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Pattaya: Chinese tour guide dead after tourist enrages elephant by pulling tail

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11 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

Your choice of cliche betrays you lack of understanding of the situation.

What do you think they eat?

A lot.


"What do elephants eat? Not surprisingly, elephants eat massive amounts of food — ... The smaller Indian elephant eats less — but still a lot for you or me — a maximum of about 330 pounds (~150 kg) [per day].


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4 hours ago, connda said:

A Chinese tour guide was killed by an elephant yesterday after a tourist "behaving badly" enraged an elephant at a Patty camp.

And the bad, bad, bad tourist was an expert on elephant behavior.  Where were the mahouts to control this massive wild animal?  Blame the tourists again.  The average city dweller has no idea how to act around these animals.  Absolutely yes! People are dumb as a box of rocks - but the trainers are 100% responsible for allowing anyone to interact with the animal. 

Let use another analogy.  A tourist comes to an airfield to take a trip on a Cessna 152. The passenger starts playing with the elevators and ailerons, and the controls in the cockpit.  The pilot ignores the passenger.  The plane crashes - who is at fault? 

I very much doubt that the 'pilot' in this case could see the tail of the elephant.

8 hours ago, Catoni said:

     let 'em roam freely...poachers take them for their tusks...and if they get sick...there's no vetenarian to treat them.


 They don't mind working with people and giving people rides as long as the people are friendly and don't start annoying them. 

   Same as a horse, dog or cat.....   be kind and caring... they can be wonderful companions.... annoy them or treat them wrong... they can turn on you 

In some safari zoo natural surroundings ok but not for rides.. these elephants gets butchered didnt u noticed these guys how they control these elephants with steel picks hit behind the ear???

38 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

" They don't mind working with people and giving people rides as long as the people are friendly and don't start annoying them. "

A profoundly ill informed assumption.

Elephants are not even domesticated animals like cats and dogs.their behaviour is achieved by fear. Trying to anthropomorphic an eye plants psyche is just plain daft

As are a lot of the posts about alleged animal cruelty.

It is easy to criticise from the comfort of a western upbringing and get all lovey dovey about things, but south east asia is a different world old son ( as is Africa). It may be distasteful to westerners how things are done but that is the simple reality and not likely to change in the near future.


Should we all become vegans? Not eat any meat or fish? Or  have nightmares about the screaming of the lettuce as it is wrenched from the ground?


Homo sapiens got to the top of all the species on this planet - the virtual king - and it wasn't by being mister nice guy.

7 hours ago, Catoni said:

   What....  like sharp metal spurs and a whip to a horse?  (Haven't been used in years.)  


Yes, exactly the same.  That should be banned as well.

5 hours ago, Russell17au said:

rubbish. Check your facts. The males Asian Elephant do have tusks


Go back and read my post again, since you obviously didn't bother the first time.

5 hours ago, Russell17au said:

What about cock fights, dog fights, horse racing, harness racing, rodeo's, greyhound racing or the English gentlemen's sport of fox hunting and what about the Olympic sport of show jumping. If you follow or support any of these then you are also a moron and too stupid for words because they all have animal cruelty involved in the training or the performance of these animals

Of course these should all be banned as well.  A lot of people seem to be citing other animal abuses - I'm not sure why?  Are they trying to suggest that abusing elephants is okay because other animals are also abused elsewhere in the world?  If they aren't suggesting that, then what are you saying this for?

3 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

The person who pulled the elephant's tail should be jailed for a long time. Scumbag.


What about the fat tourists sat on their backs every day?  The people who make them pull logs until they collapse?


I'd rather have my tailed pulled once than have to do that.

8 hours ago, Catoni said:

     let 'em roam freely...poachers take them for their tusks...and if they get sick...there's no vetenarian to treat them.


 They don't mind working with people and giving people rides as long as the people are friendly and don't start annoying them. 

   Same as a horse, dog or cat.....   be kind and caring... they can be wonderful companions.... annoy them or treat them wrong... they can turn on you 

What utter rubbish.


Poachers take them for their tucks.....Females don't have tusks, and most the male Asian elephants from Thailand don't either.

If they get sick no vet?   Same with all wild animals.


They don't mind working with people and giving people rides....... have you asked them?  You think if they were freed to do as they like, with no one sticking metal spikes in them and pulling on their ears, they would walk up to people wanting them to rid on their backs?  Or, walk around playing musical instruments and painting pictures for their own amusement? 


A horse, dog or cat..... are domesticated companion animals.  Elephants are WILD ANIMALS.  Like you would not keep a crocodile, lion or bear as a pet.


Looks at the way these animals are treated... every day of their lives, they are slaves, they are chained up, they are tortured, they are constantly stabbed with heavy metal hooks, they have a human sitting on their necks and pulling at their ears.  When they are not working they are kept of short chains with nothing to do and no contact with other elephants.  They calves are taken away form them after only a few weeks to be broken in in the crush cage. They have to put up with stupid annoying tourists every day.


