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Retiement visa/work visa

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I am a qualified ESL instructor--university level in the US, and I am thinking about taking early retirement and teaching in SE Asia for a couple of years: one choice is Thailand.

I can easily qualify for the Thai retirement visa, but it strictly prohibits work.  If I enter Thailand with this visa and find a university job I am interested in, is it possible or difficult to change to a different status that permits work?

And conversely, If I enter Thailand to work, and decide not to work, is it possible/difficult to change to a retirement visa status?  If I enter Thailand to look for a job, which visa should I use?


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I would not bother going through the retirement visa process if you do not intend to retire.  You don't need any visa to come and look around.  You probably could obtain a business visa 'for looking around' if you write it up right for a small Consulate.  But most people just come, with or without a tourist visa, and when they find a job leave Thailand and obtain the proper visa with this job information/paperwork.  Would only take a couple of days.
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