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Hey guys, 


New traveler here, soon to be perpetual traveler. One thing that really has me concerned is I've read so many stories of people who have had their laptops, cameras, and other expensive valuables stolen while traveling. I'll be visiting 5 countries over the next 12 months, and I can't help but feel there are a lot of opportunities there for me to lose my stuff to sticky fingers. 


Not too worried about clothes and my main luggage. But my laptops/photography equip, etc. must travel with me, and haven't seen too many security options yet that give me peace of mind.


Curious how/if any of you solved this issue? I know there are no guarantees. And I know common sense goes a long way to helping. But outside that, when I leave the hotel, are there any options you've found for securing larger laptops and electronics equipment? I've just finished looking at Pacsafe and Loctote. But after watching a review of someone who bought one tear into it rather easily with a knife, I'm not feeling too good about that option. haha -  Much appreciated! 


Every decent laptop has a "Kensington Security Slot".  Suggest you buy a long compatible cable which you use to attach to something fixed in your room/bar etc. Not a movable table etc.  Also the solid carry on board luggage type cases which can hold your cameras etc can also be looped onto the Kensington cable.  A solution I have used for years.


If concerned that they might break the laptop casing and damage the laptop in order to get at the bag get your hands an a Bicycle security chain and use that to secure your solid bag with laptop etc inside to something fixed in the hotel room.


The PacSafe mesh pack covers are, provided you use a non-PacSafe lock, pretty damn secure. PacSafe locks are absurdly easy to pick, but just buy a good security lock and you're covered. Another option is a locking Pelican Case. Almost impossible to break into without making a lot of noise, and easy to secure to something non-moveable in your room.  I've been traveling about S.E.Asia for the past 30 years and never lost anything valuable. No need to worry if you just take some simple precautions. Cables are better than chains. Dimple-keyed locks are more secure than pin tumbler locks.  Nothing will stop a dedicated thief, but you can certainly make them look for easier pickings.


EDIT:  I have several extra PacSafe mesh backpack covers that I'll be happy to sell. I no longer need so many of them.


I travel extensively within Asia and have done for years and without tempting fate I have never been ripped off.


My preferred methods include using a decent suitcase, never a backpack,  and I use a security strap as a second level. Both have 3 digit locks but so far so good. I also carry an iPad instead of a laptop and a compact camera (decent quality available these days) instead of a DSLR both of which fit into a day pack that I generally have with me but if going out to dinner then they are small enough to leave in the suitcase. I also use a money belt and carry cash, passport and credit cards.


Good luck.




9 hours ago, canthai55 said:

Buy travel insurance. Back up any critical files to cloud.

Get ripped off, go shop for a new one.

No Worries. No stress.

Thanks for the tip. Good advice, and I did purchase Travel Insurance - However, after calling and getting quotes from 6 different companies, not one of them provided coverage for electronics anywhere near the value of what I'd carry. In fact, most seem to cover a few 500.00 max. on the low end, and 750 - 1,500 on the high end. (Doesn't even cover my laptop, much less cameras, video cams, mics, etc)  A few allowed me to "upgrade" by paying more, but again, still wasn't covering even half the value. That's the problem I've been running into repeatedly. If I didn't have to carry this equipment I certainly wouldn't. But since my work is mobile, well, it's all part of the process. haha - I did grab a cloud backup last week in preparation, so that does provide some peace of mind knowing the important work/files will be retrievable. But it sucks knowing so much equipment is sitting there unprotected.   I'd certainly re-purchase new equipment if that happens, but it sure does suck - But I'll keep searching, perhaps there's travel insurance options that I've simply not stumbled across just yet. Here's hoping. 


Mahseer, funny you mentioned the money belt! I bought one off Amazon back in October when I spent a few weeks in Phuket, and that thing came in so freaking handy! People I was traveling with kept laughing at me, calling me paranoid, and joking about "keeping valuables near your valuables" - Haha - But seriously, as someone who repeatedly drops things out of his pocket, I felt much safer knowing my DL, cc's, and passport were in a zipped, and secure location. 


Best 15 bucks I've spent on travel gear yet. 

5 hours ago, Mahseer said:



I travel extensively within Asia and have done for years and without tempting fate I have never been ripped off.


My preferred methods include using a decent suitcase, never a backpack,  and I use a security strap as a second level. Both have 3 digit locks but so far so good. I also carry an iPad instead of a laptop and a compact camera (decent quality available these days) instead of a DSLR both of which fit into a day pack that I generally have with me but if going out to dinner then they are small enough to leave in the suitcase. I also use a money belt and carry cash, passport and credit cards.


Good luck.





Just now, ImNewHere18 said:

ng with ke

Thanks Folk! Just making sure I'm on the same page here. Is this what you're referring to?   https://www.amazon.com/Pacsafe-Anti-Theft-Backpack-Bag-Protector/dp/B004RJWG2U   (Not an aff. link) - 



21 hours ago, FolkGuitar said:

The PacSafe mesh pack covers are, provided you use a non-PacSafe lock, pretty damn secure. PacSafe locks are absurdly easy to pick, but just buy a good security lock and you're covered. Another option is a locking Pelican Case. Almost impossible to break into without making a lot of noise, and easy to secure to something non-moveable in your room.  I've been traveling about S.E.Asia for the past 30 years and never lost anything valuable. No need to worry if you just take some simple precautions. Cables are better than chains. Dimple-keyed locks are more secure than pin tumbler locks.  Nothing will stop a dedicated thief, but you can certainly make them look for easier pickings.


EDIT:  I have several extra PacSafe mesh backpack covers that I'll be happy to sell. I no longer need so many of them.




Yes. That is exactly what I'm talking about. Yes, it IS possible to sneak a few fingers in between the mesh, and perhaps pull out something like a bathing suit. But no one is going to get a laptop, DSLR, or even your shaving kit out from inside the mesh. At one point I had 5-6 of these, and even use them around carry-on suitcases on over-night bus rides. I've never lost a single valuable item in 30 years of travel.  I still have two extra ones now that I don't use. I'll sell for 2000 baht each. If you want one (or two) send me a private message.



I suggest that you look into getting a portable room door lock to install as you leave your room.  It would be the kind that locks on the outside of the door while you're gone, rather than on the inside while you're asleep.  I see that there are a number of styles shown by googling.


.......just to add I never use those shoe box size safes you see in many a hotel. You know the ones that staff can open in seconds and intruders can rip free and stick under their arm in half the time. I do go to the trouble of setting the combination but never stick anything inside I want to see again. But that's just me.

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