If you can't see that these elephant tourists camps and shows are cruel you need a reality check.  



1 hour ago, jaywalker said:

Yes an idiot move by the tail puller. Too stupid for words, but I'm just curious who would feed the elephants if they were all turned loose?


Who do you think fed them before they were enslaved or before tourism or agriculture existed?  Who feeds all the big cats in the jungles?  The birds?  The reptiles?

1 hour ago, Airbagwill said:

Captive elephants aren't just "turned loose " they are housed in large sanctuaries where they can live a close to natural situation. I'd play are simply  released back into the wild they will almost certainly end up in conflict with humans.


The so-called sanctuaries are nearly as bad because they're still profiting off keeping animals captive.  At least they don't physically abuse them in most cases.  But if they really cared about the animals, they would release them to the wild.  There are many such initiatives set up to return captive elephants to Thai jungles.  The princess is involved in one of them.  Not all elephants are able to be returned if they are too sick or reliant on humans.

1 minute ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:


Who do you think fed them before they were enslaved or before tourism or agriculture existed?  Who feeds all the big cats in the jungles?  The birds?  The reptiles?

You are right.  


It's sad to see so many people so out of touch with nature and reality.  


Even if the argument about not enough space to turn them out were true (which it is not), then setting up large areas of land as a 'safari park' thing would be an alternative.  Let the elephants live in a huge and natural environment with trees, grassland, river and lakes...... and let tourists be driven around to see them.  Let the elephants do as they want, with no shows or interference (unless they get sick).  


It would even be OK to have a feeding station for tourists to feed them.... at set times in the day, where the elephants could freely choose to come and go to and people from the safety of a raised feeding area could get close to the animals.


Then the elephants have a good life.  The tourists can see them in a more natural and educational setting.  It would help conservation and people could still make a lot of money from the tourists, some of which could go to helping wild elephants and creating more nature reserves here.  It would educate the tourists to respect the elephants and see them are feeling creatures, not some funny entertaining thing.


But, sadly, can't see that happening here.  People are too greedy, cruel and selfish.  Don't care about the animals or environment, and care little for other humans, let alone an elephant.  

30 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

As are a lot of the posts about alleged animal cruelty.

It is easy to criticise from the comfort of a western upbringing and get all lovey dovey about things, but south east asia is a different world old son ( as is Africa). It may be distasteful to westerners how things are done but that is the simple reality and not likely to change in the near future.

So because some Thais think animal cruelty is okay that makes it okay?  It doesn't make it okay.  It certainly won't change in the near future if that was everybody's attitude.


And there's plenty of animal cruelty in western countries as well.  Somebody mentioned whips and horses.  I can add keeping rabbits in small cages.  It's not just an Asian problem, although places like China must be hell on earth if you're an animal.


Stupidity, sheer stupidity. I am not one to cast cultural stones from my little glass house, however when I worked and lived in northern China, I witnessed behaviors that made me wonder if there are any cultural rules and norms there. In that sense unless the Thai government does something to 'educate' tourist from China, 'you ain't seen nothing yet' in terms of tourist behaving badly.


A chinese lady asked me for directions to a hotel.. i looked it up on my phone i told her its a long way 30 minute walk with a few left and right turns.. and said to her take taxi.. she was to cheap to take a taxi..... she might still be walking.



Quality tourists hahah


If there's one thing you shouldn't do with an elephant ... it's pull his tail   !

you can play hide and seek,  paint your toe nails together ....    but don't pull his tail   :shock1:

5 hours ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:


The so-called sanctuaries are nearly as bad because they're still profiting off keeping animals captive.  At least they don't physically abuse them in most cases.  But if they really cared about the animals, they would release them to the wild.  There are many such initiatives set up to return captive elephants to Thai jungles.  The princess is involved in one of them.  Not all elephants are able to be returned if they are too sick or reliant on humans.

release them into the wild so the poachers can shoot them for their ivory.

I think they are better in santuaries .....   where they can wonder in natural surroundings.

17 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

Let those elephants roam freely around without taking rides with tourists.

i feel so sad when i see these elephants with their leg/foot chained to a tree stump, they look so unhappy.:post-4641-1156693976:

22 minutes ago, bodymassagemyfriend said:

Should we protect Chinese from animals , or animals from Chinese, that is the question ...:sleep:

we should also protect the rest of the human race from the Chinese, have you herd how loud they are ?

19 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

What was the nationality of the tourist?

I believe the article stated it was a Chinese group. 


Condolences to the family of the dead person. May he rest in peace. 

I hope there are no repercussions against the elephant. 


And the tourist industry trying hard to get more Chinese tourists? Thais, unfortunately, seem to be quite adept at killing their own, so why the push to get more Chinese tourists in to do it?  :whistling:


Stupid one celled brain tourist! :post-4641-1156693976:


RIP guide.


Anyone remember the UK tourist who teased an elephant by offering and withdrawing a banana?  It's not only Chinese that do stupid things.  Sad thing is it wasn't the fool that got stomped this time.

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