From the United States oldest publication
Lemborexant ('Dayvigo') is not cheap but is effective - for me anyway. Available by Rx only. I take half the prescribed dose or I will be groggy for an hour when I wake up 9 hours later.
Of course the other side of the coin is that if the spine is being compressed for so long it is quite possible for there to be permanent damage that surgery could avoid. One friend of mine's leg went numb and she only sought treatment at that point. The doctor told her the damage was permanent and she should have done surgery earlier. Hard to say which conditions lead to permanent damage vs. damage which can heal. Scary either way.
Bragg will be loooooong gone. He's already got a target on his back. How much fed assistance NYC gonna get with that nuisance suit hanging over him like the sword of Damocles lol.
Anyway, have a read. Up your literacy game.
A good post.
Whilst you may well be right (in the changing your mind scenario), DWP will not confirm this. They will say that each case is determined on it's merits and there is specific rule covering it..............................Personally, I don't believe that but I have yet to see anything 'official' published on the EXACT criteria for retaining the uprated amount if you subsequently decide to return to Thailand.
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