive trick - the guy on the right is sitting on a grey pavement in Osaka, his mate on the left is sitting on a pink pavement in Thailand several years earlier. 

Sorry mate - buy some new glasses - that are 2 different photos put together, - same - lamyai3- wrote too. :post-4641-1156693976:

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15 hours ago, ALFREDO said:



Sorry mate - buy some new glasses - that are 2 different photos put together, - same - lamyai3- wrote too. :post-4641-1156693976:

i MUST AGREE WITH LAMYAI3........... Now called to my attention I can see the probability he is Right and I am wrong.......... 

I have seen this guy and followed the progress and updates and somehow the picture stayed in my mind for so many months and I was co convinced he was two seperats guys......... Sorry about my confusion and thanks to lamyai3 for pointing it out to me.......

I surely must have something to do with age (now 77) and glasses too........

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On 12/17/2017 at 8:15 PM, sawadeeken said:

I feel quite sure one of the original OP's here on TV showed a picture of him and a mate sitting on a sidewalk begging and both of them had short pants which displayer one 'large swollen' leg on each of them.......... Several months ago when they were first kicked out and the words  'most hated GermanS'  was plural.......

I saw that photo .It was two photos super imposed side by side .

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On 12/15/2017 at 3:09 PM, Jeremy50 said:

Why is he hated? A disabled man trying to get by. She's not my cup of tea, but I hope they are very happy.

Why not he stay at his own country where he would be looked after BEST?

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