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Norwegian man assaulted after noise complaint at Pattaya bar


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13 hours ago, mmail2you said:

Bars don't have to close at midnight they can stay open till 2am ALSO the people that did this bashing were french NOT thai. This is straight from the horses mouth.

Are you suggesting that this was a European v European fight?   It could have just as easily have happened in Ze Brugge or Huddersfield couldn 't it?  

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On ‎12‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 7:42 PM, LazySlipper said:

No one deserves a beating. Losing one's cool is just a symptom of inferior genetics. However, when I move into a neighborhood I usually make sure that it meets my standards of living. 


Point 1: If this guy moved in before the bar ever opened up, then he should have known better. (still doesn't deserve a beating)


Point 2: If the bar opened after he moved in then he is in another predicament. And, could he have called on the BIB's for help?


I think, as others pointed out, that he should have sent his fairer sexed partner.


Seems Norwegians are getting in all sorts of problems over noise lately... wasn't the guy who turned off a Thai's motorcycle Norwegian?

In poimt 1 I think you must have meant "if this guy moved in 'after' the bar ever opened up, then he should have known better" ?


How could he have known better if there was no bar there when he moved in? Clarify?

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Just another one of the reasons I hesitate to buy a place.  It may seem nice, then the neighbors and the drug dealers and the construction start, association becomes run by nazis, etc.  Happens any place in the world.  The beating up, well, I am sure some words and insults were exchanged.  I have lost several nights sleep due to loud music well past 1 or 2 am that carried over to my street and hotel.  Not much can be done but wait until 4 am when even the partiers go home

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1 hour ago, Lee4Life said:

In poimt 1 I think you must have meant "if this guy moved in 'after' the bar ever opened up, then he should have known better" ?


How could he have known better if there was no bar there when he moved in? Clarify?

It was a preposition mistake... I clarified already ... I think everyone got the gist despite my mistake.

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On 12/20/2017 at 12:50 PM, DoctorG said:

Not sure that the outcome would have been different, but did he go in there all fired up yelling at them, or did he quietly request?

I have to think the noise was at such a high level the guy would not be heard at any reasonable voice level. So, it was probably not a quiet request.  

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On 21/12/2017 at 6:57 AM, LazySlipper said:

I realized that after others pointed it out. Wrote the message quickly and did not think much of it. Misuse of prepositions... but I think everyone got the point. So thanks...:sorry:

Never mind. It wasn't the worst part of the article/thread.  I don't know what about everyone else thinks, but I am sure he didn't need the rest of the world to know his gf was a TS.  The journo could have used the word "partner" and a Thai name.  No one would have been any the wiser.  But no,  gotta milk every last sensational bit out of every story.


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On 12/20/2017 at 1:21 PM, jesimps said:

Took a  while for the first comment from a Thai-bashing policeman. Mate of Suradit?

I'm not "bashing" Thais at all. Just pointing out that many of things that some people think characterize Thai people, are also prevalent in the peoples of many other countries also.


As I mentioned in another post, if you went into many boozers in Britain and started complaining about loud music, a punch in the mouth could be forthcoming!!

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